Lazy Bee Scripts
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About Sylvia by Cheryl Barrett
RolesMinimum Male roles = 0. Minimum Female roles = 1. Minimum total with doubling = 1. Minimum total without doubling = 1. No chorus.
Run TimeAround 6 minutes. [Estimated!]
StyleShort monologue - a tender mix of comedy and pathos.
SynopsisBusy mum and housewife Sylvia is sitting in her kitchen reflecting on her life. She wants to 'find her voice' and decides to take up a rather exotic hobby.
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The Actor by Ian Sharrock
RolesMinimum Male roles = 1. Minimum Female roles = 0. Minimum total with doubling = 1. Minimum total without doubling = 1. No chorus. The character is, rather obviously, an actor.
Run TimeAround 8 minutes. [Estimated!]
StyleMonologue. No set requirements, just a phone. Contains swearing.
SynopsisA short monologue presenting one side of a phone call by a wannabe actor who's really just a jumped-up extra. As he boasts of his next big role, he dreams of the opportunities it's going to bring, only to be brought back down to earth with a bump.
PriceFor scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost.  For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here
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The Actress by Hilary Mackelden
Best Seller
RolesMinimum Male roles = 0. Minimum Female roles = 1. Minimum total with doubling = 1. Minimum total without doubling = 1. No chorus.
Run TimeAround 5 minutes. [Estimated!]
StyleComedy prose monologue. Single set (a table and a phone), so could be performed front-of-curtain.
SynopsisA phone call to the director of the village Harvest Festival pageant from an experienced actress who feels, yet again, that she has been mis-cast .
PriceFor scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost.  For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here
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Addiction by John Passadino
RolesMinimum Male roles = 1. Minimum Female roles = 0. Minimum total with doubling = 1. Minimum total without doubling = 1. No chorus.
Run TimeAround 12 minutes. [Estimated!]
StyleDark, dramatic monologue. Minimal set. (US English.)
SynopsisMatthew talks to his wife, admitting his shortcomings as a partner and husband, but is finally overcome by rage.
PriceFor scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost.  For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here
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Albert in the 21st Century by Ray Lawrence
RolesMinimum Male roles = 0. Minimum Female roles = 0. Minimum total with doubling = 1. Minimum total without doubling = 1. No chorus.
Run TimeAround 2 minutes. [Estimated!]
StyleComedy monologue, in the style of - and referring to - Marriott Edgar's 'Albert and the Lion' (made famous by Stanley Holloway).
SynopsisYou've heard how young Albert Ramsbottom
At a zoo, for a lion, was chow
Now here's a lament from Ray Lawrence
Saying things like that don't happen now!
PriceFor scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost.  For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here
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Annie's Love by Robert Scott
RolesMinimum Male roles = 0. Minimum Female roles = 1. Minimum total with doubling = 1. Minimum total without doubling = 1. No chorus.
Run TimeAround 9 minutes. [Estimated!]
StyleA serious prose monologue with no required set, but a few essential props.
SynopsisAnnie is speaking into a camcorder, recording a message for the future - for someone she loves very much.
PriceFor scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost.  For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here
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Another Ice Mess You Got Me Into by Ray Lawrence
RolesMinimum Male roles = 0. Minimum Female roles = 0. Minimum total with doubling = 1. Minimum total without doubling = 1. No chorus.
Run TimeAround 5 minutes. [Estimated!]
StyleShort prose monologue. No set or props, though the speaker is required to dress as a ship! Contains mild swearing.
SynopsisA ship reflects on its brief association with an iceberg in 1912 from its position on the seabed.
PriceFor scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost.  For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here
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An Apple for Newton by Ray Lawrence
RolesMinimum Male roles = 0. Minimum Female roles = 0. Minimum total with doubling = 1. Minimum total without doubling = 1. No chorus. The perfect role for a wooden actor.
Run TimeAround 7 minutes. [Estimated!]
StyleShort prose monologue - no set requirements or props, but some ingenuity required for the costume!
SynopsisAn apple tree gets to the core of Isaac Newton's most famous discovery.
PriceFor scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost.  For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here
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Archibald Page by Ray Lawrence
RolesMinimum Male roles = 0. Minimum Female roles = 0. Minimum total with doubling = 1. Minimum total without doubling = 1. No chorus.
Run TimeAround 4 minutes. [Estimated!]
StyleRhyming comedy monologue
SynopsisArchibald Page is an aspiring actor whose can't get any work because his face doesn't fit. He visits a plastic surgeon and subsequently has a run-in with a punch-line!
PriceFor scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost.  For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here
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Around The Fridge In Eighty Calories by Cheryl Barrett
RolesMinimum Male roles = 0. Minimum Female roles = 1. Minimum total with doubling = 1. Minimum total without doubling = 1. No chorus.
Run TimeAround 6 minutes. [Estimated!]
StyleComedy monologue for a woman who is larger than she thinks she should be.
SynopsisKate contemplates changes to her weekly shopping list since starting her latest slimming group.
PriceFor scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost.  For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here
Click here to read the script or Click here for more details.

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