Lazy Bee Scripts
Pantomime Script - Search Results

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Selfie Beauty and the Beast by Warren McWilliams
RolesMinimum Male roles = 5. Minimum Female roles = 8. Minimum total with doubling = 14. Minimum total without doubling = 15. No chorus.
Run TimeAround 27 minutes. [Estimated!]
StyleA one-act pantomime designed to be performed in individual video recordings to be stitched together to form a show!
SynopsisPrince is transformed into a mean beast (for being mean) and has to redeem himself by making Beauty fall in love with him.
PriceFor scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost.  For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here
ExtrasThe following additional items are available (at extra cost) to go with this script:
** Pantomime Fun-Packs - jokes and games for children, to supplement the programme for your show
Click here to read the script or Click here for more details.

Sleeping Beauty by Jon Dwyer
RolesMinimum Male roles = 7. Minimum Female roles = 5. Minimum total with doubling = 20. Minimum total without doubling = 24. Chorus. Dame assumed to be played by Male, Principal Boy by Female.
Run TimeAround 90 minutes. [Estimated!]
MusicProduction notes list recommended songs. Lazy Bee Scripts does not supply any sheet music with this script.
StyleBritish Pantomime. Slapstick, magic, petulance, puns, parody and visual gags (including the first stage appearance of the pantomime hamster)
SynopsisThe birthday of petulant Princess Briar Rose is sabotaged by Carbolic, the evil ogre and the princess falls into an impenetrable sleep. To the rescue comes the hero, with the aid of fairies and Fixit the Jester.
PriceFor scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost.  For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here
ExtrasThe following additional items are available (at extra cost) to go with this script:
** Pantomime Fun-Packs - jokes and games for children, to supplement the programme for your show
FeedbackClick here to find out what other customers said about this script.
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Sleeping Beauty [10 Minute Version] by Jonathan Edgington
Best Seller
RolesMinimum Male roles = 1. Minimum Female roles = 6. Minimum total with doubling = 9. Minimum total without doubling = 11. No chorus. We've assumed that all the fairies are female and that the King is male, but it's a pantomime, and you can make your own mind up as to who plays what.
Run TimeAround 11 minutes. [Estimated!]
StyleShort British pantomime in prose. (No songs, but the production notes include an alternative ending which suggests a song.)
SynopsisIn this bite-sized panto, the King and Queen invite several fairies to Princess Courtney's christening, but one bad fairy places a curse on the young royal.
PriceFor scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost.  For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here
ExtrasThe following additional items are available (at extra cost) to go with this script:
** Pantomime Fun-Packs - jokes and games for children, to supplement the programme for your show
Click here to read the script or Click here for more details.

Sleeping Beauty [Short Version] by Geoff Bamber
RolesMinimum Male roles = 4. Minimum Female roles = 5. Minimum total with doubling = 14. Minimum total without doubling = 14. No chorus. Eleven speaking parts, one grunting part and as many non-speaking guards as you need for your palace.
Run TimeAround 45 minutes. [Estimated!]
StyleShort English pantomime (though not necessarily following many panto conventions!) Simple sets and props.
SynopsisMalveda, the Evil Spirit, is determined to destroy the royal family. Principal target is Princess Princess, daughter of the household. Despite round-the-clock protection for the princess, Malveda and her evil spells remain a constant threat. It's a good job that roaming adventurers such as the gallant Prince Galliard are on hand to come to the rescue, if required.
PriceFor scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost.  For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here
Click here to read the script or Click here for more details.

Sleeping Beauty [Version 10] by Mary Portalska
RolesMinimum Male roles = 5. Minimum Female roles = 5. Minimum total with doubling = 13. Minimum total without doubling = 16. Chorus.
Run TimeAround 111 minutes. [Estimated!]
Music11 songs, to be performed at specific points in the play, are suggested in the producer's copy of the script. Additional background music can be used. Lazy Bee Scripts does not supply any sheet music with this script.
StyleFull-length pantomime on a variety of sets.
SynopsisThe age-old story of Sleeping Beauty is given a panto twist, retaining the long sleep but making the Prince an unlikable narcissist and his blackmailed servant the true hero.
PriceFor scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost.  For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here
Click here to read the script or Click here for more details.

Sleeping Beauty [Version 2] by Dave Jeanes
RolesMinimum Male roles = 4. Minimum Female roles = 7. Minimum total with doubling = 11. Minimum total without doubling = 14. Chorus. Dame assumed to be played by male, principal boy by female. Some small speaking parts for the chorus.
Run TimeAround 100 minutes. [Estimated!]
MusicFifteen songs suggested in the Producer's copy of the script Lazy Bee Scripts does not supply any sheet music with this script.
StyleTraditional pantomime characters, jokes silliness and heroism. Simple sets, simple props.
SynopsisKing Florestan forgot to invite Carabosse, the wicked fairy to his daughter's Christening. His reward is an evil spell cast on his daughter, which can only be broken by a handsome prince (and he has to rely on help from the village idiot).
PriceFor scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost.  For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here
ExtrasThe following additional items are available (at extra cost) to go with this script:
** Pantomime Fun-Packs - jokes and games for children, to supplement the programme for your show
Click here to read the script or Click here for more details.

Sleeping Beauty [Version 3] by James Barry
Best Seller
RolesMinimum Male roles = 3. Minimum Female roles = 4. Minimum total with doubling = 10. Minimum total without doubling = 15. No chorus.
Run TimeAround 122 minutes. [Estimated!]
MusicThe Producer's Copy of the script includes suggestions for 8 songs. Lazy Bee Scripts does not supply any sheet music with this script.
StyleBritish pantomime - lots of verbal and visual jokes.
SynopsisCarabosse, the wicked witch, sentences the young Princess Aurora to death by spinning wheel, but the good Fairy Sweetheart commutes this to a long boring sleep - a sleep from which the Princess can only be woken by a kiss from her true love. Matters are complicated somewhat by the arrival of a fire breathing dragon.
PriceFor scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost.  For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here
ExtrasThe following additional items are available (at extra cost) to go with this script:
** Video and sound animation of a flying, fire-breathing dragon. An optional extra for James Barry's pantomime Sleeping Beauty [Version 3]
Click here to read the script or Click here for more details.

Sleeping Beauty [Version 4] by Bob Hammond
RolesMinimum Male roles = 3. Minimum Female roles = 5. Minimum total with doubling = 20. Minimum total without doubling = 32. Chorus.
Run TimeAround 120 minutes. [Estimated!]
StyleFull-length British pantomime (with places for songs and dances, though no particular music is specified).
SynopsisThe classic tale of Sleeping Beauty, panto style, with the addition of two quarrelling suitor princes as well as the usual collection of Princesses, witches, brave princes and sleepy kings and queens.
PriceFor scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost.  For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here
ExtrasThe following additional items are available (at extra cost) to go with this script:
** Pantomime Fun-Packs - jokes and games for children, to supplement the programme for your show
Click here to read the script or Click here for more details.

Sleeping Beauty [Version 5] by Julie Petrucci and Chris Shinn
RolesMinimum Male roles = 2. Minimum Female roles = 10. Minimum total with doubling = 20. Minimum total without doubling = 20. Chorus. A version of Sleeping Beauty ideal for any company - with plenty of small parts and chorus involvement to give all abilities and ages the opportunity to join in.
Run TimeAround 95 minutes. [Estimated!]
MusicThe producer's copy of the script includes suggestions for 13 songs. Lazy Bee Scripts does not supply any sheet music with this script.
StyleBritish pantomime in two acts.
SynopsisThis version of the well loved tale purports to be the actual true story told by Sleeping Beauty herself! Well who knows? It coud be couldn't it? Oh yes it could! Corny (and some risqué) jokes abound in this modern version which retains the original fairy tale plot with the addition of some amusing updates like a texting Princess and a frustrated Prince who can't get a signal on his mobile phone.
PriceFor scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost.  For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here
ExtrasThe following additional items are available (at extra cost) to go with this script:
** Pantomime Fun-Packs - jokes and games for children, to supplement the programme for your show
FeedbackClick here to find out what other customers said about this script.
Click here to read the script or Click here for more details.

Sleeping Beauty [Version 6] by Bob Heather and Cheryl Barrett
RolesMinimum Male roles = 8. Minimum Female roles = 5. Minimum total with doubling = 21. Minimum total without doubling = 25. Chorus.
Run TimeAround 110 minutes. [Estimated!]
MusicSong suggestions supplied with the Producer's copy of the script. Lazy Bee Scripts does not supply any sheet music with this script.
StyleA traditional family pantomime with a twist.
SynopsisPoison Ivy, the evil fairy casts a spell on Princess Rose because she did not receive an invitation to the christening. Will our hero Prince Rupert be able to save the girl of his dreams? Will man-mad Marigold Glove find love? The three good fairies are all played by men...
PriceFor scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost.  For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here
Click here to read the script or Click here for more details.

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