Lazy Bee Scripts

David Pemberton
Working in the Following Genres:
Stage Shows for Schools and Youth Theatre
Full-Length Plays
One-Act Plays
About the Author
David Pemberton has written over thirty plays for adults, schools and youth theatre published by Lazy Bee Scripts and the Playwrights Publishing Company. Over recent years, they have been produced all over the globe - in Britain, Ireland, the USA, Canada, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Costa Rica, Germany, France, Belgium and Italy - by performers varying from amateur theatre groups to schools and colleges.

David was born and educated in Nottingham. Having briefly and unsuccessfully flirted with acting, he was asked to direct a university drama production because nobody else wanted to. He has been producing and directing ever since. Having once agreed to direct a school play for sixty performers, he discovered there was little suitable material available so he wrote the show himself. He has been writing plays (for large and small casts) ever since. Having retired from teaching, he has threatened to write more.

Stage Shows for Schools and Youth Theatre
Dangerous Dolls - The Battle for Santy's ToyshopLittle King ArthurThe Strictly Talent Factory
The Holiday ShowSecret Agent Scout 
Full-Length Plays
A is for ArsenicAngel of HappinessDeath by Detective
Absolute AngelsAny Colour But RedDumpton Abbey
Adventures of Maid MarianCutpurse Moll and the Lonely HeartsLast Train to Sleepy Hollow
Adventures of Oliver TwistCyrano and Roxane 
AmoreDance With The Devil 
One-Act Plays
Abi's ApartmentBattle of the BedroomDeath by Detective
Absolute DandyBlackmail in BohemiaDeception
Adventures of Maid MarianBride with Two GroomsDisguise
American DreamingCaptain Bluebeard's MonkeyDownsizing
Angel of HappinessA Date With DraculaAn Indecent Exposure
Any Colour But RedDead Men Don't Eat QuicheLast Train to Sleepy Hollow

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