Lazy Bee Scripts
Plays for Mixed Age-groups

Plays for Companies of Adults and Kids
Currently, we have 167 scripts designed to be performed by mixed companies of adults and children, all of which can be read in full on this site.  Whilst you are welcome to browse through the whole collection, we also have various ways of narrowing down the search...
By Length (excluding pantomimes)
Full-length plays (generally suitable for a whole evening's entertainment).
One-act plays (by length, not necessarily by structure).  Note that there may be some overlap between the one-act and full-length plays.  We define a one-act play as something that might form half an evening's entertainment, so the one-act category runs from 20 to 75 minutes whilst the full-length plays (which might be used for a full evening) start at 60 minutes.
Sketches, skits and short plays (everything under 20 minutes)
Many pantomimes are run with a mixture of adults and children (particularly those with a chorus).
Here we have flagged the ones where the author thinks that a mixed-age company would be appropriate.
Full-length pantomimes (60 minutes to a whole evening)
One-act pantomimes (20 to 75 minutes)
Very short pantomimes (everything under 20 minutes)

If you have very specific requirements, then, of course there's also our theatre script search engine

Lazy Bee Scripts Home Page