Lazy Bee Scripts
Sketches and Short Play Script - Search Results

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The Cautionary Tale of Georgie Porgie by Cheryl Barrett
RolesMinimum Male roles = 5. Minimum Female roles = 4. Minimum total with doubling = 10. Minimum total without doubling = 10. No chorus. The narrotor's lines could be split amongst several people.
Run TimeAround 7 minutes. [Estimated!]
StyleRhyming morality play for kids.
SynopsisThe familiar tale of Georgie Porgie, whose bullying ways lead him to a grave end, is brought to life in an innovative manner.
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A Cautionary Tale by Howard Lipson
RolesMinimum Male roles = 3. Minimum Female roles = 0. Minimum total with doubling = 3. Minimum total without doubling = 3. No chorus.
Run TimeAround 7 minutes. [Estimated!]
StyleA short play with a minimal set.
SynopsisA different take on the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus, here showing the Rich Man (Ozymandias) arriving in torment, only for a fellow sufferer to point out the hopelessness of his situation.
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Celebrating Saint Patrick's by Olivia Arieti
RolesMinimum Male roles = 2. Minimum Female roles = 0. Minimum total with doubling = 2. Minimum total without doubling = 2. No chorus.
Run TimeAround 10 minutes. [Estimated!]
StyleTen-minute play. Single pub set.
SynopsisLarry is out to celebrate Saint Patrick's day, but his drinking partner is a little unexpected.
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Chair of Truth - Lance Boyle by Frank Gibbons
RolesMinimum Male roles = 2. Minimum Female roles = 0. Minimum total with doubling = 2. Minimum total without doubling = 2. No chorus.
Run TimeAround 7 minutes. [Estimated!]
StyleComedy sketch set in a Television Chat Show Studio (which is just a couple of comfy chairs and a coffee table).
SynopsisChair of Truth interviewer Chris P. Bacon in conversation with champion haddock juggler Lance Boyle.
PriceFor scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost.  For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here
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Chair of Truth - Sir Neville Greville by Frank Gibbons
RolesMinimum Male roles = 2. Minimum Female roles = 0. Minimum total with doubling = 2. Minimum total without doubling = 2. No chorus.
Run TimeAround 7 minutes. [Estimated!]
StyleComedy sketch set in a Television Chat Show Studio (which is just a couple of comfy chairs and a coffee table).
SynopsisChair of Truth interviewer Chris P. Bacon in conversation with vereran fighter pilot Sir Neville Greville
PriceFor scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost.  For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here
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Chair of Truth - Tabitha Tritt by Frank Gibbons
RolesMinimum Male roles = 1. Minimum Female roles = 1. Minimum total with doubling = 2. Minimum total without doubling = 2. No chorus.
Run TimeAround 7 minutes. [Estimated!]
StyleComedy sketch set in a Television Chat Show Studio (which is just a couple of comfy chairs and a coffee table).
SynopsisChair of Truth interviewer Chris P. Bacon explores the disordered life of heiress Tabitha Tritt.
PriceFor scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost.  For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here
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Charlie's Last Lap by Frank Gibbons
RolesMinimum Male roles = 1. Minimum Female roles = 0. Minimum total with doubling = 2. Minimum total without doubling = 2. No chorus. Both characters written male, but Charlie, the ventriloquist's dummy, could be played by a girl dressed as a boy.
Run TimeAround 6 minutes. [Estimated!]
StyleShort comedy sketch. Simple set - a chair.
From the Laughter Lines collection.
SynopsisA ventriloquist settles down to watch Match of the Day, accompanied, as usual, by his dummy.
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Charmed I'm Sure by Kate Phimy
RolesMinimum Male roles = 0. Minimum Female roles = 2. Minimum total with doubling = 2. Minimum total without doubling = 2. No chorus. An eighty-year-old lady and her carer (a young lady in her twenties).
Run TimeAround 10 minutes. [Estimated!]
StyleTen-minute play - light comedy but with plenty of opportunity to develop character. Single set (minimal indications of an old lady's living room).
SynopsisJess has called in on Winifred to see how she's getting on and show off her engagement ring. Winifred is pleased, as Jess is a better carer than that awful Vera... They talk about life, the future and, of course, Winifred's pet, Basil.
PriceFor scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost.  For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here
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A Charming Affair by Robert Scott
Best Seller
  Performance by American Theatre of Dubai was the Judges Award Winner, Short and Sweet Theatre Festival (Dubai) 2014
RolesMinimum Male roles = 0. Minimum Female roles = 3. Minimum total with doubling = 4. Minimum total without doubling = 4. No chorus. The waiter is written male, but could easily become a waitress.
Run TimeAround 8 minutes. [Estimated!]
StyleComedy sketch with a simple (indicative) restaurant setting.
SynopsisSnow White and Cinderella meet for the first time in years and talk about their husbands, but soon notice a startling similarity. It's no fairy tale, but things get worse when Sleeping Beauty pops in to tell them about her new man...
PriceFor scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost.  For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here
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Chicken Supreme by Susie Casson
RolesMinimum Male roles = 1. Minimum Female roles = 2. Minimum total with doubling = 4. Minimum total without doubling = 4. No chorus.
Run TimeAround 9 minutes. [Estimated!]
StyleA comedy sketch requiring one simple setting (and some sleight of hand!)
SynopsisWhilst watching a video of a hypnotist’s act Sid becomes susceptible and turns into a chicken. Unfortunately the video recording stops before the vital click of the fingers brings him out of the trance. Wife Betty is finally able to contact the hypnotist to rectify the situation but not without some leg pulling.
PriceFor scripts and live performance rights, please click on the Price Link to find the cost.  For scripts and lockdown videos/streaming rights, click here
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