Lazy Bee Scripts
One-Act Play Script - Search Results

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Potted Pride & Prejudice by Nadya Henwood
RolesMinimum Male roles = 2. Minimum Female roles = 2. Minimum total with doubling = 4. Minimum total without doubling = 14. No chorus. Written for a cast of 4 playing 14 roles (with one of the men playing the older female roles).
Run TimeAround 50 minutes. [Estimated!]
The original production (with a cast of 4) ran between 45 and 50 minutes.
StyleA one-act adaptation of Jane Austen's novel, designed to be performed in a simple set (just furniture brought on by the cast). Essentially a drama, but with comedy, not least from the casting.
SynopsisMrs Bennet is keen to find husbands for her four daughters, especially when the wealthy Mr Bingley moves into the area. Elizabeth instantly dislikes the snobbish Darcy, and Lydia runs off with the charming Wickham, but not everyone is how they first seem.
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Priceless by Mary Portalska
RolesMinimum Male roles = 1. Minimum Female roles = 3. Minimum total with doubling = 6. Minimum total without doubling = 6. No chorus.
Run TimeAround 54 minutes. [Estimated!]
StyleA very funny, fast-paced comedy. Simple staging on one set, and a cast of 1M, 3F, 2 either – so easily stageable by most amdram groups.
SynopsisBatley Hall is in desperate need of repairs, and elderly Sylvia refuses to let custodians Tom and Anna sell their one asset, a priceless Ming dynasty vase. Tom hits on the idea of giving guided tours to bring in some money, but their only guests are shady characters with their eyes on the vase, and the hall’s resident ghost only adds to the chaos.
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Pussycats by Kathleen Grotzinger
RolesMinimum Male roles = 2. Minimum Female roles = 4. Minimum total with doubling = 6. Minimum total without doubling = 6. No chorus.
Run TimeAround 54 minutes. [Estimated!]
StyleOne-act drama offering a thoughtful take on women in a male-dominated workplace, touching on serious issues while never feeling too grim. Well developed characters in a majority female cast.
SynopsisIn Missouri in the 1970s, Lori works as a 'Mama Cat' - a manager for the Casanova Club. She's been waiting for her opportunity to break the glass ceiling and become an executive, and that opportunity finally arrives after one of the 'Kittens' is assaulted at a party - but can she bring herself to do everything she's asked?
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Relief by William Campbell
RolesMinimum Male roles = 2. Minimum Female roles = 3. Minimum total with doubling = 5. Minimum total without doubling = 7. No chorus.
Run TimeAround 45 minutes. [Estimated!]
StyleOne-act play. Black box presentation in which the phases of the play follow the progress of the women's van. Contains swearing and potentially disturbing content.
SynopsisBrenda and Maxine are taking a van-load of medical supplies, food and clothing to a mental asylum for women in an Eastern European country. They argue and struggle on the long and harrowing journey and finally reach an understanding of each other and the nature of helping people.
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Retirement Plan by Nigel Holloway
RolesMinimum Male roles = 2. Minimum Female roles = 3. Minimum total with doubling = 6. Minimum total without doubling = 7. No chorus. Uniquely, the cast list includes Marmaduke the cat, who is really a sound effect.
Run TimeAround 55 minutes. [Estimated!]
StyleOne-act play. Stage split between one small fixed location and the rest of the stage, on which other locations are overlaid. Includes mild swearing.
SynopsisWalter didn't get to enjoy his retirement - he had to keep working from home because his pension fund was stolen. His daughter never understood his passion for the virtual worlds he worked in, and after his wife died only his granddaughter gave him a reason to live. But what is the definition of living?
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Sassenach by Ronnie Dykstra
RolesMinimum Male roles = 2. Minimum Female roles = 1. Minimum total with doubling = 4. Minimum total without doubling = 11. No chorus. Eleven roles (plus two actors who play themselves before taking on characters), designed to be playable by a cast of three plus a cameo from the director.
Run TimeAround 34 minutes. [Estimated!]
StyleA spoof 'English' Macbeth based shamelessly on Shakespeare's tragedy, stealing many of his famous words and taking disgraceful liberties. One-act, single set (largely a living room).
SynopsisWhen a witch prophesises that Arthur Robinson could become chairman of the bath plug manufacturer he works for, his wife Samantha coerces him into speeding the process along by having his boss clobbered with a saucepan. His subsequent rise to power is hindered by the blood on their hands and rival employee Andrew Duff.
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Scarlett by Robert Scott
RolesMinimum Male roles = 2. Minimum Female roles = 3. Minimum total with doubling = 6. Minimum total without doubling = 6. No chorus.
Run TimeAround 73 minutes. [Estimated!]
StyleA one act, ghost story drama, with a single set.
SynopsisThe passengers from a crashed bus take shelter from a dreadful storm, in an old barn. Unable to find rescue, they huddle together, but one of them is beginning to see visions of her dead sister. Has Scarlett come to haunt Grace, or someone else?
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ExtrasThe following additional items are available (at extra cost) to go with this script:
** Sound Effects CD specifically for this show
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Second Thoughts by Colin Calvert
RolesMinimum Male roles = 1. Minimum Female roles = 1. Minimum total with doubling = 2. Minimum total without doubling = 6. No chorus. (The max. and min. numbers depend on whether the production follows the author's intention and uses a quartet of four female singers to punctuate the action. There are also a few lines addressed to passers-by who might or might not appear on stage.)
Run TimeAround 30 minutes. [Estimated!]
StyleOne-act play, single minimalist set - a bus stop. Few props. A study of an attempted mid-life affair.
SynopsisHarold is waiting at the appointed spot, a bus shelter, for a meeting with his old school friend Patti, and wondering if he's up to having an affair, if that's even what's on offer.
PriceFor scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost.  For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here
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Self Defence by Laura Belcher
RolesMinimum Male roles = 2. Minimum Female roles = 4. Minimum total with doubling = 6. Minimum total without doubling = 6. No chorus.
Run TimeAround 43 minutes. [Estimated!]
StyleA one act drama with various settings - a split stage could be used.
SynopsisA victim of domestic abuse, Hannah decides to join a self-defence class - as much as for a social outlet as for a means of defending herself. With the support of her fellow class mates, whose light touch relieves the tense atmosphere she is living in, Hannah is empowered to assert herself.
PriceFor scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost.  For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here
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The Senior Speed Date by Jeff Bray
RolesMinimum Male roles = 2. Minimum Female roles = 2. Minimum total with doubling = 4. Minimum total without doubling = 8. No chorus. One character is voice-only and can be voiced live or pre-recorded.
Run TimeAround 39 minutes. [Estimated!]
StyleA one-act comedy with a single (pub room) setting.
SynopsisRecently separated from her husband, Joan has been persuaded by her daughter to attend a speed dating evening. She is confronted by a procession of highly unsuitable candidates.
PriceFor scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost.  For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here
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