Lazy Bee Scripts
'Harmony' by Neil Armstrong - songs and additional information.

'Harmony' by Neil Armstrong
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 More about Neil Armstrong 
The following songs form part of the script. Scores are supplied with the Producer's Copy of the script.
Scores for the following songs are supplied with the Producer's Copy of the script.
Song #Song
1Harmony (Neil Armstrong)
Period and Geography
Locations: a non-specific location and England. Time Period: Now
Settings and Set Complexity
Number of Sets: 0
Setting: Village
Set Requirements: No Set
The script includes characters in the following age range(s):
Unspecified ages
13 to 16
17 to 20
 Language Advisory:Help
Swearing rate: less than 1 known rude word per thousand.
We have identified the following types of language in the text:
Mild swearwords
Potential blasphemy
In addition to the text, the "Producer's Copy" of the Script includes the following:
A list of the required properties
Piano and vocal scores for all of the songs (these should be listed above)
Costume notes
One act play (with a song) for a youth theatre group. (Originally commissioned for the youth of the South Shields Customs House Theatre.)
Established as a haven or harmonious living, the village of Harmony is waiting for the prophesied visitors that will declare the village the happiest in the world and bring about world peace. But Lizzy and Bez have dropped in on the vital day, and they will change everything.


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