A Christmas Cracker by Andrew Yates |
Roles | Minimum Male roles = 5. Minimum Female roles = 7. Minimum total with doubling = 21. Minimum total without doubling = 27. Chorus. More chorus members may be added in - at Producer's discretion. |
Run Time | Around 35 minutes. [Estimated!] |
Music | Song suggestions for 7 songs are included with the Producer's copy of the script. Lazy Bee Scripts does not supply any sheet music with this script. |
Style | A one act, Christmas variety show, suitable for schools - children aged 5 to 12. |
Synopsis | A lighthearted Christmas-themed show for children with singing, snow and comedy in roughly equal measure. |
Price | For scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost. For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here |
Extras | The following additional items are available (at extra cost) to go with this script: ** A set of MP3 files with piano arrangements of songs from the show ** Backing tracks of songs from the show as MP3 files
Click here to read the script or Click here for more details. |
Macbeth The Musical by Gerald P. Murphy |
Roles | Minimum Male roles = 4. Minimum Female roles = 5. Minimum total with doubling = 9. Minimum total without doubling = 10. No chorus. |
Run Time | Around 25 minutes. [Estimated!] |
Music | All songs included in the script are provided with the Producer's copy of the script. |
Style | A one act musical play for older children, with simple settings. |
Synopsis | Seeking a plot on which to base a musical, two young writers decide that the Scottish Play would be an ideal choice for their tragical comedy musical farce . It turns out as such... |
Price | For scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost. For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here |
Extras | The following additional items are available (at extra cost) to go with this script: ** A 'rehearsal CD' with piano arrangements of songs from the show
Click here to read the script or Click here for more details. |
The Wolf Who Cried Boy by George Douglas Lee |
Roles | Minimum Male roles = 4. Minimum Female roles = 5. Minimum total with doubling = 12. Minimum total without doubling = 15. Chorus. A mixture of real and fairy tale characters. Aimed at a family audience. Could be played by children, by adults or by a mixture of adults and children. (There, who does that leave out?) |
Run Time | Around 65 minutes. [Estimated!] |
Music | Piano and vocal scores for 8 original songs are provided with the Producer's Copy of the script. (Part of the 'Master Scripts for Copying' and 'Performance Set of Scripts' packages.) |
Style | Musical play in one act. |
Synopsis | The Big Bad Wolf is past his prime and has no respect from anyone. He wishes he could be a little boy, a human boy, but when the wish is granted he finds life as a boy isn't the idyll he'd been hoping for. |
Price | For scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost. For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here |
Extras | The following additional items are available (at extra cost) to go with this script: ** A 'rehearsal CD' with piano arrangements of songs from the show
Click here to read the script or Click here for more details. |
The Bullies at Sam's Café by Stuart Ardern |
Roles | Minimum Male roles = 0. Minimum Female roles = 0. Minimum total with doubling = 8. Minimum total without doubling = 19. Chorus. There are three distinct chorus groups with flexible number - the piece was designed to be performed by a whole class. All roles are gender-neutral. |
Run Time | Around 20 minutes. [Estimated!] |
Music | Sheet music for two original songs is included with the Producer's Copy of the script. |
Style | Short one-act play for primary school children, with two songs. Nominally two sets, but no specific scenery, and only simple props. |
Synopsis | A bully with a gang disturbs the staff and customers at Sam's café, but when the bullies get into trouble, should Sam and his friends help them? |
Price | For scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost. For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here |
Extras | The following additional items are available (at extra cost) to go with this script: ** A set of MP3 files with piano arrangements of songs from the show ** ZIP file containing MP3 tracks for the two songs from 'The Bullies at Sam's Cafe'. (The files are backing tracks, without any vocals.) ** ZIP file containing vocal demo MP3 tracks for the two songs from 'The Bullies at Sam's Cafe' by Stuart Ardern. ** Rehearsal tracks - simple accompaniment with an instrument playing the vocal line - plus vocal demo tracks for the two songs from The Bullies at Sam's Café by Stuart Ardern.
Click here to read the script or Click here for more details. |
Minny Pinny Makes a Difference by Stuart Ardern |
Roles | Minimum Male roles = 0. Minimum Female roles = 2. Minimum total with doubling = 7. Minimum total without doubling = 9. Chorus. |
Run Time | Around 20 minutes. [Estimated!] |
Music | Two songs. Words and sheet music supplied with the producer's copy of the script. |
Style | Simple moral story, designed as a class assembly piece (with a target age group of around 8 years old). A small number of central characters and a 'Greek Chorus' commenting on the action with words and songs. |
Synopsis | The farmer can't get to market, the driver can't drive him because his truck tyre is flat and there's nobody to take it to the garage. Minny Pinny is only a little girl, how can she help the farmer? How can she make a difference? |
Price | For scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost. For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here |
Extras | The following additional items are available (at extra cost) to go with this script: ** A 'backing track CD' with arrangements of songs from the show ** Backing tracks of songs from the show as MP3 files ** Soundtrack CD - vocal performances of songs from the show ** CD with backing tracks for the songs from 'Minny Pinny Makes a Difference' by Stuart Ardern (One song is used at the beginning and end of the show. A second is used at the start of each scene with a different musical arrangement for each occasion.) ** CD with vocal demo tracks for the songs from 'Minny Pinny Makes a Difference' by Stuart Ardern (One song is used at the beginning and end of the show. A second is used at the start of each scene with a different musical arrangement for each occasion.) ** Zip file with backing tracks for the songs from 'Minny Pinny Makes a Difference' by Stuart Ardern (One song is used at the beginning and end of the show. A second is used at the start of each scene with a different musical arrangement each time.) ** Zip file with vocal demo tracks for the songs from 'Minny Pinny Makes a Difference' by Stuart Ardern (One song is used at the beginning and end of the show. A second is used at the start of each scene with a different musical arrangement each time.)
Feedback | Click here to find out what other customers said about this script. |
Click here to read the script or Click here for more details. |
V For Valentine by Olivia Arieti |
Roles | Minimum Male roles = 5. Minimum Female roles = 8. Minimum total with doubling = 14. Minimum total without doubling = 14. No chorus. |
Run Time | Around 8 minutes. [Estimated!] |
Music | Five songs with new lyrics to traditional tunes. Lazy Bee Scripts does not supply any sheet music with this script. |
Style | A musical sketch perfect for teaching children about Valentine's Day. |
Synopsis | It's Valentine's Day party time and Miss Daisy and her class are preparing for the event. Unusual guests arrive and help the teacher to introduce the festivity's traditions, nursery rhymes and songs. |
Price | For scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost. For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here |
Click here to read the script or Click here for more details. |
A Brief History Of The United States by Andrew Yates |
Roles | Minimum Male roles = 8. Minimum Female roles = 7. Minimum total with doubling = 15. Minimum total without doubling = 45. Chorus. Slick changes would be required if only minimum cast available. |
Run Time | Around 54 minutes. [Estimated!] Dependent on using all music suggested |
Music | Song suggestions are provided with the Producer's copy of the script. Lazy Bee Scripts does not supply any sheet music with this script. |
Style | An assembly presentation play with eight songs. |
Synopsis | A fast moving dramatisation of the rise of the USA, from the early days of discovery and colonisation through industrialisation and two World Wars up to the present day. |
Price | For scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost. For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here |
Extras | The following additional items are available (at extra cost) to go with this script: ** A 'backing track CD' with arrangements of songs from the show
Click here to read the script or Click here for more details. |
Migration Madness by Angela Lorenzo-Thompson |
Roles | Minimum Male roles = 0. Minimum Female roles = 0. Minimum total with doubling = 5. Minimum total without doubling = 26. Chorus. Whilst the Monarch King is nominally male, he is, when all is said and done, a butterfly, so the gender of the actor doesn't matter much! There are 26 speaking roles, but most of the lines could be redistributed to suit the available cast. |
Run Time | Around 10 minutes. [Estimated!] |
Music | The Producer's cope of the script comes with musical scores for 4 original songs (and one reprise). Two of the scores include percussion to be performed by the children. |
Style | Short musical play for young children. |
Synopsis | An anthropomorphic but otherwise accurate performance piece about the migration of Monarch butterflies between Mexico and the USA. |
Price | For scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost. For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here |
Extras | The following additional items are available (at extra cost) to go with this script: ** A set of MP3 files with piano arrangements of songs from the show
Feedback | Click here to find out what other customers said about this script. |
Click here to read the script or Click here for more details. |
The King's Spell by Sherrill S. Cannon & Kerry E. Gallagher |
Roles | Minimum Male roles = 6. Minimum Female roles = 6. Minimum total with doubling = 12. Minimum total without doubling = 27. Chorus. |
Run Time | Around 10 minutes. [Estimated!] |
Music | Variations on some well-known nursery songs are embedded in the script. Lazy Bee Scripts does not supply any sheet music with this script. |
Style | Class-sized play for elementary schools, embedding mixed-up versions of well-known nursery songs. |
Synopsis | Old King Cole isn't so merry when his pipe, bowl and fiddlers don't turn up. In fact, he's so miffed that he puts a spell on all Mother Goose Land, mixing up all the characters and rhymes. Mother Goose goes to see if she can help untangle everyone. |
Price | For scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost. For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here |
Click here to read the script or Click here for more details. |
Around the World in Eighty Days by Richard Cowling |
Roles | Minimum Male roles = 2. Minimum Female roles = 1. Minimum total with doubling = 20. Minimum total without doubling = 54. Chorus. In order to be faithful to Jules Verne, most of the characters are written male. How you cast them is up to you! (For example, whilst it was not so in Fogg's day, the Reform Club is now open to women!) |
Run Time | Around 90 minutes. [Estimated!] |
Music | Piano and vocal score for seventeen songs and nineteen pieces of incidental music is provided with the producer's copy of the script. |
Style | Full-length school musical based on Jules Verne's novel. By the nature of the story, there are a lot of locations, but these can be presented in as simple or complex a way as you please. |
Synopsis | Phileas Fogg accepts a wager to travel around the World in Eighty days. Armed with only Passepartout (his trusty French manservant) and pursued by a detective, he sets out, venturing via Egypt, India (where he acquires a princess!), Japan and the USA. |
Price | For scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost. For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here |
Extras | The following additional items are available (at extra cost) to go with this script: ** A 'backing track CD' with arrangements of songs from the show ** Soundtrack CD - vocal performances of songs from the show ** Conductor's score and band parts (Clarinet/Alto Sax/Tenor Sax, Trumpet, Trombone, Bass, and Keyboard) for 'Around the World in Eighty Days' by Richard Cowling ** Midi Files for the 36 songs and instrumentals from Around the World in Eighty Days by Richard Cowling. The files contain the band arrangements plus vocal lines. ** Backing Tracks for the 36 songs and musical pieces from Around the World in Eighty Days by Richard Cowling. (The tracks are the orchestrated instrumentals, with additional instruments playing the vocal lines.) ** Vocal recordings of all the songs from Around the World in Eighty Days by Richard Cowling. (Vocals by Richard Cowling and Leanne Cooper.)
Feedback | Click here to find out what other customers said about this script. |
Click here to read the script or Click here for more details. |