All scripts can be read in full, free-of-charge via this page. 10 Abbey Court (by Cheryl Barrett) 10 Minutes And Counting (by Barry Wood) 1001 Arabian Nights and a Matinee (by tlc Creative) 12hr Life (by Robert Scott) 2020 Pied Piper (by Stuart Ardern) 21st Century Nativity, A (by Peter van der Sluijs) 22 Hardcastle Court (by Gary Diamond) 2B Or Not 2B (by Bill Tordoff) 50/50 [One-act Play] (by Jamesine Cundell Walker) 50/50 [Short play] (by Jamesine Cundell Walker) A.I. Guy (by Jonathan Edgington) Abandon Ship (by Robert Black) ABC December (by Sherrill S. Cannon & Kerry E. Gallagher) ABC Of Christmas, The (by Andrew Yates) Abi's Apartment (by David Pemberton) About Michael (by Peter Anthony Fields) About Sylvia (by Cheryl Barrett) Above and Beyond (by Robert Scott) Absolute Angels (by David Pemberton) Absolute Dandy (by David Pemberton) Absolute Pantomonium! (by Jon Monie) Absolutely Aesop (by Lou Treleaven) Accessory to a Murder (by Richard Smithson) Accident Liars for You (by David Dean) Accident of Birth (by Trevor Suthers) Accident, The (by Herb Hasler) Accidents Will Happen (by Cheryl Barrett) According To Rumour (by Robert Scott) According To Schedule (by Robert Scott) Accountant from Hell (by Barry Wood) Ace of Clubs (by Garry R. Keane) Ackroyd’s Christmas Stocking (by Alison Clink) Acorn Fields (by Barry Wood) Acquisition, The (by Henry P. Gravelle) Across The Road (by Peter Lancaster Walker) Across The Universe (by Robert Scott) Act Naturally (by Giles Scott) Act Of Living, The (by Robert Scott) Acting Funny (by Jack Burgess) Acting, It’s Not Plumbing… (by Cheryl Barrett) Activity Day - Inclusive of Aliens (by Dian Donovan) Actor, A Director, His Wife and That Cat!, An (by Sandy Truman) Actor, The (by Ian Sharrock) Actress, The (by Hilary Mackelden) Addiction (by John Passadino) Additional Dialogue (by Catherine Shelton) Adolf's Girls (by Frank Gibbons) Adoption (by Herb Hasler) Adrian - The Alternative Pantomime (Clean Version) (by Robert Scott) Adrian - The Alternative Pantomime (Naughty Version) (by Robert Scott) Adventurers' Club, The (by Damian Woods) Adventures in Wonderland (by Bob Yelland) Adventures of Captain Blood, The (by Geoff and Vera Rogers) Adventures of Maid Marian (by David Pemberton) Adventures of Mother Goose, The (by William Arnold Ashbrook) Adventures of Oliver Twist (by David Pemberton) Adventures of the Jammy Dodger, The (by Melanie Roberts, music by Rod Parvess) Aesop's Fables - The Musical (by Gerald P. Murphy) Aesop's Fables (by Gerald P. Murphy) Aesop's Fables II (by Gerald P. Murphy) Aesop's Fables III (by Gerald P. Murphy) Aesop's Famous Fables and Twisted Tales (by Peter Nuttall) Affairs At Meddler's Top, The (by Richard Coleman) Affidavit, The (by Janet S. Tiger) After Esme (by Kathryn West) After School Special (by Donna Brightwell) After the Beanstalk (by Andrew Yates) After The Flags And Bands (by Allan Williams) After The Funeral (by Jamesine Cundell Walker) After the Matinee (by Damian Trasler) After Twenty Years (by Gerald P. Murphy) Afternoon In September, An (by B.J. Edwards) Agamemnon & Clytemnestra: Special Victims Unit (by Dick Caram) Ageing Disgracefully (by Frank Gibbons) Ahmed and the Mummy (by Hilary Mackelden) Aim (by Terry Adlam) Air Raid (by Liz Dobson) Airfield (by Bob Tucker) AKA Charlie (by Frances A. Lewis) Aladdin - Adventures In The East (by Suzan Holder) Aladdin (by Stuart Ardern) Aladdin (Small Cast) (by James Barry) Aladdin [10 Minute Version] (by Jonathan Edgington) Aladdin [Seventies Style] (by Mark Jack) Aladdin [Short Version] (by Geoff Bamber) Aladdin [Small Cast, Short Version] (by tlc Creative) Aladdin [Version 10] (by Rachel Harries) Aladdin [Version 2] (by Bob Heather) Aladdin [Version 3] (by tlc Creative) Aladdin [Version 5] (by Dave Jeanes) Aladdin [Version 6] (by Steve Shaw) Aladdin [Version 7] (by Adrian Barradell & Gareth Preston) Aladdin [Version 8] (by Tina & Robert Burbidge) Aladdin [Version 9] (by Warren McWilliams) Aladdin and Abanazar (by Jack Shaw) Aladdin and Alisha Baba (by Dawn Cairns) Aladdin and the Wishing Tree (by Peter Nuttall) Aladdina and Somebody's Magic Lamp (by Richard Coleman) Albert (by Janice Sampson) Albert and His Women (by Richard Hills) Albert and More Women (by Richard Hills) Albert in the 21st Century (by Ray Lawrence) Alderman Whittington's Cat (by Stuart Ardern) Alekhine's Greatest Defeat (by Vithal Rajan) Alessandro - Renaissance Don Juan (by Nicholas Conti) Alf Factor, The (by David Dean) Ali Baba (by Bob Hammond) Ali Baba [Version 2] (by Bob Heather and Cheryl Barrett) Ali Baba [Version 3] (by Hilary Mackelden) Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves (by Stuart Ardern) Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves [Version 2] (by Julie Petrucci and Chris Shinn) Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves [Version 3] (by Adrian Barradell) Ali Baba and the Four Tea Thieves (by Lee Baddock & Chris Kirby) Ali Baba and the Four Thieves (by Geoff Bamber) Ali The Barber and the Forty Thieves (by Hugh Smith) Alibi (by Jonathan Caldicot) Alice (by Alexandra Slater) Alice And The Cold Case (by Damian Trasler) Alice In Cuckoo Land (by Peter Nuttall) Alice in Pantoland (by Dawn Cairns) Alice in Wonderland (by Richard Coleman) Alice In Wonderland [10 Minute Version] (by Jonathan Edgington) Alice in Wonderland [Version 2] (by Andrew O'Leary) Alice in Wonderland [Version 3] (by Paul Cockcroft) Alice in Wonderland [Version 4] (by Kathleen Thompson) Alice Through the Looking Glass (by Andrew O'Leary) Alice... The Panto (by Archie Wilson) Aliens (by 10 x 10 Writers) Aliens At School (by Raymond Blakesley) Aliens in the Park (by Louise Bramley) Aliens v Aliens (by Sarah Reilly) All at Sea (by Peter Ayre) All By Myself (by Robert Scott) All By Themselves (by Robert Scott) All Exclusive (by Hugh Morrison) All For A Good Cause (by D. M. Kimpton) All Hallows Eve (by Peter Harrison) All in the Past (by Wendy Ash) All in the Stars (by Mark Billen) All Is Not Lost (by Nicholas Richards) All The Little Dickie Birds (by Sharon Hulm) All the President's Turds (by Bernard Scahill) All This Time... (by Jack Hutchinson) All Washed Up (by Robin Wilson) All Your Future Endeavors (by Molly McCluskey) All-Day Dreamer (by Wesley A. Knoch) Allergic Audience, The (by Joan Greening) All's Not Well That Ends Well (by Juliet Devon) All's Well that Ends Well [60-minute abridgement] (by Shakespeare, abridged Jack Shaw) All's Will That Ends Will (by Barry Wood) Almost Correct Christmas Story, An (by James O'Sullivan) Alphabet Trip, The (by Sherrill S. Cannon) Alright On The Night? (by Robin Wilson) Also-Ran Club, The (by Robert Black) Alternate Reality (by Jonathan Edgington) Alternative Life (by Vladislav Nenchev) Alvin And The Queen (by Don Lowry) Always...? (by Alexander Browne) Amateur Killer, The (by Robert Scott) Amazing Adventures of Frog Man, The (by Damian Trasler) Amazing America Roadtrip, The (by Rob Roznowski) Ambition (by Tony Best) American Dreaming (by David Pemberton) Amore (by David Pemberton) Amy's Brief Visit To The Garden Of Earthly Delight (by Tony Best) Ancient Greek Assembly (by Sue Russell) And A Happy New Year! (by Gwen Stevens) And Now, For My Next Trick (by Cheryl Barrett) And The Bride Wore... (by Cheryl Barrett) And Then There Were Three! (by John F. Glen) Androcles and the Lion (by Peter Bond) Androcles et Leo (by Nicholas Richards) Angel (by Naadir Joseph) Angel of Happiness (by David Pemberton) Anger Management (by Robert Scott) Anger Management for Dogs (by Rupert Haigh) Anglo-Saxon Assembly (by Sue Russell) Angry Doctor, The (by Robert Scott) Animal Fables (by Debbie Chalmers) Animal Farm (by George Orwell adapted by Kieron Toner) Anna of Nazareth (by Sue Gordon) Annie's Love (by Robert Scott) Anniversary (by Stephen Scheurer-Smith) Anniversary at Camelot (by Nicholas Richards) Another Cat, Another Hat (by Stuart Ardern) Another Day, Another Gossip (by Frank Gibbons) Another Ice Mess You Got Me Into (by Ray Lawrence) Ant Chant, The (by Michal Y Noah) Anthony And Cleopatra The Pantomime (by Giles Black) Antigone (by Stewart Boston) Any Colour But Red (by David Pemberton) Anyone for Bison? (by Bill Tordoff) Anything to Declare? (by David Lovesy & Steve Clark) Anything You Say, Your Majesty (by Geoff Bamber) Apparently Not (by Hayley Gordon) Apple a Day, An (by Cheryl Barrett) Apple for Newton, An (by Ray Lawrence) Apple Strudel, Chess and Ethics (by Vithal Rajan) Appropriate Clowning (by David Lovesy & Brian Two) April Groom (by Pat Wollaston) Arawen's Dragon (by Martin Hailey) Archibald Page (by Ray Lawrence) Are We There Yet? (by Damian Trasler) Are You New Here? (by S. J. Edwards) Are You Watching Me? (by Tony Frier) Armed Robbery For Dummies (by Paul R. Roman) Around The Fridge In Eighty Calories (by Cheryl Barrett) Around the World in Eighty Days (by Richard Cowling) Arrival (by Stephen Scheurer-Smith) Arrivals (by Liz Dobson) Arrowing Experience, An (by Ray Lawrence) Art and Treasures (by Frank Gibbons) Art for Art's Sake (by Geoff Bamber) Art of Nero, The (by Nicholas Richards) Arthur, Boy-King Of Britain (by Andrew Beattie) Artists Anonymous (by John Passadino) Art's Gallery (by Herb Hasler) As It Was (by Lucy Atkinson) As The Clock Struck Ten (by Tony Frier) As They Like It (by Nicholas Richards) As You Like It (60-minute abridgement) (by Shakespeare abridged by Philip Schwadron) As You Like It [75-minute abridgement] (by Shakespeare, abridged Jack Shaw) Asking For Trouble (by Pat Edwards) Aspects of a Betrayal (by David Pollard) Assignation (by Frank Gibbons) Assignment, The (by Graham Jones) At Least the Trains Run on Time (by Damian Trasler) At the Bus Stop (by Damian Trasler) At the Gates of Valhalla (by tlc Creative) At Your Leisure (by Cheryl Barrett) At Your Service (by Frank Gibbons) Atheist Missionaries, The (by Damian Trasler) Attagirls (by Emma Wise) Attic Room, The (by Elizabeth Anne Wells) Attic, The (by Robert Scott) Audition Anxiety (by Robert Scott) Audition, The (by Sue Gordon) Auditions (by Peter Appleton) Auditions Sketch (by Peter Appleton) Augustin Homes and the Eye of the Beholder (by Bob Hammond) Augustin Homes and the Golden Floor (by Bob Hammond) Augustin Homes and the Lost Juliet (by Bob Hammond) Aunt Matilda Comes For Christmas Dinner (by Richard Hills) Australian Assembly (by Sue Russell) Awesome Adventures Of Percy, The (by Graham Milton) Awesome Award, An (by Nicholas Richards) AWOL (by Olivia Arieti) Axe Of Albion, The (by Nicholas Richards) Axedowne Affair, The (by Owen Marsh) B & B (by Bob Tucker) Ba Ba Land (by David and Fiona Barker) Babbling Brookes: Ed And Breakfast, The (by Robert Scott) Babbling Brookes: Keep Calm and Kerry-Ann, The (by Robert Scott) Babbling Brookes: Rags to Richie, The (by Robert Scott) Babes in the Wood (by tlc Creative) Babes in the Wood [Rhyming], The (by Peter Bond) Babes in the Wood [Short Version] (by Geoff Bamber) Babes in the Wood [Version 2] (by Bob Heather & Roger Lamb) Babes in the Wood [Version 3] (by Adrian Barradell) Babes in the Wood [Version 4] (by Mark Seaman) Babes in the Wood [Version 5] (by Cheryl Barrett) Babies (by Jonathan Edgington) Baboushka (by Peter Bond) Baby Sparklers (by Frank Gibbons) Baciato Dalla Grazia (by Jonathan Edgington) Back Alley Bakery, The (by Kim Watson) Back in the Bookshop (by Damian Trasler) Back in the Saddle (by Janice Sampson) Back to the Start (by Shari Gledhill) Backstaged (by Geoff Parker) Bad Flatitude (by S. J. Edwards) Bad Reception (by Paul Vincent) Badly Drawn (by Alan Robinson) Bag Ladies, The (by Frank Gibbons) Bag Lady, The (by Jamesine Cundell Walker) Bag of Swag, A (by Bob Hammond) Baggy Trousers (by Gill Medway) Bags And Browning (by Liz Carroll) Bags Of A Commercial Traveller, The (by John Chambers) Bah Humbug! (by Tina & Robert Burbidge) Bakers (by Tim Cole) Baking Bread (by Ashley Harris) Ballad of Jessica James, The (by Geoff Bamber) Ballet of Fervour or Perhaps Bingo, The (by Jos Biggs) Balloons in the Bar (by Louise Wade) Bank Holiday Mondays and Other Ways to Kill a Marriage (by Lorraine Forrest-Turner) Bannockburn - The Almost True Story (by Johnny Grim) Banski On The Wall (by Kevin Rye) Banter (by Robert Scott) Bar Wars - Return Of The Sauce (by Richard James) Barbecue (by Stephen Scheurer-Smith) Bardell versus Pickwick (by Malcolm Seymour) BARF (by Richard Moon) Bargain Burials (by Johnny Grim) Barrier, The (by Neville Judson) Bat Out Of Heaven (by Frank Gibbons) Bath, The (by Jim Hollingsworth) Battle of Hastings, The (by Geoff Bamber) Battle of the Bedroom (by David Pemberton) Battlefield Re-Enactment (by David Lovesy) Be Careful What You Wish For (by Jon Boustead) Beach Buddies (by Frank Gibbons) Bears Don't Cry (by Charles Alverson) Beast and Beauty (by Peter Bond) Beast, The (by Louise Wade) Beasts (by Tony Best) Beautiful Day for a Duel, A (by Gerald P. Murphy) Beauty and The Beast (by Stuart Ardern) Beauty and The Beast [Short Version] (by Geoff Bamber) Beauty and The Beast [Version 2] (by James Barry) Beauty and The Beast [Version 3] (by Lynne Jones & Simon Sladen) Beauty and The Beast [Version 4] (by Lorraine Mason) Beauty and The Beast [Version 5] (by Warren McWilliams) Beauty and the Beast [Version 6] (by Dawn Cairns) Beauty Sleeping, The (by Peter Nuttall) Becoming the Drop (by Henry P. Gravelle) Beetlemania (by Nicholas Richards) Behavioural Problems (by Damian Trasler) Behind Closed Doors (by Iris Winston) Behind Their Eyes (by Taylor Seymour) Behind You! (by Sharon Hulm) Being Nice (by Mark Niel) Being of Sound Mind (by Andrew Hull) Being Rose (by Richard James) Bells of Saint Crispin's, The (by Barry Lambert) Below The Belt (by Frank Gibbons) Bench (by Janice Sampson) Bench In The Park, A (by Robin Wilson) Bench Mark 2 (by Emma Wise) Benchmarks (by Bob Hartwell) Benny Manhattan And The Caponi Diamond (by Carol Hill) Bertha and Hal (by Joyce Mulvey) Best Foot Forward, Darling (by Cheryl Barrett) Best in the Book, The (by Bill Tordoff) Best Served Cold (by Alan Robinson) Betrayal (by Bob Tucker) Between Appointments (by Frances A. Lewis) Between Rock and Roll and a Hard Place (by Peter May) Between the Lines (by Erica Glenn) Beware McGruff! (by Skip Chalker) Beware of the Agapanthus (by Robert Brown) Beyond the White Noise (by Steven A. Shapiro) Big Bad and Little Red (by Raymond Blakesley) Big City (by Wesley A. Knoch) Big Courtroom Drama, The (by Damian Trasler) Big Event, The (by Horry Parsons) Big Freeze, The (by Sharon Hulm) Big Idea (by Nigel Holloway) Big Night IN, The (by Richard Marsh) Big Shot (by Jonny Ardern) Bill & Ben (by Richard James) Bill (by Janice Sampson) Bill and Ben the Twilight Men (by Frank Gibbons) Bill, Emmie and the Queen of Tonga (by Philippa Roberts) Billionaire School (by Gerald P. Murphy) Billy Goat Gruff - Play (by Gerald P. Murphy) Billy Goats Gruff, The (by Sharon Stace-Smith) Billy Loves Brenda (by Robert Black) Billy's Will (by Seymour Cresswell) Bird, the Mouse and the Sausage, The (by Peter Nuttall) Birdman of Barnocky, The (by Roger Lee) Birds, Bees and Gooseberry Bushes (by Ray Lawrence) Birdseed (by Ged Quayle) Birth of Womankind, The (by tlc Creative) Birthright (by Christine Steenfeldt) Births, Deaths and Marriages (by Stephen Scheurer-Smith) Bit of a Gossip (by Frank Gibbons) Bit of a Problem, A (by Geoff Parker) Bit of a Turn, A (by Cheryl Barrett) Bit of Light Froth, A (by Kelsey Gray) Bite-Size - Six Vampire Plays (by 10 x 10 Writers) Bl... Bl... Bluebeard (by Mark Billen) Black Combe (by John Peel) Black Widow, The (by Helen Sharman) Blackbird (by Jamesine Cundell Walker) Blackmail (by Lynn Snyder) Blackmail in Bohemia (by David Pemberton) Blackmailing Butterflies (by Nigel Holloway) Blatant Disruptions (by Robert Scott) Blind Date, A (by Rollin Jewett) Blind Date, Inc. (by Gerald P. Murphy) Blind Date, Inc. 111 (by Gerald P. Murphy) Blind Date, Inc. 2 (by Gerald P. Murphy) Blond (by Rob Wellington) Blood (by Nettie Baskcomb Brown) Blood On Canvas (by Richard James) Bloody Actors! (by Archie Wilson) Blue Murder at Gallows Bottom (by Paul John Matthews) Blue Ridge Cinders (by Hilary Mackelden) Blue, The (by Jonathan Edgington) Blushes (by Jonathan Edgington) Bo Peep Gets Shut In (by Jonathan Goodson) Boadicea - The Pantomime (by Giles Black) Board Meeting, The (by Alexis Coward) Boardroom, The (by J W Hughes) Bobbin and the Travellers (by Geoff Bamber) Body Confident (by E. C. Chapman) Bodyworks (by Andrew Yates) Bomber Command (by TLC Creative) Bon Appetit (by Ged Quayle) Bonding (by Geoff Bamber) Book City (by Peter Keel) Book Club Of Little Witterington - After The Fete, The (by Joan Greening) Book Club Of Little Witterington - The Vicar's Wife, The (by Joan Greening) Book Club of Little Witterington, The (by Joan Greening) Booted Out (by Ray Lawrence) Botany Bother (by Nicholas Richards) Bottle (by John Chambers) Bottle Of Sherry, A (by Jim Hollingsworth) Bottoms Up! - The Panto (by Hilary Ayshford) Bottoms Up! (by Rob Wellington) Bouquet For Bethany, A (by Jim Hollingsworth) Bourbons and Other Crackers, The (by Sue Gordon) Box, The (by Alan Tibbles) Boy (by Janice Sampson) Boy and A Snow Ball, A (by Susan Vesey) Boy and His Cat, A (by Susan Vesey) Boy and Some Beans, A (by Susan Vesey) Boy Band (by Margaret Histed) Boysenberry Park (by Henry P. Gravelle) Brace! Brace! Brace! (by Susie Casson) Bradley No Mates (by Linda Stephenson) Brainstorm (by Raymond Blakesley) Brand New Ancient Tradition, A (by Damian Trasler) Brave Saint George (by Kate Goddard) Break Both Legs (by TLC Creative) Break Up, The (by Jamesine Cundell Walker) Breakfast Police, The (by Nicholas Richards) Breaking News (by Stuart Ardern) Breath Of Fresh Air, A (by Kate Goddard) Brenda the Bunny (by Gerald P. Murphy) Brian the Christmas Tree (by Sarah Cowan) Brian's Day Out in the Snow (by Cheryl Barrett) Bride Before A Fall (by Robert Scott) Bride In The Hand, A (by Angela Lanyon) Bride with Two Grooms (by David Pemberton) Bridge, The (by Geoff Bamber) Brief Encounter with Murder, A (by Peter John Cooper) Brief Guide To Greek Tragedy, A (by Nicholas Richards) Brief History Of The Ancient Olympic Games, A (by Nicholas Richards) Brief History Of The United States, A (by Andrew Yates) Brief Lives (by Andrew Beattie) Briefer History Of The Ancient Olympic Games, A (by Nicholas Richards) Bright - A Play About Heaven (by David Webb) Bright and Shiny Radio Show [Family Edition], The (by TLC Creative) Bright and Shiny Radio Show [Robust Edition], The (by TLC Creative) Brilliance in the Room, The (by Phil Porter) Bring Me Sunshine (by Cheryl Barrett) Broken (by Robert Scott) Brotherhood of Big Ben, The (by Robert Black) Brotherly Love (by Sarah Reilly) Brush with Love, A (by Gerald P. Murphy) Brush Yourself Off and Move On (by Megan Boduch) Bubonic Butter (by Frank Gibbons) Bucolic (by Bob Tucker) Bud and Jewel - Busted (by Carol Kline) Bud and Jewel - Predictable (by Carol Kline) Budget Airlines (by Damian Trasler) Budget Cinderella, A (by Peter Bond) Building Bridges (by Colin Calvert) Bullies (by Gerald P. Murphy) Bullies at Sam's Café, The (by Stuart Ardern) Bully Dancers (by Frank Gibbons) Bully For Theseus (by Graham Milton) Bully in the Graveyard, The (by Sarah Cowan) Bully's Surprise, The (by Garry R. Keane) Bump In The Night, A (by Susan Vesey) Bunkers (by Peter Lancaster Walker) Business Meeting, The (by David Lovesy) Busted (by Kev Salter) Butcher, The (by Terry Adlam) Butchers (by Tim Cole) Butler Did It!, A (by Robert Scott) Butterfly Lovers, The (by Stefan Allan and Gill Baxter) Butterfly Shoes (by Geoff Bamber) Buttons (by Susan Vesey) Bye Baby Bunting (by Mark Green) Bye Bye Miss Amelia Pye (by Patricia Gay) Bygone Pastures (by S. J. Edwards) Cabbage Consortium, The (by Jim Pinnock) Cabinet Meeting, A (by Seán Lang) Cadbury Angels (by Alison Smith) Caesar - The Panto (by Jenny Gilbert) Caesar and the Pirates [Full Version] (by Nicholas Richards and Timothy Hallett) Caesar and the Pirates [Short Version] (by Nicholas Richards and Timothy Hallett) Café Fear (by Paul John Matthews) Café Society (by Colin Calvert) Cagic Mup (by Gerald P. Murphy) Caiaphas (by Mike Sparks) Calamity Dame - A Wild West Panto (by Tracy Canavan-Smith) Calamity Dame and the Lost Treasure (by Tracy Canavan-Smith) Call To Duty (by Nettie Baskcomb Brown) Camel Lot, The (by Sian Nixon) Camelot - The Knights of the Square Table (by Richard Coleman) Camp David (by Tony Domaille) Camping (by Bob Tucker) Can Malone Die? (by David Pollard) Can There Be Justice For TJ? (by Evonne Fields-Gould) Can We Stop It There? (by Trevor Suthers) Can You See It From Here? (by Geoff Bamber) Can't Explain (by Steve Smith) Cape and the Klan, The (by Ted Ryan and Tin Penavic) Capers at Cricketers' Copse, The (by Richard Coleman) Captain Bluebeard's Monkey (by David Pemberton) Captain Crimson (by Nicholas Richards) Captain Hook's Revenge (by Richard Coleman) Captain Kelly's Diamond (by Andrew Weaver) Captivating Situation, A (by Damian Trasler) Captive Audience (by Jenny Gilbert) Caradog And The Celts (by Penny Burns) Cardigan Coast (by Louise Bramley) Cards on the Table (by Barry Lambert) Care Home, The (by Jamesine Cundell Walker) Career Change (by Barry Lambert) Careless Talk (by Hugh Smith) Caring for Alice (by Marc Brosnan) Carnival (by Nicholas Richards) Carpe Diem (by Damian Woods) Carrie's Lions (by Amelia Armande) Case of Good Intentions, A (by Peter Stallard) Case of the Missing School, The (by Sue Gordon) Cash in the Attic (by TLC Creative) Cast Is Die, The (by Peter Robbie) Castle Royal (by Bill Tordoff) Casual-ty (by Jack Burgess) Casualty Chaos (by Karen Doling) Cat and the Dog, The (by Victor Callen) Cat and The Monkey, The (by Charlotte Court) Cat Club, The (by Dominique Vaughan) Catapult (by David Lovesy) Catch As Catch Can (by George Freek) Catch, The (by Stan Duncan) Catching Up (by Frank Gibbons) Caterpillar Crawl (by Raymond Blakesley) Caught By Christmas (by Sharlee Glenn with songs by Erica Glenn) Caught Out (by Steve Shaw) Cause for Alarm (by Gareth Rubin) Cause for Division, A (by Stewart Boston) Cautionary Tale of Eva Bird, The (by Ray Lawrence) Cautionary Tale of Georgie Porgie, The (by Cheryl Barrett) Cautionary Tale of Humpty Dumpty, The (by Cheryl Barrett) Cautionary Tale of Mary Contrary, The (by Cheryl Barrett) Cautionary Tale of Miss Lucy Luckett, The (by Ray Lawrence) Cautionary Tale, A (by Howard Lipson) Celebrating Saint Patrick's (by Olivia Arieti) Celebrity (by Paul Mathews) Cell Mates (by Mark Seaman) Chain Reaction (by Geoff Parker) Chair of Truth - Lance Boyle (by Frank Gibbons) Chair of Truth - Sir Neville Greville (by Frank Gibbons) Chair of Truth - Tabitha Tritt (by Frank Gibbons) Chair, The (by Geoff Bamber) Chance Encounters (by Jamesine Cundell Walker) Chances In The Rain (by Robert Scott) Change of Art, A (by Philippa Smith) Change of Career (by Andrew Bawn) Change Of Heart (by Tony Frier) Change Of Plan (by Frances A. Lewis) Changes (by Bob Tucker) Changes Trilogy (by Tony Domaille) Changing Booms (by TLC Creative) Changing Rooms (by Jackie Carreira) Chaos In Wonderland (by Richard Coleman) Chaotic Christmas Carol, A (by Richard Coleman) Chariot (by Chad Bearden) Charles Dickens' Christmas Eve (by Wende Feller) Charlie to the Checkout Please (by Robert Scott) Charlie's Last Lap (by Frank Gibbons) Charlotte Holmes - Future Detective (by Richard James) Charm Offensive (by Cheryl Barrett) Charmed I'm Sure (by Kate Phimy) Charming Affair, A (by Robert Scott) Chasing the Zodiac (by Roger Lee) Checking Out (by Jo Chandler) Checkmate (by Robert Scott) Checkout (by Johnny Grim) Checkout Girls (by Louise Roche) Cheer Up, Santa! (by Helen Spencer) Cheers (by Bob Tucker) Chekhov's Shorts (by Anton Chekhov, adapted Gerald P. Murphy) Chemistry Lessons (by George Freek) Chess as Felony (by Vithal Rajan) Chicken Supreme (by Susie Casson) Chicks and Dogs (by Clive Renton) Children's Christmas Carol, A (by Richard James) Child's Play (by Cheryl Barrett) Chimes, The (by Christopher Brechypt) Chip Off The Old Block (by Liz Dobson) Chips Then! (by Dian Donovan) Choir Boy (by Dian Donovan) Cholesterol (by Charles Stott) Christmas Around the World (by Andrew Yates) Christmas At Petersburg (by George Douglas Lee) Christmas at Thompson Hall (by Anthony Trollope adapted by Peter Bond) Christmas Box, A (by Sharon Jenman) Christmas Carol - The Real Story, A (by Colin Calvert) Christmas Carol [Play for Schools], A (by Damian Woods) Christmas Carol [Version 2], A (by Adrian Barradell) Christmas Carol [Version 3], A (by Michael Morton) Christmas Carol [Version 4], The (by Anthony Paul Lashley) Christmas Carol In 60 Minutes Or Less!, A (by Martin Prest) Christmas Carol, A (by Andrew Yates) Christmas Cat and the Pudding Pirates (by Jeanette Ranger & Christopher Lillicrap) Christmas Cracker, A (by Andrew Yates) Christmas Mouse, A (by Susan Vesey) Christmas Nativity By Class 3B, The (by Andrew Hull) Christmas on The Law (by Martyn Chapman) Christmas Play, The (by Peter Lancaster Walker) Christmas Sketch, The (by Andrew Hull) Christmas Spirit - The Conversion of Mrs Scrooge (by Sue Russell) Christopher Columbus Was A Brat (by Richard Gordon) Christ's Passion (by Hilary Mackelden) Chum (by Henry P. Gravelle) Cinderella (by Stuart Ardern & Bob Heather) Cinderella [10 Minute Version] (by Jonathan Edgington) Cinderella [Sixties] (by Mark Jack) Cinderella [Small Cast Version] (by tlc Creative) Cinderella [Version 10] (by Warren McWilliams) Cinderella [Version 11] (by Bob Heather and Cheryl Barrett) Cinderella [Version 12] (by Peter Bond) Cinderella [Version 2] (by tlc Creative) Cinderella [Version 3] (by Peter Bond) Cinderella [Version 4] (by James Barry) Cinderella [Version 5] (by Adrian Barradell) Cinderella [Version 6] (by Suzan Holder) Cinderella [Version 7] (by Sian Nixon) Cinderella [Version 8] (by Sharon Hulm) Cinderella [Version 9] (by James O'Sullivan) Cinderella And Her Cat (by Hayley Nunn) Cinderella and the Glass Slipper (by Dave Jeanes) Cinderella and the Pantomime Thief (by Peter Nuttall) Cinderella and the Velvet Slipper (by Peter Nuttall) Cinderella Ella Ella (by Hannah Carley & Linda Pullen) Cinderella Goes All Inclusive (by Jonathan Goodson) Cinderella Two - The Sisters Strike Back (by Andrew Yates) Cinderella's Beanstalk (by Richard Coleman) Cinderella's Grumpy Turkey (by Richard Coleman) Cinderella's Missing! (by Richard Coleman) Cinderella's Sisters... Happy Ever After? (by Mark Billen) Cinders (by Geoff Bamber) Circus Daze (by Robert J Withers) Cissie Encountering The Gods (by Sandra Horn) Citizen (by Bob Tucker) Citizen Putrumpkin (by Richard Smithson) Citronella (by Richard Coleman) Clamourings at Giggly Halt, The (by Richard Coleman) Class Act (by Frank Gibbons) Class Divide (by Damian Woods) Class, The (by Michael Pearcy) Clause Fourteen (by David Pollard) Clean Pants (by Janice Sampson) Cleopatra and the Roman Way (by Geoff Bamber) Cleopatra Kicks Some Asp (by Jonathan Goodson) Clerical Terrors (by Frank Gibbons) Clever Clogs Gang, The (by Jim Pinnock) Clock Mender, The (by Ray Lawrence) Close Family (by Iris Winston) Closure (by Robert Scott) Cloud 9 (by Andy Johnson) Cloud In Space, A (by Debbie Chalmers) Cloudy with a Chance of Reindeer (by Alison McDonald) Clowns (by Robert Scott) Clutching at Straws (by Geoff Bamber) Coat, The (by Jos Biggs) COBRA (by tlc Creative) Code Breakers of Bletchley Park, The (by TLC Creative) Coffee Morning Chaos (by Jessica Sandys-Clarke) Coffee Shop, The (by Ray Lawrence) Cold Blooded Killer (by Geoff Rose-Michael) Cold Case (by Barry Lambert) Cold Front (by Alan Robinson) Collateral Damage (by George J. Bryjak) Colonel Blood and the Great Crown Jewels Robbery (by Roger Hurn) Colonel's Wife, The (by Bob Hammond) Colour of Love, The (by Karen Ince) Columbus - The Pantomime (by Mark Jack) Come to the Circus (by Debbie Chalmers) Comedy of Errors [60-minute abridgement], The (by Shakespeare, abridged Jack Shaw) Coming Home (by Roger Woodcock) Coming of Age (by Jack Oliver) Commandments, The (by Gerald P. Murphy) Complete Short Pants, The (by Richard Coleman) Confessional (by tlc Creative) Connection, The (by Graham Jones) Connie's Kitchen (by Maureen Speller) Consequences (by Duncan Battman) Consultation, The (by Rosemary Enright) Consulting an Ancient Doctor (by Nicholas Richards) Contact (by Bob Tucker) Contestant, The (by Allan Williams) Contract Killer (by Tony Domaille) Contracts (by Mike Sparks) Controlling Interest, A (by D.S. Warner) Copperfield (by Geoff Bamber) Coppers (by Kate Stafford) Cops and Robbers (by David Lovesy) Corner Property (by Iris Winston) Corner's Last Case (by Martin Ward) Coronation Fever (by Vince Jones) Corpse for Christmas, A (by Angela Lanyon) Corruption of Patience Undercroft, The (by Stuart Ardern) CosPlay (by Damian Trasler) Costa de los Fugitivos (by John Furse) Cottage, The (by John Dowsett) Could Have Been Worse (by Gary Nicholson) Councillors (by Graham Jones) Counsellor Extraordinary (by Stewart Boston) Count Ferdinand Von Finkelstein's Fabulous Freak Show (by Jack Burgess) Counter Secret (by Clive David Lloyd Williams) Country Fried Murder (by Judy Klass) Couples (by Bob Tucker) Courting Aurora (by Geoff Bamber) Coven's Convention, The (by Stephen Mercer) Covered (by Rachel Ihasz) Cowards (by Stephen Gillard) Cowboy (by Damian Trasler) Crackerjoke Writer (by Paul Richards) Cracker's Christmas (by Jilly McNeil) Cracking Pear, A (by Barry Wood) Cradle of the Cruel Mistress (by Tony George) Craving (by Frank Gibbons) Crime (by Janet S. Tiger) Crime Done in Rhyme, The (by tlc Creative) Crime Wave (by Bill Tordoff) Criss Cross (by Karen Ankers) Crossing The Line (by Pete Benson) Cruise, The (by Liz Dobson) Crusty Bloomers (by Cheryl Barrett) Crying Dame, The (by tlc Creative) Cube Farming (by Damian Trasler) Cupid's Pie (by Olivia Arieti) Curse of the Headless Huntsman (by Robin Steggles & Sharon Hulm) Curse of the Holbrook Zombies (by Robin Steggles & Sharon Hulm) Curtain Calls (by Charles Alverson) Curtain Up! (by Adam Croft) Custard and Disinfectant (by Jim Pinnock) Custom Shrunk (by Dave Walklett) Customer Service (by Avis & Herb Hasler) Cut Above The Rest, A (by Cheryl Barrett) Cut it Out (by Trevor Suthers) Cut to the Chase (by Peter May) Cutpurse Moll and the Lonely Hearts (by David Pemberton) Cyrano and Roxane (by David Pemberton) Da Vinci Raffle, The (by Ray Lawrence) Daddy Dearest (by George Douglas Lee) Daddy's Day (by Robert Scott) Dad's Revenge (by Archie Wilson) Daffodils Make Me Sneeze (by John Chambers) Dagger in a Smile - A Young Actors' Macbeth (by Gill Medway) Daily Habits Mask Pain (by Mildred Inez Lewis) Daisy Does It Again (by Peter Ayre) Daisy Markham (by Janice Sampson) Daisy Saves the Day (by Peter Ayre) Dame Aphrodite's Ancient Greek Panto (by Giles Black) Dance Before Dark (by Karen Ankers) Dance of the Seven Teatowels (by Mike Brennan) Dance Story (by Frank Gibbons) Dance With The Devil (by David Pemberton) Dancing Princesses, The (by Peter Bond) Dangerous Dolls - The Battle for Santy's Toyshop (by David Pemberton) Dangerous Game, A (by Geoff Rose-Michael) Daniel and the Lion's Den (by Connie Scott) Dare to Love A Dream (by Rob Wellington & Linda McKinlay) Darker Shade Of Closure, A (by Richard Charles) Darling Deborah (by Peter Harrison) Darra's Coffin [Full-Length Version] (by Roger Woodcock) Darra's Coffin [One-Act Version] (by Roger Woodcock) Darts! (by Lucy Turmaine) Dastardly Devon (by Deb Meyer) Date Night (by Dana Davies) Date with Destiny (by Karen Doling) Date With Dracula, A (by David Pemberton) Date, The (by Franco Ambriz) Dating (by Jonathan Edgington) Dating Circus, The (by Robin Fusco) Dave, Who's Dave? (by Robin Wilson) David and Goliath (by Ian Sharrock) Dawn Of A New Day (by Richard Hills) Dawn of Remembrance (by Damian Woods) Day At A Spa Resort, A (by David Lovesy) Day at the Races, A (by Will van der Lande) Day at the Vets, A (by Helen Bradley) Day in the Life, A (by Gary Diamond & Ray Lawrence) Day Job (by Janet S. Tiger) Day of Days (by Allan Williams) Day The Woods Came To Dunsinane, The (by Steve Eddison) Daylight Come (by Myrna Moore) Dead Air (by Martin Ward) Dead Loss (by Richard Charles) Dead Lucky (by Nigel Holloway) Dead Men Don't Eat Quiche (by David Pemberton) Dead Ringer (by Stuart Ardern) Dead Shepherd, The (by Robert Pope and Ian Dixon Potter) Dead True (by Geoff Rose-Michael) Dead Weight (by Rob Ricards) Deadline (by Damian Woods) Deadly (by Jonny Ardern) Deal, The (by Jos Biggs) Dear Diary - A Presentation For Christmas (by Aberuthven Primary School ed. Sue Gordon) Dear Diet Diary (by Cheryl Barrett) Dear Lily (by Lorraine Forrest-Turner) Dear Stacy (by Juliana Marie) Dearly Beloved (by Sarah Archer) Death at the Deanery (by Jim Hollingsworth) Death by Detective (by David Pemberton) Death in a Most Peculiar Manor (by Roger Mathewson) Death in Character (by Stuart Ardern) Death of an Angel (by Young Theatre, edited by Helen Sharman) Death of Sherlock Holmes, The (by Richard James) Death of the Dowager (by Rupert Dick) Death on Dartmoor (by Angela Lanyon) Death on the Smug Juggler, The (by Richard Coleman) Death Threats (by Ashley Harris) Death's Desire (by Robert Scott) Debbie and Claire Find a Working Solution (by Frank Gibbons) Debbie and Claire Go Round in Circles (by Frank Gibbons) Debbie and Claire's Men of the World (by Frank Gibbons) Deborah's Party (by Geoff Bamber) Deception (by David Pemberton) Defenceless (by Damian Woods) Definition of Love, The (by Benoni Holt) De-Friend (by Shari Gledhill) Deja Deja Vu (by Robert Scott) Delilah (by Len Cuthbert) Delphi Dilemma, The (by Jonathan Caldicot) Demons (by Frank Gibbons) Deposit, The (by Henry P. Gravelle) Depot, The (by Henry P. Gravelle) Der Vordere Platz (The Forward Place) (by Henry P. Gravelle) Desirable Location, A (by Cheryl Barrett) Desperate Gallery (by Sophie Chapman) Detective Mimms and The Snaffler (by Geoff Bamber) Detention (by Donna Brightwell) Detour (by Kev Salter) Devenish Curse, The (by Geoff Bamber) Devil and Tom Walker, The (by Gerald P. Murphy) Devil in the Detail (by Hilary Mackelden) Devil of a Job, The (by Stewart Boston) Diabolical Duplication of Daisy, The (by Ray Lawrence) Dial Conspiracy, The (by Bob Tucker) Dialogue (by Stewart Boston) Diamond In The Sky (by Mike Standing) Diamond Jubilee 2012 (by Ray Lawrence) Diary Of A Squirrel Hunter (by Peter Stallard) Diary of Adam and Eve, The (by Mark Twain adapted by Gerald P. Murphy) Dick Whittington - Eighties-Style (by Mark Jack) Dick Whittington [10 Minute Version] (by Jonathan Edgington) Dick Whittington [Version 10] (by Julie Petrucci and Chris Shinn) Dick Whittington [Version 11] (by James Barry) Dick Whittington [Version 2] (by Bob Heather) Dick Whittington [Version 3] (by tlc Creative) Dick Whittington [Version 4] (by Richard Thompson) Dick Whittington [Version 5] (by Sean Gilbert) Dick Whittington [Version 6] (by Gareth Preston and Pamela Hope) Dick Whittington [Version 7] (by Cheryl Barrett) Dick Whittington [Version 8] (by Bob Hammond) Dick Whittington [Version 9] (by Warren McWilliams) Dick Whittington and His Cat (by Stuart Ardern) Dick Whittington and His Cat [Adult Version] (by Rob Thorn) Dick Whittington's New Tail (by Sally Brown) Did The Butler Do It? (by Debbie Chalmers) Dieter's Lament, The (by Cheryl Barrett) Different League, A (by Jonathan Edgington) Difficult People (by Anton Chekhov, adapted Gerald P. Murphy) Dig In For Murder (by Angela Lanyon) Digging A Hole (by Geoff Rose-Michael) Digging Deep (by Frank Gibbons) Digging Up Edwin Plant (by Damian Trasler) Digging up the Past (by Chris Hicks) Dinner at Luigi's (by Brian Coyle) Diplomatic Relations (by Geoff Bamber) Dipsticks (by Frank Gibbons) Director, The (by Jos Biggs) Director's Cut (by Chris de Vere Hunt) Dirk Smirk - Secret Agent (by Geoff Bamber) Dirty Prime Minister (by Croft & Barnett) Disconnected (by Paul L. Harwood) Disguise (by David Pemberton) Disloyalty (by Liz Dobson) Diva, The (by TLC Creative) Divali Assembly (by Sue Russell) Do Me A Favour (by Trevor Suthers) Do You Come Here Often (by Richard Hills) Do You Mind (by Allan Williams) Do You Remember? (by Frances Bartram) Dobre Den, Mrs Wilson (by Ged Quayle) Doctor And Mr Rogers, The (by Kal B Sisson) Doctor Hoof (by Diana Kimpton) Doctor Sleep (by Nicholas Richards) Doctor, Doctor (by Jonathan Edgington) Doctor, The (by Gary Diamond & Ray Lawrence) Doctor's Waiting Room, The (by Ray Lawrence) Does My Bum Look Big In This? (by Johnny Grim) Dog in the Manger (by Raymond Blakesley) Dog Sitters, The (by Sarah Cowan) Dog Walk, A (by Ginny Davis) Doggonit (by Tim O'Brien) Doggy Noire (by Jamie Hope) Doing Shakespeare (by Louise Wade) Dominatrix Solution, The (by Jonathan Edgington) Dominico Hall (by David Winfield) Don Q And His Squire Sancho (by Dick Caram) Donegal Calling (by John Peel) Donor, The (by Jamesine Cundell Walker) Don't Bury The Banjo (by John Peel) Don't Get Me Started... (by Cheryl Barrett) Don't Look Back (by Liz Dobson) Don't Mention the Dream (by Damian Trasler) Don't Shout (by Steve Menary) Don't Stand on Ceremony (by Peter May) Don't Stay In There Too Long (by Hugh Smith) Don't Touch the King (by Anna Russon) Don't You Get It? (by Herb Hasler) Double Date with Uncle Martin, A (by John Passadino) Double Deck Of Cards (by Robert Black) Double Trouble (by Sharon Hulm) Double-Decker For Santa Claus, A (by Olivia Arieti) Double-Headed Penny-Farthing, The (by Robert Black) Downsizing (by David Pemberton) Dr Death (by Croft & Barnett) Drac And The Beanstalk (by Paul Barron) Dracula - A Pain in the Neck (by Daniel Krueger & Elwood Johnson) Dracula - The Final Countdown (by Geoff Bamber) Dracula (by Damian Woods) Dracula In Pantoland (by Andrew Yates) Drama Club Must Die! (by Gerald P. Murphy) Dreadfully Good (by Peter Robbie) Dream Holiday (by Elizabeth Poynter) Dream Job (by Frank Gibbons) Dream!, The (by Jack Shaw) Dreaming, The (by Richard James) Driving Test, The (by Frank Gibbons) Droolin' Banjos (by Johnny Grim) Drunkula (by Archie Wilson) Duchess of Argyle, The (by Chris Hicks) Duck (by Bob Tucker) Duck Bread (by Billy Doyle) Duffy's Law (by Louise Wade) Dummy Cabs (by S. P. Franksson) Dummy Run, A (by Robin Wilson) Dumpton Abbey (by David Pemberton) Dutch Courage (by Elizabeth Bell) E for Easter (by Olivia Arieti) Early Grave (by Tony Domaille) Earthquake Drill, The (by Damian Trasler) Easter Egg Hunt, The (by Sue Russell) Easter Story, The (by Sue Russell) Easywings (by Tony Domaille) Eat Me (by Bob Tucker) Eating Out (by Roger Hodge) Echo and Narcissus (by Gerald P. Murphy) Eco Hotel, The (by Robert Hugh Mitchell) Editing Room, The (by Christine Harvey) Edna Clouds (by Ray Lawrence) Eight Seconds (by Stephen Scheurer-Smith) Elephant Jazz and the Intergalactic Spores (by Barry Wood) Elephants (by Paul Bovino) Eleven Fifty-Six (by Michael Pearcy) Elf and the Shoemaker, The (by Peter Nuttall) Elliot Steinway Mystery, An (by Gary Diamond) Elves and the Shoemaker [Verse Play], The (by Peter Bond) Elves and the Shoemaker, The (by JPS Yates) Emergency (by Bob Tucker) Emma (by Jane Austen dramatised by Michael Baulch) Emotions (by 10 x 10 Writers) Emotions 2 (by 10 x 10 Writers) Emperor's Last Victory, The (by Vithal Rajan) Emperor's New Clothes [Version 2], The (by PL McQueen) Emperor's New Clothes [Version 3], The (by Jilly McNeil) Emperor's New Clothes, The (by Philippa Smith) Emperor's New Nose, The (by George Douglas Lee) Emporium - The Story of the Store (by Bob Tucker) Emporium (by Bob Tucker) Emporium [One-Act Version] (by Bob Tucker) Emporium 2 (by Bob Tucker) Emporium 3 (by Bob Tucker) Emporium 4 (by Bob Tucker) Emporium 5 (by Bob Tucker) End of the Ban (by Anne Graham) End Of The Pier (by Karen Doling) End of the Pier, The (by Richard James) End of the Rainbow, The (by Geoff Bamber) End of the Road Pub - a play about Hell (by David Webb) Endings (by Bob Hartwell) Endowment, The (by Susan Scott) Engagement, The (by Rebecca Preen) English Game, The (by Roger Hodge) Enjoying the Outdoors (by Damian Trasler) Enlightenment (by Bob Tucker) Enough Already (by Iris Winston) Entre las Líneas (by Sofía Kin & Pilar Muerza) Entrenched (by Samantha Lierens) Epic of Gilgamesh, The (by Adrian Jarvis) Erica and Me (by Alan Robinson) Escape From Garden Grove (by Mathilde Dratwa) Escape! (by Sharon Rutland) Esmerelda and the Baron (by Leo Finn) Establishing Relations (by David Craig Smith) Esther (by Richard Cowling) Eva of the Golden Hair (by Gerald P. Murphy) Even Numbers (by Tony Domaille) Evening to Forget, An (by Rupert Dick) Every Dog Has Its Day (by Peter May) Every Pantomime That Ever There Was (by Tony Domaille) Everybody wants to be a Cat (by Louise Arnold) Everybody's Talking (by Frank Gibbons) Everything All Right, Sir? (by Nicholas Richards) Everything Stops for Tea (by Cheryl Barrett) Everything's Coming Up Roses (by Cheryl Barrett) Everything's Eventual (by Kieron Toner) Evil Laugh (by TLC Creative) Exam Results (by Caroline Spencer) Excalibur - The Pantomime (by Ralph Summers) Exercise In Discretion (by Geoff Fulford) Exit Poll, The (by Jim Pinnock) Exit Stage Left (by Geoff Bamber) Exodus in XX Minutes (by John F. Glen) Explosion (by Liz Dobson) Extended Relations (by Eric Scott) Extra Cream (by Michael Pearcy) Extra Time (by Nicholas Richards) Extraction (by S. P. Franksson) Eye for an Eye, An (by Johnny Grim) Eye of the Pharaoh, The (by Roger Hurn) Eye Phone 64 (by John Harper) Face2Face (by Helen Spencer) Facebook Anonymous (by John Passadino) Faces on the Cutting Room Floor (by Gene Washington) Facts of Life, The (by Mark Niel) Fairies at the Bottom of the Garden, The (by Kieron Toner) Fairy Dust Up (by Cheryl Barrett) Fairy Tale Adventure, A (by Sophia Holder) Fairy Tale Debate, The (by Richard L. Sanders) Fairy Trial, A (by Robert Scott) Faith, Hope and Bertha (by Daniel Krueger) Fall and Rise of Gordon Grimshaw, The (by Sandy Truman) Fall Guy, The (by Paul Mathews) Falling Apart (by Peter Harrison) Family History (by Deborah Hugill) Family Matters (by Juliet Devon) Family Planning Clinic, The (by Damian Trasler) Family Spirit (by Pat Wollaston) Family Ties (by Mark Seaman) Family Time (by Helen Spencer) Family Vacation (by Brooklyn Fredrickson) Famous People of the Twentieth Century (by Sue Russell) Fantastic Feat of Muscular Manipulation, A (by Stuart Ardern) Fantasy Games (by tlc Creative) Far Away and Long Ago (by Shari Gledhill) Farewell to Annie Moore, A (by Olivia Arieti) Farmer and the Charuba Seeds, The (by Geoff Bamber) Fashion School (by Damian Trasler) Fast and Furious (by Ray Lawrence) Fat Of The Land, The (by Richard James) Father's Day (by Allan Williams) Fear is a Reaction, Courage is a Decision (by Liz Dobson) Feeding the Ducks (by Paul Mathews) Feeding the Pigs (by Hilary Mackelden) Ferndale's Folly (by Jim Pinnock) Fete Worse Than Death, A (by Richard James) Fevver For Me 'At, A (by Ray Lawrence) Fidelity Farce (by Gary Diamond) Fiends And Neighbours (by Anne Graham) Fiery Bride, The (by E. C. Chapman) Fifty Year School Trip, The (by Alan J. Laing) Fifty! (by Archie Wilson) Fifty-Minute Alchemist, A (by Ben Jonson adapted by Bill Tordoff) Fifty-Minute Cymbeline, A (by Shakespeare, abridged Bill Tordoff) Fifty-Minute Duchess of Malfi, A (by John Webster abridged by Bill Tordoff) Fifty-Minute Henry VI Part 2, A (by Shakespeare, abridged Bill Tordoff) Fifty-Minute Henry VI Part 3, A (by Shakespeare, abridged Bill Tordoff) Fifty-Minute Henry VIII, A (by Shakespeare, abridged Bill Tordoff) Fifty-Minute Richard The Third, A (by Shakespeare, abridged Bill Tordoff) Fifty-Minute Titus Andronicus, A (by Shakespeare, abridged Bill Tordoff) Fifty-Minute White Devil, A (by John Webster abridged by Bill Tordoff) Figaro - The Pantomime (by Matthew Harper) Fight for the Future (by Damian Trasler) Fighting the Kaiser with Catapults (by S. J. Edwards) Filming of Das Kapital, The (by Vithal Rajan) Final Curtain (by Frank Gibbons) Final Eppy Log, The (by Laurie Hornsby) Final Motions (by Jamie Hope) Find the Lady (by Helen Sharman) Finding Goddard (by Deborah Hugill) Fine on the Outside (by Jonathan Edgington) Finger of Fate, The (by Peter May) Finish Line, The (by Paul A J Rudelhoff & Jane Hilliard) Fire Pit, The (by John Harper) First Born, The (by Jamesine Cundell Walker) First Christmas In Rhyme, A (by Aberuthven Primary School ed. Sue Gordon) First Day In Drama Class (by Herb Hasler) First Degree Murder (by Richard Crawley) First Drop of Rain (by James Brosnahan) First Impressions (by Cheryl Barrett) First Night Nerves (by TLC Creative) First Rehearsal, The (by Peter Appleton) First Step, The (by Kathleen Maule Holen) First Steps (by Raymond Blakesley) First Time Around (by Colin Calvert) Fish and the Ring - The Musical, The (by Gerald P. Murphy) Fish Have Feelings Too (by Rosemary Frisino Toohey) Fisherman and his Wife, The (by Gerald P. Murphy) Fisherman, The (by Archie Wilson) Fishing for Clues (by Geoff Bamber) Fishy School, A (by Raymond Blakesley) Five Americans, Three Murders and a Poisoning (by Robert Bloomfield Players/Rebecca Preen) Five Black Marks (by Deborah Hugill) Five Days in May (by Geoff Bamber) Five Minutes (by Mike Plumbley) Five One (by Andrew Hull) Five Stages Of Grief, The (by Danielle Vanasse) Flag, The (by Neil Walden) Flaming Liberty (by David Titchener) Flapjacks (by Karen Doling) Flat Spin (by Geoff Bamber) Flatmates (by Barry Lambert) Flavour Of The Month (by Cheryl Barrett) Fleas Can Bite (by George Freek) Flesh and Blood (by Shari Gledhill) Flights of Fancy (by Ryan Curtis) Floor 13 (by Young Theatre, edited by Helen Sharman) Florist, The (by Iris Winston) Fly With Me (by Kieron Moore) Fly, The (by Karen Ince) Fog of War, The (by Joanne Higginson) Fone Home (by Nicholas Conti) Food Rationing Auction, The (by TLC Creative) Fools Call It Fate (by Jessica McHugh) Football Manager, The (by Damian Trasler) For Both of Us (by Peter Vincent) For My Final Act (by Cheryl Barrett) For Sale - Baby Shoes - Never Worn (by Damian Trasler) For the Good of the Family (by George Douglas Lee) For The Greater Good (by Aviva Philipp-Muller) For the Love of April (by Evonne Fields-Gould) For The Love Of Art (by Robert Scott) For Your Tomorrow (by Peter Ayre) Forgive Our Foolish Ways (by Shari Gledhill) Fork In The Road (by Herb Hasler) Format Too Far, A (by David Lovesy) Fortune Teller, The (by Noel Broderick) Forty-Minute All's Well That Ends Well, A (by Shakespeare, abridged Bill Tordoff) Forty-Minute Antony and Cleopatra, A (by Shakespeare, abridged Bill Tordoff) Forty-Minute Coriolanus, A (by Shakespeare, abridged Bill Tordoff) Forty-Minute Henry IV Part 1, A (by Shakespeare, abridged Bill Tordoff) Forty-Minute Henry IV Part 2, A (by Shakespeare, abridged Bill Tordoff) Forty-Minute Henry V, A (by Shakespeare, abridged Bill Tordoff) Forty-Minute Henry VI Part 1, A (by Shakespeare, adapted by Bill Tordoff) Forty-Minute King John, A (by Shakespeare, abridged Bill Tordoff) Forty-Minute King Lear, A (by Shakespeare, abridged Bill Tordoff) Forty-Minute Love's Labour's Lost, A (by Shakespeare, abridged Bill Tordoff) Forty-Minute Merry Wives of Windsor, A (by Shakespeare, abridged Bill Tordoff) Forty-Minute Othello, A (by Shakespeare, abridged Bill Tordoff) Forty-Minute Pericles, A (by Shakespeare, abridged Bill Tordoff) Forty-Minute Richard II, A (by Shakespeare, abridged Bill Tordoff) Forty-Minute Timon of Athens, A (by Shakespeare, abridged Bill Tordoff) Forty-Minute Troilus and Cressida, A (by Shakespeare, abridged Bill Tordoff) Forty-Minute Two Gentlemen of Verona, A (by Shakespeare, abridged Bill Tordoff) Forty-Minute Volpone, A (by Ben Jonson abridged by Bill Tordoff) Forty-Minute Winter's Tale, A (by Shakespeare, abridged Bill Tordoff) Forty-Two (by Amanda Giles) Four Musketeers, The (by Pat Wollaston) Four Sinister Bookworms (by Paul John Matthews) Four Yorkshiremen of the Apocalypse, The (by Damian Trasler) Fourth Princess, The (by Geoff Bamber) Fragrant Friend (by Frank Gibbons) Frame That Fits, A (by William Campbell) Framed In A Window (by John Chambers) Frank Sent This... (by Aaron Warren) Frankenstein - The Monster Musical (by George Douglas Lee) Frankenstein - The Pantomime (by Martin Hailey) Frankenstein Abridged (by Richard Brinsley Peake ab. Dwayne Lawler) Frankenstein, A Musical Comedy (by Gerald P. Murphy) Frankenstein's Last Chance (by Geoff Bamber) Franny and Jonty’s Christmas Cook Off (by Cheryl Barrett) Free For Hall (by Cheryl Barrett) Free Time (by Helen Foster) Frequently Asked Questions (by Peter Harrison) Freshly Laid (by Frank Gibbons) Freya's Necklace (by Jonathan Edgington) Friday Night Radio Play, The (by Damian Trasler) Friend of Ronnie's, A (by David Barry) Friendly Bombs (by Nicolas Ridley) Friends (by David Dunn) Fright Size - Twelve Ghost Plays (by 10 x 10 Writers) Frinton Fryer, The (by Jim Pinnock) Frog Prince, The (by Andrew O'Leary) Frog Princess, The (by Trevor Suthers (songs by Paul O'Neill)) Frog Too Far, A (by Nicholas Richards) Frogs (by Karen Ankers) From Bad to Worse (by Cheryl Barrett) From Here to Maternity (by Andrew Yates) Frozen Fish Sticks (by Rosemary Frisino Toohey) Frumps-a-Daisy (by Susan Vesey) Frustrated Poet, The (by Damian Trasler) Frying Nemo (by Amelia Armande) Full Circle (by Herb Hasler) Full Speed Ahead (by Barry Lambert) Fumblings at Friar's Bottom, The (by Richard Coleman) Fundraiser (by David Lovesy) Funeral for the Cat (by B. G. Craig) Further Education (by Pete Barrett) Future Gazing (by Robert Black) Future, The (by Andrew Harrison) Gabriel-Ernest (by Tony Best) Gala Programme, The (by Tony Best) Galileo & Co. (by Olivia Arieti) Gallery (by Stewart Boston) Gallery Attendants (by Simon Michael-Morgan) Gallinsay (by Nicholas Richards) Game - Love (by Dominique Vaughan) Game is a Foote, The (by Peter Robbie) Game of Love, The (by Mark Seaman) Game of Murder, The (by Deborah Hugill) Game, The (by Mary Stone) Gangster Game, The (by Kitty Harper) Garden Gossip (by Frank Gibbons) Gardener's Tale, The (by Mike Sparks) Gate Thirteen (by Tony Frier) Gateau In Garda (by Anne Graham) Generation Game, The (by Alan J. Laing) Generation Gap, The (by Sheena Weitzel) Gentleman Moll (by Gill Medway) Gentlemen Callers (by Pam Mackenzie) Gentlemen of the Press, The (by Stuart Ardern) Georgina and the Dragon (by Geoff Bamber) Geraldine's Fine Art (by Frank Gibbons) Gerald's Bench (by Allan Williams) Germs (by Andy Johnson) Gerri And The Atrics (by Charles Alverson) Get Staffed (by Frank Gibbons) Get to Dance (by Frank Gibbons) Getoutofmyfacedotcom (by Damian Trasler) Getting Away From It All (by Peter Lancaster Walker) Getting It Off (by Ray Lawrence) Getting It Right (by Roger Lee) Getting On (by Frank Gibbons) Ghost Letter, The (by Mike Plumbley) Ghost Of Sandy O'Grady, The (by Richard Hills) Ghost Walk (by Gary Diamond) Ghosts at the Grange (by Karen Doling) Ghosts of Halfway House, The (by Richard James) Ghosts of Marvin Grange, The (by Richard Coleman) Giant Wolverine, The (by Nicholas Richards) Gift Horse, A (by Tony Domaille) Gifts (by Bob Tucker) Gino of the Lamp (by Paul Bovino) Girl Next Door, A (by Rupert Dick) Girls Are Back in Town, The (by Jonathan Edgington) Girls' Night (by Louise Roche) Girls' Talk (by Frank Gibbons) Give Her One From Me (by Croft & Barnett) Give Me the Money (by Stephen Murphy) Give Us A Sign (by Tony Domaille) Gladiator In The House, A (by John Waterhouse) Glass Spider, The (by Cressida Peever) Glitz (by Damian Woods) Global Wetting (by Nicholas Richards) Gloves Are Off, The (by Cheryl Barrett) Godfather Christmas (by tlc Creative) God's Messenger Department (by Bill Siviter) God's Minstrel (by Joseph P. Ritz) Gods, The (by Tony Domaille) Going Digital (by E. C. Chapman) Going Down (by Frank Gibbons) Going Out (by Sarah Reilly) Going Places (by Liz Dobson) Going Underground (by Christopher Morgan) Going Up? (by Rosemary Frisino Toohey) Going, Going, Gone (by John Peel) Gold Cup Week (by Peter Green) Gold! (by Kate Stafford) Golden Bell, The (by Dave Jeanes) Golden Galah, The (by Richard Ward) Golden Goose, The (by Philippa Smith) Golden Touch - And Other Tales, The (by Nicholas Richards) Golden Years, The (by Joe Starzyk) Goldie Locks (by Sharon Hulm) Goldilocks and the Three Bears (by tlc Creative) Goldilocks and the Three Bears [Rhyme] (by Peter Bond) Goldilocks and the Three Bears [Version 2] (by Peter Bond) Goldilocks And The Three Bears [Version 3] (by Warren McWilliams) Goldilocks, Three Bears and the Detectives (by Juliet Devon) Goldilocks: Bears All (by Jonathan Goodson) Golf War Widows, The (by Damian Trasler) Golfer (by Graham Jones) Gone (by Jonathan Edgington) Good Advice (by Olivia Arieti) Good Elves Gone Bad (by Sue Gordon) Good Enough (by Karen Ankers) Good For Something (by George Freek) Good For The Soul (by Roger Lee) Good King Richard (by Ian Dixon Potter) Good King Wenceslas (by Christine Harvey) Good Man, A (by Megan Ott) Good Old Days?, The (by Liz Dobson) Good, The Bad and The Panto, The (by Paul Barron) Good, The Bad And The Ugly Sisters - The Panto, The (by Andrew Yates) Good, The Bad, And The Ugly Sisters, The (by Sian Lewis) Goodbridge Million, The (by Sean Dooley) Goodbye, Again (by Molly McCluskey) Goose Joose (by Russell Gillman) Gossip, The (by Gerald P. Murphy) Grace - A Monologue (by Frank Flynn) Grandma at the Village Fete (by Cheryl Barrett) Grandma's Day Out (by Cheryl Barrett) Grave Matters (by Peter Stallard) Great British Panto Chase-Off Quiz, The (by Cheryl Barrett) Great Christmas Cracker Heist, The (by Jamie Lakritz) Great Divide, The (by Howard Lipson) Great Explorations (by Karen Ince) Great Fairytale Robbery, The (by Eric Scott, John Regan & Deanne Scott) Great Gold Dust Conspiracy, The (by David Churchyard) Great Mallard, The (by Martin Clare) Great Moments in History, Number 1 (by Jack Burgess) Great Moments in History, Number 2 (by Jack Burgess) Great Moments in History, Number 3 (by Jack Burgess) Great Moments in History, Number 4 (by Jack Burgess) Great Moments in History, Number 5 (by Jack Burgess) Great Outdoors, The (by Nicholas Richards) Greatest Form of Flattery, The (by Amelia Armande) Greatest Invention In History, The (by Damian Trasler) Grecian Cat (by Erica Glenn) Greece! - The Musical (by Sue Gordon) Greece! - The Play (by Sue Gordon) Green Bikini, The (by Alexis Coward) Green For Ever and Longer (by Raymond Blakesley) Green Things in Space (by Paul Gisby) Greens with Envy (by Ben Francis) Greeting Cards (by Frank Flynn) Gregory For Mayor (by Keith Passmore) Grilling, The (by Barry Lambert) Grimm Night for Hans Christian Andersen (Musical), A (by Sue Gordon) Grimm Night for Hans Christian Andersen (Play), A (by Sue Gordon) Grimm Sisters (by Gill Medway) Grimm Tales - For Little Horrors (by Peter Nuttall) Growing Up With Martin (by Paul Richards) Gruff - The Musical (by Gerald P. Murphy) Guernica Goodbye (by William Campbell) Guest House, The (by P. B. Stenson) Guests, The (by Carolyn Drury) Guidance (by Bob Tucker) Guide to Survival (by Gill Medway) Guilt (by Robbie Flowers) Guy Fawkes Assembly (by Sue Russell) H for Halloween (by Olivia Arieti) Hack (by Andy Haynes) Hair of the Dog (by Molly McCluskey) Half Measures (by Peter Harrison) Halloween in the Lighthouse (by Olivia Arieti) Halloween Party Time (by Olivia Arieti) Hamelin Rats - The Musical (by Gerald P. Murphy) Hamlet - What Was The Question? (by Geoff Bamber) Hamlet auf Deutsch (by Nicholas Richards) Hamlet the Musical (by Gerald P. Murphy) Handfast, The (by Louise Wade) Handstands For You (by Adam Exton) Hang-Up, The (by Helen Gent) Hannah the Horrible (by Gerald P. Murphy) Hans and Gretel (by Paul John Matthews) Hansel & Gretel [Version 5] (by Andrew O'Leary) Hansel & Gretel...? (A Postmodern Pantomime) [One-Act] (by Luke Reilly) Hansel and Gretel - A Short Musical (by Gerald P. Murphy) Hansel and Gretel (by Sally Gander) Hansel and Gretel [Short Play] (by Geoff Bamber) Hansel and Gretel [Verse] (by Peter Bond) Hansel and Gretel [Version 2] (by James O'Sullivan) Hansel and Gretel [Version 3] (by Archie Wilson) Hansel And Gretel [Version 4] (by Dawn Cairns) Hansel and Gretel... and Sadie (by Steven Stack) Hansel and Gretel...? (A Postmodern Pantomime) [Full-Length] (by Luke Reilly) Hansom and Petal (by Anne Bourke) Happiest Day of Your Life, The (by Stephen Gillard) Happily Ever After (by Jon Boustead) Happiness (by Paul Mathews) Happy Campers (by Richard James) Happy Christmas Shirley (by Louise Roche) Happy Ever After (by Tim Wilkinson) Happy Families (by David Allan) Happy Wanderers, The (by Dawn Cairns) Hard Feelings (by David John Manning) Harmony (by Neil Armstrong) Harpington Toad Fanciers' Social, The (by John Waterhouse) Harsh Lights (by Ashley Harris) Harvest (by Andrew Yates) Hats Off! - The Musical (by Sue Gordon) Hats Off! - The Play (by Sue Gordon) Haunted Cabin, The (by Matthew Lynch) Haunted Haunting, A (by Herb Hasler) Haunting of Hardup Hall, The (by David Lovesy & Steve Clark) Have You Any Bread? (by Jos Biggs) Have You Seen My Little Lamb? (by Sherrill S. Cannon) He and She (by Frank Gibbons) He Can't Tell You (by George Freek) He Deserves It (by George Freek) Heading Home (by David Lovesy) Health and Safety (by Nicholas Richards) Health and Safety Inspector, The (by TLC Creative) Hearts and Minds (by E. C. Chapman) Heart-Shaped Cushion, A (by Louise Wade) Heaven's Gate (by Hilary Mackelden) Heaven's Waiting Room (by Gary Diamond) Heedless Spirits (by Jenny Gilbert) Hefty the Elephant (by Robert Black) Heir for the King, An (by Wesley A. Knoch) Heir on a Shoestring (by Ian Sharrock) Heksejag (by S. Ardern (vertaal deur Ronèl de Beer)) Hello, Nice To Meet You, Goodbye (by Ashley Harris) Help for Greek Heroes (by Tony Domaille) Help Me Get Over You (by Rollin Jewett) Help! I've a Sausage Up My Nose! (by Billy Doyle) Helping Hand, A (by Peter Hale) Henry and the Rocket (by Eseld Swift) Henry V Revisited (by David Baldwin) Henry VIII (by Archie Wilson) Henry VIII and his Six Wives - Mini Plays (by Sue Russell) Henry VIII Assembly (by Sue Russell) Henry VIII Meets His Match (by Roger Hurn) Henry's Magic Jam (by Ian McCutcheon) Here I Sit All Alone, I Think I'll Play My Xylophone (by Martin Alcock) Heretic Queen, The (by Vithal Rajan) Herself (by Joanne Higginson) He's Coming To Dinner (by JPS Yates) He's Dead (by Peter John Cooper) Hi Santa, Remember Me? (by Trevor Suthers) Hickory Dickory Dock (by Luke Reilly) High Hopes (by William Campbell) High School Hindsight (by Scott Haan) High Steaks (by Andrew Bawn) High Tea (by Peter Stallard) Highly Strung (by AJ Deane) Highwayman, The (by Martin Sims) Hijacked Fairytales (by Kevin Jannetts) His Shoes Were Far Too Tight (by John Chambers) Hissed Off (by Frank Gibbons) History Lesson for Turkey Boy, A (by Olivia Arieti) History Of The Olympic Games - A Class Play, A (by Sue Russell) History of the Olympics - Readers' Theatre, A (by Sue Russell) Hit Man (by TLC Creative) Hit or Miss (by Barry Lambert) Hitchhiker, The (by David Lovesy) Hobby Room, The (by David Lewis) Holding Up A Mirror (by Wally Smith) Hole in the Wall (by George Douglas Lee) Holiday (by Colin Calvert) Holiday Lets (by Jenny Scott) Holiday Show, The (by David Pemberton) Hollingsborough Children's School Nativity Play (by Archie Wilson) Hologram (by Jonathan Edgington) Home Health (by George Douglas Lee) Home, Sweet Home (by Adam Croft) Honeyrose and Hayseed (by Ged Quayle) Honorable Knight, The (by Stewart Boston) Hood - The Sequel (by Geoff Bamber) Hood (by Geoff Bamber) Hoodwinked (by Andrew Yates) Hook and Peter Pan - How it all began (by Giles Scott, Helen Dooley and Bob Walsh) Hope - A Monologue (by Frank Flynn) Hornet Girl (by Geoff Bamber) Horrible Hot Air Homicide, The (by Ray Lawrence) Horrific Case Of Mr Valdemar, The (by Edgar Allen Poe - adapted Richard Layton) Horror-scopes (by David Lovesy) Horseplay (by Graham Jones) Hot Air (by Mary Portalska) Hot and Sweet (by Liz Dobson) Hot Tub, The (by Brian Coyle) Hotel Casablanca (by S. J. Edwards) Hotel Mikado (by S. P. Franksson) Hound Dog (by Ginny Davis) Hound Of The Baskervilles [Version 2], The (by Matthew Harper) Hound Of The Baskervilles, The (by Richard Coleman) Hour You Won't Get Back, An (by tlc Creative) House Amongst The Willows, The (by Robert Scott) House Rules (by Jos Biggs) How Did That Get In My Locker? (by Andrew M. Frodahl) How Does Your Garden Grow? (by Geoff Bamber) How Idol We've Become (by Christine Harvey and Anna Kidd) How On Earth (by Patricia Gay) How Things Turn Out (by Bob Hammond) How Will I Know You? (by Gill Medway) Howard Does His Best (by Geoff Parker) Howdy (by Henry P. Gravelle) Human Relations (by Mark Niel) Human Write, A (by Amelia Armande) Humbug (by Geoff Bamber) Hump Day (by Alan Hargreaves) Humpty Dumpty - The Egg's Factor (by Jack Clancy) Humpty Dumpty (by Bob Heather and Cheryl Barrett) Hunter And The Hunted, The (by JPS Yates) Hunting Death (by Nicholas Richards) Hunting Yetis (by Andy Haynes) I Am Hamlet (by Richard James) I Am Not Marilyn Monroe (by Fiona Scott Patrick) I 'Aven't The Foggiest (by Cheryl Barrett) I Believe In Angels (by Tony Domaille) I Don’t Think I’ll Be Here Next Christmas (by Dawn Cairns) I Googled You (by Jonathan Edgington) I Have A Vision (by Stewart Boston) I Licked My Cat's Brain (by Matthew Taylor) I Now Pronounce You (by David Titchener) I Pledge Thee (by Tony Domaille) I Quite Fancy A Go At Lacrosse (by Janice Sampson) I Really Need This Job (by Iris Winston) I Remember When (by Dawn Cairns) I sold my soul to Santa (by Damian Trasler) I Stand Alone (by Kevin Broughton) I Will Pass My Jeans On (by Patricia Gay) I, Tiberius (by Geoff Bamber) Ice Cream Man Cometh, The (by Cheryl Barrett) Ice Mess You Got Me Into, An (by Ray Lawrence) Iceberg, The (by Dawn Cairns) Identity Theft (by Hugh Smith) Idiot Spaz (by Eddie Coleman) If Music be the Food of Love (by Ethan Smith) If The Shoe Fits (by Cheryl Barrett) If You Go Down To The Woods Today (by Geoff Bamber) I'll See You In My Dreams (by Michal Y Noah, songs by Stuart Ardern) Illusion/Delusion (by David Pollard) I'm Famous (by Anton Chekhov, adapted Gerald P. Murphy) I'm Not Dead Yet (by Graham Andrews) I'm Not One To Gossip But... (by Cheryl Barrett) I'm On A Train (by Graham Jones) I'm Worried About Our Planet (by Ray Lawrence) Imaginary Friends (by Geoff Bamber) Imagination (by Garry R. Keane) Imagine You Are A Tree (by David Lovesy & Brian Two) Imelda and the Magic Dust (by Ian McCutcheon) Immature with Age (by Wally Smith) Impatience and Improbability (by Nic Dawson) Imperfect Speakers (by Wally Smith) Importance Of Being Belinda, The (by John Garforth) Importance Of Being Earnest [45 minute abridgement], The (by Oscar Wilde abridged by Gerald P Murphy) Importance Of Peaches, The (by Tony Domaille) In A Hole (by Rupert Dick) In a League of His Own (by Mark Griffin) In At The Deep End (by Kate Phimy) In God's Office (by Damian Trasler) In Her Defence (by Helen Saxton) In My Lady's Chamber (by Giles Scott) In One Form Or Another (by Nikki Pontin) In Out (by Bruce Hunt) In Profile (by Gill Medway) In Sanity (by Eleanor Hough) In the Bag (by Frances Bartram) In the Bookshop (by tlc Creative) In the Computer Shop (by Damian Trasler) In the Gallery (by Damian Trasler) In the Human Resources Office (by Damian Trasler) In the Lap of the Gods (by Philip Bird (music Isabelle Michalakis)) In The Library (by Damian Trasler) In the Magic Shop (by Damian Trasler) In the Midst of the Storm (by David Ridler) In the Mood (by Frank Gibbons) In the Opticians (by Damian Trasler & David Lovesy) In The Same Boat (by Peter May) In the Secret Service (by Damian Trasler) In The White Time (by Tony Frier) In Through The Exit (by Karen Fitzsimmons) In Transition (by Simon Darlington) In Vino Veritas (by Charles Alverson) In Whose Eyes? (by George Kappaz) Incident at Mulberry Road (by Geoff Bamber) Inclusive Joke, An (by Nicholas Richards) Incorrigible Irishman, An (by James Skivington) Indecent Exposure, An (by David Pemberton) Indian Summer (by Richard James) Inn Keeper's Chalice, The (by Mike Sparks) Inn Keeper's Tale, An (by Mike Sparks) Inn Spectre Calls, An (by Barry Lambert) Innkeeper and the Donkey Man, The (by Mike Sparks) Innkeeper's Cat, The (by Liz Ansell) Innkeeper's Christmas, The (by Mike Sparks) Insider (by Katherine Melmore) Inspector Quaker of the Yard (by Peter Stallard) Inspector Snow and the Elf-Inflicted Wounds (by Skip Chalker) Inspector Snow and the Sleeping Santa (by Skip Chalker) Inspector Snow and The Twelve Murders of Christmas (by Skip Chalker) Inspector Snow And Toto Too (by Skip Chalker) Inspector Whalley's Casebook - Volume 2 (by Barry Lambert) Inspector Whalley's Casebook (by Barry Lambert) Inspector Whalley's Cause for Alarm (by Barry Lambert) Intelligent Life? (by Peter Keel) Interrogation (by Louise Wade) Interval (by Frank Gibbons) Interview Protocol, The (by Pat Edwards) Interview, The (by Bob Tucker) Invasion from Planet Zorgon (by Geoff Bamber) Invisible (by Linda Stephenson and Alison Hudson) Invisible Fingerprints (by Howard Lipson) Invisible Man, The (by Rob Johnston) Invitation, The (by Juliet Devon) Irregular Satellite, An (by Meg Schenk) is for Arsenic, A (by David Pemberton) Is That You, Clint? (by Geoff Parker) Is This A Sketch? (by David Lovesy & Brian Two) Isaac and Ishmael (by Christopher Kent) iSchool - Learning environment of the future (by Damian Trasler) Isn't It Odd? (by Cheryl Barrett) It Never Rains But It Pours (by Cheryl Barrett) It'll All End In Tiers (by Cheryl Barrett) It's A Cat's Life (by Louise Wade) It's a Farce (by George Freek) It's A Funny Old Game (by Cheryl Barrett) It's A Funny Old World (by Bill Tordoff) It's A Panto Jim... But Not As We Know It (by Andrew Yates) It's About Time (by James P Brosnahan & Joseph S Kubu) It's All Greek (by Tony Domaille) It's Been A While (by Bibi Berki & Mark Lingwood) It's Business As Usual (by John Peel) It's Christmas Time! (by Sharon Stace-Smith) It's Deja View... Again (by The Stannington Scribbler) It's Not Brain Surgery! (by Jamie Hope) It's not the end of the World (by Damian Trasler) It's Not Your Day Is It? (by Eric Scott) It's On, It's Off (by Ray Lawrence) It's Panto, Boris - But Not As We Know It (by Cheryl Barrett) It's Your Funeral (by Barry Wood) I've Been Expecting You, Mr Smirk (by Geoff Bamber) Jabberwocky, The (by Tony Best) Jack and his Amazing Multi-Coloured Beanstalk (by Geoff Bamber) Jack and Jill - The Troll's Story (by Jack Shaw) Jack and Jill (by Susan Vesey) Jack And Jill And The Curse Of The Mummy (by Ian Cartwright) Jack and Jill The Pantomime (by Bob Heather and Cheryl Barrett) Jack and the Beanstalk (by tlc Creative) Jack and the Beanstalk [10 Minute Version] (by Jonathan Edgington) Jack and the Beanstalk [A Deadpan Panto] (by Stuart Ardern) Jack and the Beanstalk [Version 2] (by Bob Heather) Jack and the Beanstalk [Version 3] (by Steve Shaw) Jack and the Beanstalk [Version 4] (by James Barry) Jack and the Beanstalk [Version 5] (by Jilly McNeil) Jack and the Beanstalk [Version 6] (by James Teacher) Jack and the Beanstalk [Version 7] (by Luke Reilly) Jack and the Beanstalk [Version 8] (by Julie Petrucci and Chris Shinn) Jack and the Beantin (by Peter Bond) Jack and the Giant (by Peter Nuttall) Jack and the Giant Beanstalk (by Dave Jeanes) Jack and the Giant Beanstalk [Version 2] (by Joe Laredo & Clare George) Jack in the Land of Nod (by Sharon Hulm) Jackie and the Bean Tin (by Marcus Grollman) Jackpot Joy (by Karen Doling) Jack's Amazing Beanstalk Rocket (by Cheryl Barrett) Jamie Freel's Halloween (by Olivia Arieti) Jane Eyre - A One Act, Musical Farce (by Gerald P. Murphy) Jane Eyre (by Richard Hills) Janet and John (by Michael Pearcy) Japes at Jester's Reach, The (by Richard Coleman) Jason and the Golden Fleece (by Dominique Vaughan) Jesters, Jousters & Donuts (by Patti Veconi) Jetty (by Stuart Smithers) Jewel Of Lamjung, The (by Richard Ward) Jiggy Jiggy (by John Chambers) Jilted Lovers Helpline (by Johnny Grim) Jim Jam (by Robert Scott) Jo White and the Seven (by Anne Bourke) Joan: The Movie (by Robert Scott) Job for the Boy (by Nicholas Richards) Job for Un-life, A (by David Lovesy) Job Lot, A (by Cheryl Barrett) Joe Briggs-Widower (by John Peel) Joey (by Stuart Smithers) John Lennon Assembly (by Sue Russell) John's Mother (by Helen Boyce) John's Wife (by Liz Dobson) Joke Centre, The (by Damian Trasler) Jonah And The Giant Fish (by Cheryl Barrett) Joseph And The Truth Stick (by Roger Hurn) Josephine And Her Sisters (by Bill Tordoff) Joseph's Dream (by Hilary Mackelden) Josh's Wall (by Ian Elmslie) Journey of a Plastic Bag (by Jenny Gilbert) Journey of the Magi [Prose], The (by Martin Kirkland) Journey of the Magi [Verse], The (by Richard Coleman) Journey to Oz, A (by Richard Coleman) Journey To The End Of The Rainbow (by Sian Nixon) Joy of Socks, The (by Frank Gibbons) Judicial Review of the Death and Resurrection of Jesus (by Geoff Fulford) Julius Caesar [75-Minute Abridgement] (by Shakespeare, abridged Jack Shaw) Jump (by Johnny Grim) Jungle Book - A Play For Schools (by Cheryl Barrett) Jungle Book - The Pantomime (by Cheryl Barrett) Jungle Book (by Debbie Chalmers) Jungle Book [Play], The (by Hugh Farey) Jungle Book, The (by Tina & Robert Burbidge) Jungle Rock (by Sue Gordon) Just a Bit of Fun (by Angelika Nielsen) Just an Act (by Chantel Kuli) Just Breathe In, Dear (by Cheryl Barrett) Just Coping (by Carolyn Drury) Just Desserts [One-act Comedy] (by Judith Ezekiel) Just Fifteen Minutes (by Tony Frier) Just Good Friends (by Robert Scott) Just Like Us (by Bill Tordoff) Just Stop It (by Katharine Earley and Hugh Smith) Just The Ticket (by Philippa Smith) Just the Two of Us (by Damian Woods) Justine and the Golden Sheep (by Marcus Grollman) Kaa! (by Bill Tordoff) Kalifa's Amazing Adventures (by Nikki Harmon) Karaoke Nights (by Terry Adlam) Katiana Was Here (by Laura Guthrie) Kecks (by John Chambers) Keep Smiling Through (by Suzan Holder) Keep Taking The Tablets (by Frank Gibbons) Keeping Fit (by Archie Wilson) Keeping It Clean [Monologue] (by Gill Medway) Keeping it Clean [Three-hander] (by Gill Medway) Keeping Mum (by Barry Blaize) Keeping Up Appearances (by Elizabeth Bell) Keeping up with the Andersons (by TLC Creative) Ketchup (by Herb Hasler) Kids in Lurve (by Bill Siviter) Kids in Tights - The Musical (by Bill Siviter with Music by Jonny Ardern) Kids in Tights - The Play (by Bill Siviter) Killers, The (by Henry P. Gravelle) Killing Of Richard, The (by Roger Mathewson) Killings at Snowball's Drift, The (by Richard Coleman) Kill-Joy (by Mike Rouse) King And The Goose Girl, The (by Olivia Arieti) King Arthur - Crisis at Camelot (by Geoff Bamber) King Arthur - The Panto! (by Archie Wilson) King Arthur (by Jilly McNeil) King Arthur Show [90 Minute Version], The (by David Edkins) King Arthur Show, The (by David Edkins) King Boleslav the Bumbler (by Geoff Bamber) King Charles and the Cheese (by Geoff Bamber) King Henry IV, Part 1 [60-minute abridgement] (by Shakespeare, abridged Jack Shaw) King Henry IV, Part 2 [60-Minute Abridgement] (by Shakespeare, abridged Jack Shaw) King Henry V [60-Minute Abridgement] (by Shakespeare, abridged Jack Shaw) King Henry VIII (by Geoff Bamber) King Lear (by Geoff Bamber) King of Spain's Treasure, The (by Geoff Bamber) King Richard the Second [60-minute abridgement] (by Shakespeare, abridged Jack Shaw) King's New Clothes, The (by Peter Bond & Bob Heather) King's Spell, The (by Sherrill S. Cannon & Kerry E. Gallagher) King's Twelve Huntsmen, The (by Olivia Arieti) Kippers Can’t Swim (by Jamesine Cundell Walker) Kissing the Ground (by Gill Medway) Kit Kat Man (by James Addis) Kitchen Skirmishes, The (by Damian Trasler) Kitty had her Moments (by Frank Gibbons) Kleptomania (by Mark Ash) Knight Fever (by tlc Creative) Knight in Shining Armour (by Jos Biggs) Knight to Remember, A (by Johnny Jarman) Knights Of The Flat Pack Table (by David Dean) Knock, Knock, Who's There? (by Peter Harrison) Knock, The (by Elisabeth Marrion) Knotweed (by Ray Lawrence) L.A. Gendry And The Tomb Of Kalos (by Geoff Bamber) Labor Train, The (by Kal B Sisson) Labour Pains (by Rachael Ashworth) Labours Of Heracles, The (by Nicholas Richards) Ladies (by Scott Kingsnorth) Ladies at the Seaside (by Hilary Mackelden) Lady or the Tiger, The (by Gerald P. Murphy) Lambton Worm, The (by Timothy Hallett and Nicholas Richards) Land Army, The (by TLC Creative) Landing Party, The (by Karen Fitzsimmons) Language Lessons (by Nicholas Richards) Language Lessons (II) Asking the Time (by Nicholas Richards) Last Birthday Party, The (by Susie Casson) Last Duchess (by Iris Winston) Last Earl Grey, The (by Susie Casson) Last Gateway, The (by Sarah Pemberton) Last of the Meagans (by Henry P. Gravelle) Last Respects (by Colin Calvert) Last Séance (by Herb Hasler) Last Thing On His Mind, The (by Mike Smith) Last Train to Sleepy Hollow (by David Pemberton) Last Visitor, The (by Allan Williams) Last Waltz, The (by Johnny Grim) Last Woman Working (by Michael Pearcy) Late Again (by Bob Heather) Latin Fever (by Terence Dale) Laughing Through Curtains (by Damian Trasler) Laughter Lines (by Frank Gibbons) Laura (by Jonathan Edgington) Law is an Ass, The (by Ray Lawrence) Lay Your Cards on the Table (by Cheryl Barrett) Lazy Daze (by John Chambers) Leading Ladies - It's Behind You (by Christina Simpkin) Leading Ladies (by Christina Simpkin) Learning to Like You (by Robert Scott) Leave it to Lulu (by Jim Hollingsworth) Leaving Tommy (by Mark Seaman) Legacy (by Lee Stewart) Legend Of Beowulf, The (by Roger Hurn) Legend of Santa Claus, The (by Olivia Arieti) Legion (by Jonathan Edgington) Lennon and Buddy (by Clive David Lloyd Williams) Leonardo da Panto (by Simon Nunan) Lesson Learnt, A (by Jackie Fitton) Let Her Rip (by Donna Brightwell) Let Me Finish! (by Janet S. Tiger) Let's Be Friends (by Iris Winston) Letter to Santa, A (by Sue Gordon) Letter, The (by Larry Collins) Library, The (by Shari Gledhill) Lie Detector (by Peter Yates) Life (by Bob Tucker) Life Goes On (by Frank Gibbons) Life Imitating Art (by Joan Greening) Life in the Cloud (by Tony Domaille) Life Sentence, A (by Mark Seaman) Lift Routine, The (by Carol Roberts) Light of the World (by Hilary Mackelden) Like it or Not (by George Freek) Like You've Never Seen It Before (by Christine Harvey & Elisha Lee) Likely Story, A (by Heather Bryant) Lil Diamond The Snake Woman (by Linda Stephenson and Alison Hudson) Lily and Mona (by Naren Weiss) Limbo (by Julia Lee Dean) Limbo Café (by Stewart Boston) Lions Versus Elephants (by Graham Dillistone) Lipstick, The (by Jos Biggs) Listen With Mother (by Jack Burgess) Literary Merit Of People's Exhibit One, The (by Zames Curran) Little Acorns (by Jenny Gilbert) Little Bigfoot (by Gerald P. Murphy) Little Bit Sketchy, A (by Louise Bramley) Little Cottage, The (by Gerald P. Murphy) Little Donkey (by Dominique Vaughan) Little Elfin Magic, A (by Donna Brightwell) Little Extra Help, A (by Jo West) Little Hut in the Woods, The (by Olivia Arieti) Little King Arthur (by David Pemberton) Little Magic Man, The (by Frank Gibbons) Little Mermaid - A Pantomime with Pirates!, The (by Alan Robinson) Little Mermaid [Version 2], The (by Kate Goddard) Little Mermaid [Version 3], The (by Warren McWilliams) Little Mermaid, The (by Andrew O'Leary) Little Momma’s Ristorante (by Paul L. Harwood) Little North of Turnerville, A (by Gerald P. Murphy) Little Red Hen, The (by Gerald P. Murphy) Little Red Riding Hood (by Tina & Robert Burbidge) Little Red Riding Hood [Verse] (by Peter Bond) Little Red Riding Hood [Version 2] (by Kate Evans) Little Red Riding Wolf (by Debbie Linton) Little Rose, The (by Leon E. Scioscia & Sheri Fink) Little Tot, A (by Frank Gibbons) Little Watch Girl, The (by George Douglas Lee) Little Women (by Louisa May Alcott ad. Gerald P. Murphy) Little Women [Full Length Play] (by Louisa May Alcott ad. Richard Hills) Live (by Robin Fusco) Living Room, The (by Clive David Lloyd Williams) Lizzy's Ghost (by Allan Williams) Llandudno, Lust and Lollipops (by Stephen Mercer) Load of Rubbish - Musical, A (by Sue Gordon) Load of Rubbish - Play, A (by Sue Gordon) Load of Rubbish - Small Cast Musical, A (by Sue Gordon) Local News (by Sean Dooley) Location, Location (by Ray Lawrence) Loft, The (by James Brosnahan) Loitering Within Tent (by tlc Creative) Long Day's Journey Makes Things Right, A (by George Freek) Long Game, The (by Julie Wilson) Long John Silver (by Andrew Yates) Long Live Pantomime (by Cheryl Barrett) Long Road, The (by Stuart Ardern) Long Time Ago..., A (by Paul Barron & Sarah Dyson) Look After The Cat, Darling (by Cheryl Barrett) Look at the View (by Rupert Dick) Look Down And Follow The Star (by Pippa Lund) Look For The Silver Lining (by Cheryl Barrett) Looking for Mr Evil (by Damian Trasler) Looking for Nancy (by Olivia Arieti) Looking for the Rainbow (by Philip Bird (music Isabelle Michalakis)) Looks Like Rain (by Gill Medway) Lord Arthur Savile's Crime (by Charlie Cook adapted from Oscar Wilde) Lord Byron: Mad, Bad, And Dangerous To Know (by Jim and Bronwyn Jameson) Lord of the Mince Pies (by Ashley Smith) Lorelei (by Jonathan Edgington) Losing Count (by Alan Hargreaves) Losing Purpose (by Jim Pinnock) Loss of Atlantis 2, The (by Damian Trasler) Loss of Atlantis, The (by Damian Trasler) Lost and Found (by Mike Smith) Lost Horse, The (by Gerald P. Murphy) Lost Sheep, The (by Hilary Mackelden) Lost World, The (by Hilary Mackelden) Lost! (by Mary Portalska) Lot 249 (by Damian Woods) Lotta Crabtree! (by Gerald P. Murphy) Lottery Ticket, A (by Anton Chekhov, adapted Gerald P. Murphy) Love (by John Collings) Love and Marriage (by Tony Domaille) Love at Twilight [One-Act Play] (by Bob Hammond) Love at Twilight [Short Play] (by Bob Hammond) Love Blossoms (by Tony Best) Love Clinic, The (by Damian Trasler) Love Gambit, The (by Vithal Rajan) Love Hurts (by John Peel) Love in the Time of Zombies (by Damian Trasler) Love Is Blind (by Andrew Bawn) Love Me Tender (by Roger Woodcock) Love Potion, The (by Robert M. Barr) Love's Labour's Lost [60-minute abridgement] (by Shakespeare, abridged Jack Shaw) Lucky Balls (by Louise Roche) Lucky Break (by Frank Gibbons) Lucky Dip (by Jim Hollingsworth) Lucky Penny (by Carol Kline) Lucy Locket (by Ian Cartwright) Lunch Break (by Frances A. Lewis) Lust Amid The Strawberries (by Rosemary Frisino Toohey) Macbeth - Which Witch is Which? (by Juliet Devon) Macbeth (by Geoff Bamber) Macbeth [75-Minute Abridgement] (by Shakespeare, abridged Jack Shaw) Macbeth [a 60-minute abridgement] (by Shakespeare abridged by Dwayne Lawler) Macbeth In Seventeen And A Half Minutes Or Less (by Christine Harvey) Macbeth The Musical (by Gerald P. Murphy) Madame Blavatsky Lives (by Joan Greening) Madame Skoodle's Noodles And The Poodle Doodle (by Erica Glenn) Madness of Sherlock Holmes, The (by JPS Yates) Magdalen Whitewash, The (by Valerie Goodwin) Magic Apple Tree, The (by Brian Coyle) Magic Carpet, The (by Andrew Yates) Magic Marge (by Jamesine Cundell Walker) Magic Paint Brush, A (by Gerald P. Murphy) Magic Shoes, The (by Jack Burgess) Magic Tinderbox, The (by Peter Bond) Magic Tree [Children's Play], The (by Michal Y Noah) Magician's Assistant, The (by Geoff Bamber) Maid in China (by Philippa Smith) Maintenance (by Bob Tucker) Make Me a Celebrity - Now! (by Trevor Suthers) Make This Go Away (by Robert M. Barr) Make Up (by Terry Adlam) Making The Wrong Call (by Ian McCutcheon) Making Theatre History (by tlc Creative) Making up the Make-Up (by TLC Creative) Mam (by Allan Williams) Mam, There's a Spaceship in Our Backyard (by Sarah Cowan) Man From Clerihan, The (by Paul Maher) Man in the Moon, The (by Steve Shaw) Man of Quality, A (by Richard Morris) Man Walks Into a Bra, A (by Jonathan Goodson) Man Who Died Twice, The (by Robert Black) Man Who Mis-Sold The World, The (by Chris Brannick) Man Who Would Be Shirley Temple, The (by Jacob M. Appel) Margaret Thatcher Changes The World (by Rex McGregor) Margolin and the Sacred Crystal of Galloran (by Geoff Bamber) Mari (by Jackie Carreira) Maria's Mask (by Andrew Weaver) Marigolds - Piling on the Agony (by John Chambers) Marigolds (by John Chambers) Mark Twain and Livy (by Joseph P. Ritz) Market Forces (by Bill Tordoff) Market Value (by Liz Dobson) Marlowe's Revenge (by Jonathan Caldicot) Marrying Kind, The (by Frank Gibbons) Marvellous Marie (by Richard Cowling) Mary Anning: Lost in Time (by Peter John Cooper) Mary Had a Little Lamb (by Ian Cartwright) Master Shakeshafte (by Peter Parkinson) Master Thief, The (by Joseph A. Jones) Match Girl Controversy, The (by Damian Trasler) Match Girl's New Year's Eve, The (by Olivia Arieti) Matchmakers (by Robert M. Barr) Matt Freeman's San Antonio (by Sandy Radford) Matter Of Health and Safety [One Act Version], A (by Cheryl Barrett) Matter of Health and Safety [Short Version], A (by Cheryl Barrett) Matter of Taste, A (by Cheryl Barrett) Matters Arising (by Richard Moore) Maverick Cop (by Paul John Matthews) May Dream, A (by Sally Kinnell) May The Farce Be With You (by Andrew Yates) Mayhem on Smuggler's Pier, The (by Richard Coleman) Mayor's Christmas Masquerade, The (by Olivia Arieti) McRumpelstiltskin (by Gerald P. Murphy) Me And You (by Tony Domaille) Me Tarzan, You Jane (by Gerald P. Murphy) Medieval Help Desk (by tlc Creative) Meet the Ancient Greeks - Mini Plays (by Sue Russell) Meet the Anglo-Saxons (by Sue Russell) Meet the Inventor (by Stuart Ardern) Meet The Neighbours (by John Peel) Meet the Solar System (by Lou Treleaven) Meet the Vikings (by Sue Russell) Meeting by Gaslight (by Louise Wade) Meeting In The Park, The (by Peter Wade) Meeting of Minds, A (by Catherine Willacy & Andrew Bramble) Meeting on a Train, A (by Anton Chekhov, adapted Gerald P. Murphy) Megan and the Golden Key (by Geoff Bamber) Melissa's Big Birthday Bash (by Eric Scott) Melodramatic Guide To Victorian Melodrama, A (by Jack Hutchinson) Melting Sands, The (by Jim Pinnock) Memories (by John Passadino) Memories Of Tomorrow (by Stewart Boston) Memory Lane (by Cheryl Barrett) Men of Harlech (by Johnny Grim) Menée Trois Zéro à la Mi-Temps (by J. Edgington traduit par Lesley Chauvier) Merchant of Venice [60-minute abridgement], The (by Shakespeare, abridged Jack Shaw) Merc-y (by Michelle Drapeau) Merely Players (by Damian Trasler) Merlin - The Pantomime (by Bob Heather and Cheryl Barrett) Mermaid (by Jonathan Edgington) Merry Christmas Everyone (by Mark Seaman) Merry Christmas Fritz (by Geoff Parker) Merry Christmas Mr Toad (by Richard Coleman) Merry England Blues, The (by John Peel) Merry Lyttle Christmas, A (by Damian Trasler) Merry Wives of Windsor [60-minute abridgement], The (by Shakespeare, abridged Jack Shaw) Merry Women of Windham, The (by Nicholas Conti) Message For Sophie (by Robert Black) Messengers (by Clay Space) Micky Marvello (by Tony Domaille) Midsummer Nightmare, A (by Karen Ince) Midsummer Night's Dream (Comedy Crew 60 Minute Version), A (by Jack Shaw) Midsummer Night's Dream [45-minute abridgement], A (by Shakespeare, abridged Jack Shaw) Midsummer Night's Dream [90-minute abridgement], A (by Shakespeare, abridged Gerald P. Murphy) Midsummer Night's Dream [Modern English], A (by Sue Russell) Midsummer Night's Dream In 17 And A Half Minutes Or Less, A (by Christine Harvey) Midsummer Night's Dream The Pantomime, A (by Matthew Harper) Midsummer Night's Dream, A (by Geoff Bamber) Migration Madness (by Angela Lorenzo-Thompson) Military Intelligence (by TLC Creative) Mind Over Manor (by Loretta Willoughby) Minimum Security Holiday (by Damian Trasler) Ministerial Address, The (by Damian Trasler) Minny Pinny Makes a Difference (by Stuart Ardern) Minutes By Air (by Robin Wilson) Miracle Worker, The (by Tony Benge) Miranda Finds Herself (by Damian Trasler) Miriam Waits (by Amanda Giles) Mirror Image (by Julia Lee Dean) Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall (by Nicholas Conti) Misdemeanours (by Frank Gibbons) Misfortune Of Lionel Schlusselberg, The (by Aisha Tritle & Keelia McGovern) Mismatching Mates (by Robin Wilson) Miss Glossop Comes to Tea (by Stuart Ardern) Miss Glossop's Weekend Break (by Stuart Ardern) Missed the Last Bus (by Robert Black) Missing (by Sue Bevan) Missing Links (by Peter Harrison) Mister Right (by Robert Black) Mitigating Circumstances (by Juliet Devon) Mixed Massages (by Alan Robinson) Mixed-Up Cinderella (by Karen Doling) Mixed-Up Mother Goose (by Karen Doling) Mixer, The (by Glyn Blakeborough) Mizmaze (by Jonathan Edgington) Mo (by Tyler Mathews) Modern Santa (by Colin Calvert) Modern Tale Of Red Riding Hood, A (by Andrew Hull) Mondo Pizzicato (by George Freek) Monkey Business (by Sue Murray) Monkeying Around (by Peter May) Monkey's Paw, The (by Amelia Armande) Monster (by Peter Anthony Fields) Monster Catch, A (by Ray Lawrence) Monster of Morgrave Manor, The (by Louise Bramley) Montage of Monet, A (by Joan Greening) Monty's Barrow (by Geoff Bamber) Moon Landing, The (by Gary Diamond & Ray Lawrence) Moon Was In Aquarius, The (by Cheryl Barrett) More (by Ness Owen) More Nursery Crimes (by Damian Trasler) More Sinned Against Than Sinning (by Liz Dobson) More Than Friends (by Anne Graham) More Things Change, The (by George Freek) Morning After The Night Before, The (by Lee Baddock & Chris Kirby) Mortal Fears (by Damian Trasler) Moscow, Scotland (by Paul Shaw Smith) Moses in the Bullrushes (by Bill Siviter) Most Beautiful Flower, The (by Tony Best, adapted from Antonia Barber) Mother and Daughter (by Christina Simpkin) Mother Goose (by Bob Heather & Roger Lamb) Mother Goose [Short Version] (by Geoff Bamber) Mother Goose [Version 2] (by TLC Creative) Mother Goose [Version 3] (by Julie Petrucci and Chris Shinn) Mother Holle (by Peter Nuttall) Mother of the Bride (by Ray Lawrence) Mother-in-Law, The (by Ginny Davis) Motor Mouth (by Richard James) Mourning Calls (by Troy Shearer) Moving Day (by Cheryl Barrett) Moving On (by Richard James) Moving With The Times (by Jennifer Garthwright) Mr Micawber Down Under (by David Barry) Mr Misty Mystery, The (by Martin Clare) Mr Scrooge (by Peter Bond) Mr. Willoughby (by Peter Lancaster Walker) Mrs Adapta Iago's Knitting Circle (by Peter John Cooper) Mrs Hudson and the Mystery of the Banker's Hat (by Richard Moon) Mrs Hudson and the Mystery of the Disappearing Trombonist (by Richard Moon) Mrs Hudson and the Twisted Pilchard (by Richard Moon) Mrs Noah (by Robin Wilson) Mrs Santa Claus's Tea Party (by Olivia Arieti) Mrs Smith Monologue - At Centre Parcs (by Dominique Vaughan) Mrs Smith Monologue - Language (by Dominique Vaughan) Mrs Smith Monologue - Michelle's Diet (by Dominique Vaughan) Mrs Smith Monologue - My Day Out (by Dominique Vaughan) Mrs Stonely's Solution (by Sue Gordon) Much Ado About Nothing [60-minute abridgement] (by Shakespeare, abridged Jack Shaw) Much Ado About Panto (by Barry Wood) Much Ado About W... (by Leo Finn) Much Ado About William (by Nicholas Richards) Mudboy and the Messkings (by George Douglas Lee) Mug's Game, A (by Sarah Reilly) Mum and Jack (by S. P. Franksson) Mum! (by Geoff Parker) Mummy's Boy (by Peter Harrison) Mum's Life, A (by Ginny Davis) Mum's the Word (by Damian Woods) Murder at Dress Rehearsal (by Paul Mathews) Murder at Haynes Manor (by Rebecca Preen) Murder At Merryweather Mansion (by Lauren Jones) Murder at Mole End (by Karen Doling) Murder at Peculiar Manor (by Paul Mathews) Murder at Ten Twenty (by Ian McCutcheon) Murder at the Murder Mystery Party (by Geoff Parker) Murder at the Music Hall (by Laura Sanderson) Murder at the Theatre (by Emma Bevan) Murder at Twilight Gardens (by Damian Trasler) Murder by Proxy (by Elizabeth Poynter) Murder in Check (by Geoff Bamber) Murder in the Green Room (by Iris Winston) Murder in the Village Hall (by Emma Bevan) Murder in Writing (by Ian McCutcheon) Murder Mansion (by Don Lowry) Murder of Arthur Bennington, The (by Matthew Lynch) Murder! Mystery! - and Suspenders? (by Karen Doling) Murdering Muriel (by Geoff Parker) Murdering the Mikado (by Nigel Holloway) Murdering the Truth (by Rachael Jolley and David Weir) Museum Pieces (by Joan Greening) Music of Christmas, The (by Andrew Yates) Musical Genius (by Frank Gibbons) Musical Maurice and the History Hop (by Cat Durning) Musical Mother Goose, A (by Gerald P. Murphy) Musical Scottish Play, The (by Bill Siviter with Lea Anderson) Musicians of Bremen, The (by Tony Best) Musketeer (by Geoff Bamber) Mutants Anonymous (by Peter Keel) My Angel (by Tony Domaille) My Blue Heaven (by Colin Calvert) My Favourite Things (by Cheryl Barrett) My Friend Ed (by John Passadino) My Hero (by Tony Domaille) My Sister, The Thief (by Mary Stone) Mystery Gift, The (by Bill Tordoff and David Doughan) Mystery Tour, A (by Colin Calvert) Nailing The Audition (by TLC Creative) Nails By Auntie Em (by Toni M Wiley) Name for a Baby (by Peter Zurek) Name That Murder (by Troy Shearer) Nanny State (by Nigel Holloway) Natalie's Vacation (by Anton Chekhov, adapted Gerald P. Murphy) National Treasure - A Lifetime's Interest, A (by Gill Medway) National Treasure - Lady with a Fan, A (by Gill Medway) National Treasure - Monologue Collection, A (by Gill Medway) National Treasure - Trouble for Sixpence, A (by Gill Medway) Nativity - The Christmas Story (by Geoff Bamber) Nativity News (by Sarah Cowan) Nativity Problem, The (by Damian Trasler) Nativity Story, The (by S. J. Edwards) Nativity, The (by Juliet Devon) Natterjack (by John Peel) Nature Trail of Class 3B, The (by Andrew Hull) Naughties At The Nineteenth Hole (by Richard Coleman) Nay, Remember Me! (by Amelia Marriette) Nearly New Sale, The (by Paul Townsend) Necessity Is The Mother Of Invention (by Liz Dobson) Necessity Of Atheism, The (by Seán Lang) Necklace, The (by Tony Best) Neighbourhood Watch (by Liz Dobson) Nellie's Cottage (by Geoff Bamber) Nelson's Driving Test (by tlc Creative) Never Alone Again (by Olivia Arieti) Never Be Late (by Olivia Arieti) Never Mind the Bonnets (by Lou Treleaven) Never Mind The Butler (by Lou Treleaven) Never Say Die! (by David Barry) Neville Report - Village of Fear, The (by Gary Diamond, John Fryer & Ray Lawrence) New Bathroom, The (by Susan Scott) New Beginnings (by Bob Tucker) New Job For The Wicked One, A (by Nicholas Richards) New Neighbours, The (by Rachael Morgan) New Patio, The (by Barry Lambert) New You, A (by Wesley A. Knoch) Newest Oldest, The (by Janet S. Tiger) Next Big Thing, The (by David Titchener) Nice Cup of Tea, A (by Jos Biggs) Nice Out, Isn't It? (by Jamesine Cundell Walker) Nickers (by Robert Scott) Nigel and the Musketeer-ettes (by Lee Sofianos) Night At The Movies, A (by Peter Keel) Night Call (by Archie Wilson) Night Intruders (by Olivia Arieti) Night Nurse, The (by Louise Wade) Night Shift, The (by David Dean) Night Thoughts (by Kieron Toner) Nighthawks (by James Skivington) Nightly News, The (by Gerald P. Murphy) Nightwalking (by Frank Canino) Ninth Wonder of the World, The (by Damian Trasler) No Idea (by Charles Dennison) No Joy! (by Barry Lambert) No Occasion To (by David Weir) No Strings Attached (by Johnny Grim) No Such Thing as Bad Publicity (by TLC Creative) No Tongs (by Frank Gibbons) Noah, Yes Noah! (by Richard Cowling) Noah's Ark (by Bill Siviter) Noah's Ark [Version 2] (by Steven Bergman) Nobbo (by David Pollard) Nobodies, The (by Jon Boustead) Non-Emergency Call, The (by Damian Trasler) Non-Sequitur (by S. J. Edwards) Nor Hell A Fury (by Elizabeth Poynter) Normal For (by Tony Domaille) Norman Conquest, The (by Richard Morris) Normandy Conquests, The (by David Weir) North Wind (by David Dunn) Not 2B (by George Freek) Not Another Nativity (by Paul Cockcroft) Not Easy (by Jonathan Edgington) Not In My Lunch Hour (by Amir Rahimzadeh) Not Long Before Waking (by Matthew Taylor) Not So Great Escape, The (by TLC Creative) Not Yet a Yeti (by Lou Treleaven) Nothing Exciting In Little Noddingsbury (by Nicholas Richards) Nothing Extravagant (by Gerald P. Murphy) Nothing Is What It Seems (by Martyn Chapman) Nothing Old Nothing New (by Anne Graham) Nothing Refreshes Better (by Gary Diamond) Notice How Young I Look (by Gerald P. Murphy) Not-So Ordinaries…, The (by Jon Boustead) Nottingham (by Luke Simmons) Now Is Not The Time (by Nicholas Richards) Nth Degree, The (by Richard James) Nuisance Call (by David Dean) Nun Fun in the Arizona Sun (by Gerald P. Murphy) Nunquam Non Paratus (by Andy McNamara) Nursery Crime Scene Investigation (by Damian Trasler) Nursery Crimes - The Catnap Kidnap Caper (by tlc Creative) Nursery Crimes - the Complete Series (by tlc Creative) Nursery Crimes - The Da Wincey Code (by tlc Creative) Nursery Crimes - The Egg's Files (by Damian Trasler) Nursery Crimes (by Damian Trasler) Nursery Crimes: Four and Twenty (by tlc Creative) Nutcracker, The (by Hilary Mackelden) O, What A Lovers' War! (by Karen Ince) Observer, The (by Paul Mathews) Obvious Guilt (by Ethan Bortman) Occupational Hazards (by Clive Lawrence) Odd Ball (by Steve Menary) Odd Socks (by Emily Hastings) Odysseus and the Cyclops (by Tony North) Oedipus - Swollen Foot (by Graham Milton) Of Myths And Mortals (by Matt Harper) Office Routine (by Nicholas Richards) Oh Dear, King Lear (by Juliet Devon) Oh Frabjous Day (by Maeve Edwards) Oh My Lord! (by John Furse) Oh No It Isn't! (by Sharon Hulm, Geoff Rogers & Vera Rogers) Oh Pair! (by Rob Ricards) Oh, Mr Shakespeare! (by Geoff Bamber) Old Apprentice, The (by Gary Diamond) Old Boilers (by Adrian Cale) Old Folk (by Archie Wilson) Old King Cole (by Peter Bond) Old King Cole [Part-Rhyming Panto] (by Cheryl Barrett) Old King Cole [Version 2] (by Bob Heather and Cheryl Barrett) Old Pete (by Chrissy Barker) Olivia Twist (by Gerald P. Murphy) Olympian Myths, The (by Tony North) Olympic Games 2012 [Large Cast Version] (by Sue Russell) Olympic Games 2012 [Single Class Version] (by Sue Russell) Olympic Ode - Faster, Higher, Stronger (by Sue Russell) On A Street Corner (by Damian Trasler) On Offer (by Frank Gibbons) On Our Own (by Olivia Arieti) On Reflection (by Karen Ankers) On Stage With Shirley Bassey (by Janice Sampson) On The Boundary (by Martin Picken) On the Shelf (by David John Manning) On The Street (by Graham Jones) On the Way to Mars (by Damian Trasler) On the Way to the Wedding (by Ray Lawrence) On Unofficial Business (by Craig Sandeman) Once a Jolly Farmer (by Frances Bartram) Once More Unto the Breeches (by Peter May) Once Upon a Time (by Paul Barron & Sarah Dyson) Once Upon A Time In Fairyland (by James O'Sullivan) Once Upon a Time NOT in Bollywood (by Subrata Das) Once Upon A Witch (by Alan Robinson) Once... (by Raymond Blakesley) Oncology (by Stephen Scheurer-Smith) One Breakdown Too Many (by Cheryl Barrett) One Foot Under (by Jordan Handford) One Hearse Town, A (by Cheryl Barrett) One Hell of an Interview (by Damian Trasler) One Hundred and Eighty! (by Jonathan Edgington) One in the Eye (by Bill Siviter with Lea Anderson) One Mistake (by Stephen Scheurer-Smith) One Solitary Line (by Neil Walden) One Sweet Kiss (by Emma Northcott) One Thing After Another (by Steve Beeton) One, Two... One (by Alexis Coward) Onion Rings: The Tale Of A Very Bad Date (by Susan Gayle Haws) Open Evening (by David Dunn) Open the Book (by Jon Boustead) Open Window, The (by Tony Best) Opening Doors (by Keith Badham) Operation: Santa (by Damian Woods) Order of Lunacy, An (by Paul Adam Levy) Order of the Pink Pantyhose, The (by Erica Glenn) Origins (by Martin Sadler) Orville Station (by Frank J. Avella) Oscar's Adventure (by Patricia Munene) Oscar's Sale (by Horry Parsons) Othello In Hell (by Richard Gordon) Other Side, The (by Iris Winston) Our Julie's Big Day (by Susie Casson) Our Last Respects (by Frank Gibbons) Our Little Secret (by Rollin Jewett) Out For The Count (by Jim Hollingsworth) Out Of Hours (by Robin Wilson) Out Of Print (by Gill Medway) Out of the Trees (by Jamie Hope) Out With The Old (by Wendy Ash) Outside the Audition (by Damian Trasler) Outside the Box (by JPS Yates) Over My Dead Body! (by Pat Baker) Over the Top (by Geoff Parker) Oxford English Destiny (by Gill Medway) Packaging (by Ray Lawrence) Pagan Priests, The (by Jim Pinnock) Paging The Future (by Andrew Hull) Pair of Old Gossips, A (by Frank Gibbons) Pair of Vents, A (by Peter Appleton) Palindrome (by Scott Kingsnorth) Palmy Balmy Days (by Richard Morris) Panda Solution (by David Lovesy) Pandemonium (by Jonny Ardern) Pandora's Box (by Roger Hurn) Panto in Snowalot (by David K Bainbridge & Michael Lucas) Panto in the Jungle (by David K Bainbridge & Michael Lucas) Panto in the Stone Age (by David K Bainbridge & Michael Lucas) Panto of the Opera, The (by Stuart Ardern) Panto Puzzle, The (by Mary Portalska) Panto Question Time (by Sue Gordon) Pantomania (by Mike Sparks) Pantomime Academy (by Helen Spencer) Pantostein (by TLC Creative) Papa Panov's Special Christmas (by James Potter) Paper Trail (by Seán Lang) Parable of the Chess Game, The (by Vithal Rajan) Parallelodram (by Nicholas Richards) Pardner's Tale, The (by Gerald P. Murphy) Parents' Evening at Magic School (by Damian Trasler) Parents! (by Margaret Histed) Parish Politics (by Anne Graham) Parking Lot, The (by Peter Anthony Fields) Parrots Of Penzance, The (by Andrew Yates) Partners (by Henry P. Gravelle) Party Games (by Alan J. Laing) Party Poopers, The (by Damian Woods) Passion, The (by Mike Sparks) Pawn (by Brian Marchbank) Pea Pandemonium (by Jessica Sandys-Clarke) Peace (by Bob Tucker) Peg or Two, A (by Ged Quayle) Peggy's Pirate Panto (by David and Fiona Barker) Penguin Is Mightier Than The Swordfish, The (by Cheryl Barrett) Penny Black (by Rob Wellington) People Could Die (by Frank Gibbons) People's Act of Literature, The (by Rupert Haigh) Perceptions (by Geoff Parker) Percy and The Holy Grail (by Sharon Hulm) Perfect Couple, The (by Jonathan Edgington) Perfect Duck (by Paul Gisby) Perfect Princess and the Wonky Wizard, The (by Jonathan Edgington) Perfect Pupil (by Mark Billen) Perils at Peddler's Cove, The (by Richard Coleman) Perseus - A Hero's Headhunt (by Nicholas Richards) Perseus and Medusa - It's All Greek to Me! (by Jessica Puller and Tyler Beattie) Perseus and Medusa - The Musical (by Gerald P. Murphy) Perseus and Medusa (by Tony North) Perseus and the Gorgon's Head (by Geoff Bamber) Person Or Persons Unknown (by Barry Lambert) Pet Rescue (by Tony Domaille) Peter and The Violin Teacher (by Nicholas Richards) Peter Pan - A Pantomime (by Stephen and Rachel Humphreys) Peter Pan - Youth Version (by Rachael Ashworth) Peter Pan (The Panto) (by James Barry) Peter Panto (by Suzan Holder) Peter, Pan and the Lost Toys (by Anne Bourke) Peterloo Principle, The (by William Campbell) Peter's Tale (by Mike Sparks) Petting Zoo, The (by David Lovesy) Petty Thievery (by Molly McCluskey) Phantom And The Phoenix, The (by Geoff Bamber) Phantom Of The Talent Factor, The (by Robin Bailes) Phantom Thief, The (by Stuart Ardern) Phantomime (by Jonathan Goodson) Phone Blackmail (by David Lovesy) Phone for Dinner (by Nicholas Richards) Picture of Dorian Gray, The (by Charlie Cook adapted from Oscar Wilde) Pie Eyed (by Barry Lambert) Pied Piper [Version 5], The (by Steve Shaw) Pied Piper [Version 6], The (by Sharon Hulm) Pied Piper and the Tail of the Rat King, The (by Peter Nuttall) Pied Piper of Hamelin - A Question of Rats, The (by Geoff Bamber) Pied Piper of Hamelin [Version 2], The (by Hilary Mackelden) Pied Piper of Hamelin [Version 3], The (by Tina & Robert Burbidge) Pied Piper of Hamelin [Version 4], The (by Lorraine Mason) Pied Piper of Spamtin, The (by S. J. Edwards) Pied Piper, The (by Bob Heather) Pig (by Paul Gisby) Pig is a Pig is a Pig, A (by Gerald P. Murphy) Pig Tale, A (by Kevin Jannetts) Pigeon Syndrome (by Benjamin Keyser) Pilate's Wife (by Julia Lee Dean) Pilgrim's Progress [Version 2], The (by Hilary Mackelden) Pilgrim's Progress, The (by Christopher Morgan) Pilot's Thoughts at the End of the War, A (by Philippa Roberts) Pink Posy Guide to Writing Romance, The (by Fiona and David Barker) Pinocchio (by Jane Spamer) Pinocchio [Version 2] (by Dawn Cairns) Pinocchio [Version 3] (by Andrew O'Leary) Pinocchio [Version 5] (by Dave Jeanes) Piper Of Hamelin, The (by Steven Allen) Pipkin and the Angel (by Geoff Bamber) Piracy Pantomime, A (by Giles Black) Pirate Princess, The (by Sharon Hulm) Pirate Queen, The (by Tim O'Brien) Pirate Radio (by David Lovesy) Pirates Ahoy! (by Sue Russell) Pirates of Penrith, The (by Andy Johnson) Pirates! (by Sharon Hulm) Pitch, The (by Hilary Mackelden) Pitching the Show (by TLC Creative) Plain Women, Forgotten Men (by Gill Medway) Plan B (by Robert Scott) Plan, The (by Sue Gordon) Plastered (by Tony Domaille) Play Of The Year, The (by John Peel) Play on Words, A (by Matthew Lynch) Play Safe (by Paul A J Rudelhoff & Jane Hilliard) Play Selection Committee Selects A Play, The (by Gerald P. Murphy) Play Starring No One, A (by Molly McCluskey) Playing Around (by Geoff Parker) Playing Out (by Gill Medway) Playing With Elvis (by James Skivington) Pleased to See the King (by Adrian Cale) Pluck (by George Freek) Pocahontas (by Russell Winsor) Pocket Panto (by Mark Niel) Podgy Roger the Dodgy Lodger (by Frank Gibbons) Poetry Showcase (by David Lovesy) Point of Departure (by Mike Smith) Point of the Pyramid - Musical, The (by Sue Gordon) Point of the Pyramid - Play, The (by Sue Gordon) Pointless Exercise (by Frank Gibbons) Poison (by David Neale) Poles Apart (by John Furse) Politically Correct (by Jennifer Marie Sancho) Politics Of Bendy, The (by Jim Pinnock) Polytel (by Nicholas Richards) Pompeii Up! (by Sue Russell) Pond Life (by Nettie Baskcomb Brown) Pop Man, The (by David Titchener) Poppies Never Forget (by Christine Harvey) Port and Starboard (by Rob Burbidge) Port Out, Starboard Home! (by Richard James) Portrait, The (by James O'Sullivan) Postal (by Herb Hasler) Potted Austen: Emma (by Lou Treleaven) Potted Austen: Mansfield Park (by Lou Treleaven) Potted Austen: Northanger Abbey (by Lou Treleaven) Potted Austen: Persuasion (by Lou Treleaven) Potted Austen: Pride And Prejudice (by Lou Treleaven) Potted Austen: Sense and Sensibility (by Lou Treleaven) Potted Austen: The Complete Set (by Lou Treleaven) Potted Pride & Prejudice (by Nadya Henwood) Pottle of Brains, A (by Gerald P. Murphy) Preferential Treatment (by David Lovesy) Premium Blond (by Cheryl Barrett) Prerogative (by Paul Foster) Press Up (by Nick Rowan) Pretty Flamingo (by Johnny Grim) Price Of A Goat Is Not What It Seems, The (by Nikki Harmon) Price of Firewood, The (by Hilary Mackelden) Price to Pay, A (by Tony Domaille) Priceless (by Mary Portalska) Pride and Prejudice - Stage Adaptation (by Gerald P. Murphy) Pride and Prejudice [Full-Length] (by Charlie Cook) Pride and Proton Lasers (by Damian Trasler) Pride, Prejudice and Other Useful Qualities (by Geoff Bamber) Primary Candidate, The (by Damian Woods) Prince and the Pauper, The (by Mark Twain adapted by Peter Bond) Prince and the Pussycat, The (by Jon Dwyer) Prince Charmin' (by Ed Lee) Princess and Postman (by Raymond Blakesley) Princess and the Dragon, The (by Andrea Murphy) Princess and the Frog, The (by Peter Bond) Princess and the Mirror, The (by Charles Alverson) Princess and the Pea [Version 2], The (by Peter Bond) Princess and the Pea, The (by Luke Reilly) Princess and the Sprout, The (by Tina-Louise Holland) Princess Bigfoot (by Bob Heather) Princess For Christmas, A (by Jeff Bray) Princess of Bleecker Street, The (by Don Lowry) Princess on the Rocks (by Gerald P. Murphy) Princess Quest (by Christine Harvey and Keavy & Signy Lynch) Prisoners' Dilemma, The (by Matthew Lynch) Problem In Judaea (by Stewart Boston) Prodigal Daughter (by Archie Wilson) Prodigal Sun, The (by Ashley Smith) Professor Roth's Will (by Joe Starzyk) Professor Thyme and the History Mystery - The Musical (by Richard James with music by David Fisher) Professor Thyme and the History Mystery - The Play (by Richard James) Profound Moments (by Johnny Grim) Prof's Big Idea (by Geoff Bamber) Proposition, The (by Brian Coyle) Protocol (by Cheryl Barrett) Psychic Babble (by Stephen Scheurer-Smith) Psychotherapist In Spite Of Himself, The (by George Freek) Pub Lunch (by Graham Andrews) Puppycock's Demons (by Graham Dillistone) Puppylove dot con (by Sarah Cowan) Purse, The (by E. Bert Wallace) Pursuit Of Perfection, The (by Anna Tyrie) Puss in Boots (Full Cast) (by Stuart Ardern) Puss in Boots (Small Cast) (by James Barry) Puss in Boots [10-Minute Version] (by Jonathan Edgington) Puss in Boots [Short Version] (by Geoff Bamber) Puss in Boots [Version 2] (by tlc Creative) Puss in Boots [Version 3] (by Dave Jeanes) Puss in Boots [Version 4] (by Lorraine Mason) Puss in Boots [Version 5] (by Luke Reilly) Puss in Boots [Version 6] (by Bob Heather) Puss in Boots [Version 7] (by Julie Petrucci and Chris Shinn) Puss in Boots [Version 8] (by Stephen and Rachel Humphreys) Pussycats (by Kathleen Grotzinger) Putting it About (by Sue Gowers) Pyramus and Thisbe (by Nicholas Richards) Quadrille (by Robert Kibble) Quality of Mersey, The (by Geoff Bamber) Quanto Sei Bella (by Jonathan Edgington) Quantum Mechanics, The (by Jim Pinnock) Queen of the Pond (by Tim O'Brien) Queen's Orchid, The (by Geoff Bamber) Quest for a Nest, A (by Michal Y Noah) Questions (by Susan Vesey) Questions of French History (by Nicholas Richards) Quickness of the Hand, The (by Jim Hollingsworth) Quintessential Quintet, The (by Frances Bartram) Quite a Buzz! (by Alan Robinson) Quizzers (by Geoff Bamber) Quota (by James Hutchison) R.S.V.P. (by Stephen Condor) Rabbie Burns' Night (by Olivia Arieti) Rabbits Are No Substitute For Men (by Charlotte Court) Race to the Bottom (by Graham Dillistone) Race To The Wheelchair (by David John Manning) Ragged Trousered Philanthropists, The (by Robert Tressell, adapted by Dave Jeanes) Ragnhild (by Charles Eades) Rags Or Riches? (by Frank Gibbons) Ragtime Mystery (by Gerald P. Murphy) Rainforest Assembly (by Sue Russell) Ramblers (by Tony Domaille) Rambles On Radio (by Robert Scott) Ransom (by Barry Lambert) Rapunzel - A Tangled Tale (by Peter Zednik) Rapunzel - The Pantomime (by Ella Lounds) Rapunzel (by Philippa Smith) Rapunzel [Short Version] (by Gerald P. Murphy) Rapunzel [Verse] (by Peter Bond) Rapunzel [Version 2] (by Luke Reilly) Rapunzel [Version 3] (by Warren McWilliams) Rapunzel [Version 4] (by Andrew O'Leary) Rapunzel has a Bad Hair Day (by Jonathan Goodson) Rapunzel II - Back To The Tower (by Sian Nixon) Ratbusters of Hamelin, The (by Philip Bird (music Isabelle Michalakis)) Ratcatcher's Lament, The (by Ray Lawrence) Raven, The (by George Douglas Lee) Raw Materials (by John Chambers) Read All About It (by Colin Calvert) Reading Between The Lines (by Geoff Bamber) Reading by Firelight (by Margaret Histed) Reading for Pleasure (by Louise Wade) Reading it Back (by Gabriel Chanan) Reality? (by Bob Tucker) Reason (by Katherine Melmore) Reasonable Doubt (by A.D. Peters) Reburying King Richard the Third (by Cheryl Barrett) Rector of Stiffkey, The (by Graham Jones) Red And The Wolf (by Dawn Cairns) Red Balloon, The (by Damian Trasler) Red Card (by Alan Robinson) Red Man Blue (by John Passadino) Red Nose, Floppy Shoes (by James Brosnahan) Red or Blue? (by David Hendon) Red Riding Hood [Version 2] (by Bob Hammond) Red Riding Hood [Version 3] (by Luke Reilly) Red Riding Hood [Version 4] (by Stephen Mercer) Red Wine And Ice Cream (by Karen Ankers) Redd (by Geoff Bamber) Red-Handed (by Alan David Pritchard) Redundancy (by David Lovesy) Refuge (by B.J. Edwards) Regency Matchmaking Match, The (by Damian Trasler & David Lovesy) Regret Rien (by Jackie Carreira) Rehearsal, The (by Bob Tucker) Reiterations (by Bob Tucker) Relationship Counsellor (by Hugh Smith) Relationships in Progress (by Carl Zeitler) Relaxing Night In, A (by Liz Dobson) Relief (by William Campbell) Remember Scarborough (by James Baynes) Reminiscing (by Charles Dennison) Reporting From... (by Liliya Sazanavets) Responsible People, Good Work Ethic (by Gerald P. Murphy) Rest, Ye Merry Gentleman (by Cheryl Barrett) Resurrectionist, The (by Robert Hunter Allan) Retail Therapy (by Cherol Filbee) Retirement Plan (by Nigel Holloway) Return Of Lady Bracknell, The (by Graham Jones) Reunion, The (by Geoff Bamber) Revelations (by Bob Tucker) Revenge (by Liz Dobson) Rhyme for Reason (by Madeline A. Stringer) Rhyming Aladdin (by Stuart Ardern) Rhyming Ali Baba (by Richard Coleman) Rhyming Beauty and The Beast (by Richard Coleman) Rhyming Captain Hook (by Richard Coleman) Rhyming Christmas Carol (by Richard Coleman) Rhyming Christmas Gift (by Gerald P. Murphy) Rhyming Cinderella (by Richard Coleman) Rhyming Diary Of Mrs Pepys, The (by Carolyn Kain) Rhyming Goldilocks (by Gerald P. Murphy) Rhyming Hansel and Gretel (by Gerald P. Murphy) Rhyming Jack and the Beanstalk (by Richard Coleman) Rhyming Macbeth (by Jeremy Tyburn) Rhyming Magic Goose (by Gerald P. Murphy) Rhyming Mother Goose (by Richard Coleman) Rhyming Nativity (by Richard Coleman) Rhyming Pied Piper (by Gerald P. Murphy) Rhyming Pinocchio (by Richard Coleman) Rhyming Red Riding Hood (by Stuart Ardern) Rhyming Robin Hood (by Richard Coleman) Rhyming Snow White (by Richard Coleman) Rhyming Storyteller (by Gerald P. Murphy) Rhyming Three Little Pigs (by Gerald P. Murphy) Rhyming Three Sillies (by Gerald P. Murphy) Rhyming Treasure Island (by Richard Coleman) Rhyming Two Sisters (by Gerald P. Murphy) Rhyming Wind in the Willows (by Richard Coleman) Rich Man Poor Man (by John Peel) Richard III - Has Anybody Seen My Horse (by Geoff Bamber) Rick Risk P.I. (by Tony Domaille) Riddles at Ramshackle's Rest, The (by Richard Coleman) Right How-Do-You-Do!, A (by Robin Wilson) Right Move (by John Peel) Right Old Scream, A (by Cheryl Barrett) Right on Cue (by Barry Lambert) Right One, The (by Ged Quayle) Right Royal Mess, A (by S. J. Edwards) Ring Finger (by E. C. Chapman) Rings Around The World (by Keith Badham) Ripping Off Angels (by Nigel Holloway) Ripple Effect, The (by Robert Scott) Rise and Fall Of The Chocolate Rapperz, The (by L. M. Harrison) Rising Blue (by Jason Jawando) Robbins And Caruso (by Ian McCutcheon) Robby Nudd (by Bill Tordoff) Robin Hood - An Investigation Into His Life And Times (by Bob Tucker) Robin Hood - The Pantomime (by Bob Hammond) Robin Hood (by Bob Heather and Cheryl Barrett) Robin Hood [Version 2] (by Vicky Orman) Robin Hood and his Band of Merry Persons (by Peter Nuttall) Robin Hood and his Merry Followers (by Kate Goddard) Robin Hood and his Merry Men (by Bob Hammond) Robin Hood and his Musical Merry Men (by Sian Lewis) Robin Hood and the Babes in the Wild West Wood (by Mark Jack) Robin Hood and the Babes in the Wood (by Dave Jeanes) Robin Hood and the King's Bling (by Geoff Bamber) Robin Hood and the King's Gold (by Philippa Smith) Robin Hood and the Knights of the Flat Pack Table (by Scot Todd) Robin Hood and the Singing Nun (by Stuart Ardern) Robin Hood Files, The (by Phil Tuffin) Robin The Taxman (by David Lovesy) Robinson Crusoe - No Man Is An Island (by Geoff Bamber) Robinson Crusoe - The Truth (by James Barry) Robinson Crusoe (by Steve Shaw) Robinson Crusoe [Version 2] (by Bob Heather & Roger Lamb) Robinson Crusoe And The Pirate Treasure (by Julie Petrucci and Chris Shinn) Robinson Crusoe: Pirates and the Caribbean Queen (by Cheryl Barrett) Rock 'n' Roll Assembly (by Sue Russell) Rock 'n' Roll Sunset (by John Peel) Role Play (by Geoff Bamber) Roman Invasion of Britain, The (by Richard Morris) Romans, The (by Andrew Yates) Romantic Legend of Don Quixote - A Knight to Remember, The (by Geoff Bamber) Romantic Novelist (by Graham Jones) Romeo and Juliet - A Valentine's Assembly (by Sue Russell) Romeo and Juliet - Sped Up! (by Hannah Thomas) Romeo and Juliet (by Geoff Bamber) Romeo and Juliet [75-minute abridgement] (by Shakespeare, abridged Jack Shaw) Romeo and Juliet Date Other People (by Jon Jory) Romeo and Juliet in Sixteen and a Half Minutes or Less (by Christine Harvey) Romeo and Juliet's Final Half Hour (by Juliet Devon) Romeo Loves Juliet (by Gerald P. Murphy, arr. Bob Marshall) Ronnie Tumbler Gets Her Goat (by Rajapillai Pillai) Room Eight-Zero-Seven (by Geoff Bamber) Room for Another (by Gill Medway) Room With A Clue, A (by Matthew Lynch) Room with a View (by Henry P. Gravelle) Room, The (by Graham Jones) Rose for Danny, A (by Kevin James Moriarty) Rosie (by Paul Bovino) Rossetti's Women (by Joan Greening) Round Turn & 3 Half Hitches, A (by Nick Hibberd) Round, Round (by Linda Stephenson and Alison Hudson) Royal Wedding Assembly (by Sue Russell) Royals in Love (by Olivia Arieti) Rubbish (by Ray Lawrence) Rue De Cliché (by Susie Casson) Rumpelstiltskin - What's in a Name (by Geoff Bamber) Rumpelstiltskin (by Hilary Mackelden) Rumpelstiltskin [Rhyming] (by Peter Bond) Rumpelstiltskin [Version 2] (by James O'Sullivan) Rumpelstiltskin [Version 4] (by Peter Bond) Rumpelstiltskin, Stella and the King (by Olivia Arieti) Rumpled Beauty (by Marcus Grollman) Rumplesillyskin (by Sian Nixon) Rumplestiltskin [Version 3] (by Gareth Preston) Run Deep (by Barry Lambert) Run Out (by Jamesine Cundell Walker) Russell at the Doctor (by TLC Creative) Rusticesses (by Bob Tucker) Rustics (by Bob Tucker) Ruth (by Graham W Evans) Sacrifice, The (by Rebecca Preen) Sad Angel (by Robert Foylan) Sadist, The (by Brent Holland) Saga of Freydis and the Raiders, The (by Geoff Bamber) Saint Nicholas and the Three Purses of Gold (by Timothy Hallett and Nicholas Richards) Salem Witches (by Gerald P. Murphy) Samaritans, Can I Help You? (by Brendan Williams) Same Difference (by Louise Roche) Same, But Different (by Pat Edwards) Sammy (by Hilary Mackelden) Samson - The Musical (by Sue Gordon) Samson - The Play (by Sue Gordon) Samson & Delilah (Verse) (by Bill Siviter) Samuel Stickleby's Saucy Secret (by Louise Bramley) Sand to the Egyptians (by JPS Yates) Sandra Clause and the Bottomless Sack (by Raymond Blakesley) Sandwich Shop, The (by Frank Gibbons) Santa and Elf (by John Furse) Santa Claus and the Last Christmas (by Tom Humphreys) Santa Claus is Calling (by Olivia Arieti) Santa School (by Louise Wade) Santa's Lost It (by Peter Keel) Sarah (by Mark Seaman) Sardines Again? (by Cheryl Barrett) Sassenach (by Ronnie Dykstra) Saving Angeline Palmer (by Maia Kinney-Petrucha) Saving Dusty (by Will Butters) Saving Grace (by Len Cuthbert) Saving India (by Vithal Rajan) Saving The Planet, Maybe (by Eric Scott) Savoy Christmas Carol, A (by Nigel Holloway) Say it with a Sausage (by Frank Gibbons) Scabs (by Naomi Elster) Scarlett (by Robert Scott) Scary Miss Muffet (by Raymond Blakesley) Scary Tale of Count Dracula of Transylvania, The (by Richard Coleman) Scary Tale of Frankenstein, The (by Richard Coleman) Scary Tale of The Mummy's Curse, The (by Richard Coleman) Scary Tale of The Werewolf, The (by Richard Coleman) Scene Six (by Andrew McGuirk) Scent of Daffodils, The (by Radek Zwolak) School for Scandal (abridged), The (by Sheridan abridged by George Freek) School Night (by Amir Rahimzadeh) School Survivor (by Damian Trasler) Schoolroom Sketch (by tlc Creative) SCInderella (by tlc Creative) Scoop Jackson (by Geoff Bamber) Scotch Broth (by Geoff Bamber with songs by Stuart Ardern) Scottish Play, The (by Bill Siviter) Scrabble, Stamps and Goldfish (by Johnny Grim) Scramblings at Spriggly Torch, The (by Richard Coleman) Screw Your Courage (by Keith Badham) Script, The (by Trevor Suthers) Scriptaholic (by Billy Doyle) Scripted (by Brenna McBride) Scrooge Lives Next Door (by Croft & Barnett) Scrooge's Christmas Carol (by Darren Humphries) Sealed With A Loving Kiss (by Liz Dobson) Séance, The (by Archie Wilson) Search for Pyrrha, The (by Jonathan Edgington) Searching (by Bob Tucker) Second Amendment, The (by Damian Trasler & Steve Clark) Second Chance, A (by Jim Pinnock) Second Floor, The (by Robert Scott) Second Friday Of The Month, The (by Geoff Bamber) Second Hand, A (by Lucy Cooper) Second Honeymoon (by Alan Barkley) Second Thoughts (by Colin Calvert) Secret Agent Scout (by David Pemberton) Secret Life, A (by Horry Parsons) Secret Of A Vampire (by Sarah Reilly) Secret of Buccaneer Bay, The (by Rajapillai Pillai) Secret of Giving Up Smoking, The (by Damian Trasler) Secret Testament of John Shakespeare, The (by Martin Lytton) Secrets (by Bob Tucker) Securing the Sponsor (by TLC Creative) Seeing Red (by Karen Ankers) Seeking Sleeping Beauty (by Mark Billen) Self Centre (by Jackie Carreira) Self Defence (by Laura Belcher) Selfie Beauty and the Beast (by Warren McWilliams) Senior Speed Date, The (by Jeff Bray) Sent Back Standing (by Jenny Gilbert) Sequence of Events, A (by Juliet Devon) Sergeant Major Hewitt (by Archie Wilson) Servant Plays for High Stakes, A (by Vithal Rajan) Service With A Sneer (by Peter May) Set to and Build (by Peter Appleton) Setting The Record Straight (by Liz Dobson) Seven Ages of Love (by Robert Burns) Seven Wonders, The (by Nicholas Richards) Sex And Curry (by Robert Scott) Shadow of Christmas, The (by Martyn Chapman) Shadowdancer (by Wesley A. Knoch) Shadows In The Middle (by Patti Veconi) Shadows Of Antiquity, The (by Adora Pingstock) Shah Jahan (by Subrata Das) Shakespeare - It's All Greek To Me! (by Sarah Brown) Shakespeare Convention, The (by Christine Harvey (with YAK Drama Camp)) Shakespeare Lite (by Robert Black) Shakespeare Re-imagined (by Damian Trasler & David Lovesy) Shakespeare's Last Act (by Joan Greening) Shakespeare's Women (by Jonathan Edgington) Shame On You (by Bruce Hunt) Sharing (by Bob Tucker) Sharp End, The (by Geoff Bamber) She Came In Through The Bathroom Window (by Jonathan Edgington) Sheer Luck Holmes (by Bob Heather and Cheryl Barrett) Sherbet Lemons and Bon Bons (by Cheryl Barrett) Sheriff Of Council Flats, The (by Hilary Mackelden) Sherlock Holmes - The Panto (by Jenny Gilbert) Sherlock Holmes and The Beast of Bingley Moor (by Geoff Parker) Sherlock Holmes and The Book of Secret Secrets (by Geoff Bamber) Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Vanishing Author (by Peter John Cooper) Sherlock Holmes and The Emerald of Alcazar (by Geoff Bamber) Sherlock Holmes and The Mystery at Mallen Hall (by Richard James) Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of the Pantomime (by Giles Black) Sherlock Holmes and The Pirates of the Horn (by Vithal Rajan) Sherlock Holmes' Last Case (by Charlie Cook) Sherlock Holmes: A Study in Scarlet (by Bart Lovins) Sherlock Holmes: The Hound of the Baskervilles [Version 3] (by Bart Lovins) Sherlock Holmes: The Sign of Four (by Bart Lovins) Sherlock Holmes: The Valley of Fear (by Bart Lovins) Sherlock Penguin (by S. J. Edwards) Sherlock's Excellent Adventure (by James Barry) Shift Change (by Terry McFadden) Shit Happens (by Elizabeth Riley) Shivers (by Peter Harrison) Shoe Horn (by Henry P. Gravelle) Shoes (by Robert M. Barr) Shooting 'The War Game' (by Michael Pearcy) Shootout, The (by Kenneth P. Langer) Shop! (by Geoff Bamber) Shop, The (by Allan Williams) Shopping Habits (by David Lovesy) Short Break (by Andrew Bawn) Shot To The Heart (by Kyle Forsyth) Showdown at Shuddering Heights (by Anne Graham) Show-Down at the Hoe-Down (by Ed Lee) Shreds - The Unravelling of Charles Dickens (by Phil Porter (music Mary Harrison Hewett)) Shut the Door (by Gerald P. Murphy) Shy Prince and the Dragon, The (by Jonathan Edgington) Shyfari (by David Lovesy & Brian Two) Sic Notus Ulixes? (by Nicholas Richards) Sick, Sad Wolf, The (by Jamie Hope) Siege of Manchester, The (by Ben Alexander) Signalman, The (by Matthew Harper) Signs of Grace (by Sarah Howard) Silas Marner (by George Eliot adapted by Gerald P. Murphy) Silent Princess, The (by Geoff Bamber) Silver Linings (by Bob Hammond) Silver Nutmeg, The (by Chris Bradley) Silver-Tongued (by Cheryl Barrett) Simple Simon (by Ian Cartwright) Simpleton and the Queen Bee (by Olivia Arieti) Sin (by C Henchley) Sinbad - The Eighth Voyage (by Bob Hammond) Sinbad - The Final Voyage (by Andrew O'Leary) Sinbad (by Stuart Ardern) Sinbad [Version 2] (by Hilary Mackelden) Sinbad and the Golden Monkey (by Prestbury Comedy Collective) Sinbad the Blundering Plunderer (by Scot Todd) Sinbad the Sailor (by tlc Creative) Sinbad the Sailor and The Mysterious Island (by Stephen and Rachel Humphreys) Sinderessex (by Barry Smith) Sing (by Tim O'Brien) Sing A Song Of Sixpence (by Jilly McNeil) Single Moment, A (by Tony Domaille) Singled Out (by Geoff Rose-Michael) Singulatitis (by Troy Shearer) Sinister Mrs Eaves, The (by Robert Black) Sinister Synaster (by Jilly McNeil) Sisters Grimm, The (by Robert Black) Sitting Pretty (by Paul Bovino) Sixpenny War, A (by Allan Williams) Sixth Wife (by Gill Medway) Sixty-Love (by Mike Rowbottom) Size Zero (by Dave Payne) Skateboard, The (by Jamesine Cundell Walker) Skeggy '62 (by Anne Graham) Skeleton in the Cupboard, The (by Martin Ward) Skindeep Safari (by David Lovesy & Brian Two) Skinny Cap to Go (by Richard James) Skitskrieg (by TLC Creative) Sleep Out (by Jonathan Edgington (Song: Mark Laurent)) Sleeping Beauty (by Jon Dwyer) Sleeping Beauty [10 Minute Version] (by Jonathan Edgington) Sleeping Beauty [Short Version] (by Geoff Bamber) Sleeping Beauty [Version 10] (by Mary Portalska) Sleeping Beauty [Version 2] (by Dave Jeanes) Sleeping Beauty [Version 3] (by James Barry) Sleeping Beauty [Version 4] (by Bob Hammond) Sleeping Beauty [Version 5] (by Julie Petrucci and Chris Shinn) Sleeping Beauty [Version 6] (by Bob Heather and Cheryl Barrett) Sleeping Beauty [Version 7] (by Kevin Jannetts) Sleeping Beauty [Version 8] (by Warren McWilliams) Sleeping Beauty [Version 9] (by tlc Creative) Sleeping Beauty and the Curse of the Liquidator (by Sian Nixon) Sleeping Beauty In The Fifties (by Mark Jack) Sleeping Dogs (by Adam Croft) Sleeping Off Hell (by Carolyn Copeland) Sleeping With Beauty (by Stuart Ardern (devised by YT2)) Sleepover Secrets (by Tony Domaille) Sleuth Slayer, The (by Paul Mathews) Slice Of Elizabethan Life, A (by Cheryl Barrett) Slice Of Tudor Life - A Tale Of Two Henrys, A (by Cheryl Barrett) Slight Misunderstanding, A (by Janet S. Tiger) Slim Blonde Beauty, The (by Jonathan Edgington) Slimmers' Planet (by Jamesine Cundell Walker) Small Miracles (by Maureen Speller) Small Talk (by Martin Ward) Smell of Almonds, The (by Nigel Holloway) Smell of Burnt Feathers, A (by Paul Gisby) Smell of Dirt, The (by Henry P. Gravelle) Smoke and Mirrors (by E. C. Chapman) Smokes (by Mike Smith) Smokin' Cinders (by Leo Finn) Smugglers (by Geoff Bamber) Snakes and Ladders (by Jamesine Cundell Walker) Snow Queen [Version 2], The (by Tina & Robert Burbidge) Snow Queen [Version 3], The (by IgLou Creative) Snow Queen [Version 4], The (by Hilary Mackelden) Snow Queen [Version 5], The (by Andrew O'Leary) Snow Queen [Version 6], The (by Mary Portalska) Snow Queen, The (by Dave Jeanes) Snow White - The Sequel (by Susan Vesey) Snow White (by Alexandra Slater) Snow White [Version 2] (by James O'Sullivan) Snow White [Version 5] (by Peter Bond) Snow White and Reality Royalty (by Raymond Blakesley) Snow White and the Curse of the Ice Queen (by Peter Nuttall) Snow White and the Jealous Queen (by Mark Seaman) Snow White and the Magnificent Seven Dwarfs (by tlc Creative) Snow White and the Mini Miners (by Stuart Ardern (with Jonny Ardern)) Snow White and the Other Seven Dwarves (by Sarah Cowan) Snow White and the Poisoned Grape (by Dominique Vaughan) Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs [Play] (by Dave Jeanes) Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs [Version 3] (by James Barry) Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs [Version 4] (by Bob Heather and Cheryl Barrett) Snow White and the Seven Dwarves (by Stuart Ardern) Snow White and the Seven Dwarves [Version 2] (by Archie Wilson) Snow White and the Seven Eejits (by Paul Cockcroft) Snow White And The Seven Lumberjacks (by Jane Spamer) Snow White and the Seven Robbers (by Geoff Bamber) Snow White and the Several Dwarfs (by Andrew O'Leary) Snow White and The Three Bears (by Richard Coleman) Snow White and the Vertically Challenged Excavators (by Sian Nixon) Snow White Goes Dating (by Jonathan Goodson) Snowed Under (by Anne-Marie Chaplin) Snowflake Mistake, The (by Lou Treleaven) Snowmansland (by Andrew Yates) Snowy (by Rob Wellington) So Long, Prince Charming (by Molly McCluskey) Sobering Fete, A (by Rosemary Grace) Soccer School (by David Lovesy) Socks (by Rosemary Frisino Toohey) Soft Soap (by Bill Tordoff) Soldiers (by Louise Wade) Soldiers' Tale, The (by Mike Sparks) Soldjer (by Pete Benson) Some People (by Robert Scott) Some People Like To Gossip (by Frank Gibbons) Someday I'll Find You (by Charles Alverson) Something for the Weekend (by Jim Pinnock) Something of a Stir (by Joseph A. Jones) Something Off The Menu (by Rupert Haigh) Something Old (by Shari Gledhill) Something That's Mine (by Alexis Coward) Something to Talk About - The Play (by Bob Hammond) Something To Talk About (by Bob Hammond) Sorcerer's Apprentice, The (by Debbie Chalmers) Sorry Charlie (by Troy Shearer) Sorry You're Leaving (by Wally Smith) Soul Bargain (by David Lovesy) Source Of Denial, The (by Damian Trasler) Spa, The (by Damian Trasler) Spaced Out (by Garry R. Keane) Sparkles (by Michal Y Noah) Sparring Partners (by George Holmes) Spartan Conspiracy, The (by Vithal Rajan) Spasm, The (by Tony Best) Speak Your Mind (by George Freek) Speakeasy (by Jane Quill) Special Occasions (by Roger Hodge) Spell of Bad Weather, A (by Giles Scott) Spelled (by Adrian Cale) Spice Up Your Life (by Sarah-May Simpson) Spiked (by S. J. Bailey) Spirit for Evermore, A (by Ian McCutcheon) Spirit of Christmas, The (by Annette Cameron) Spirits of the Age (by John Chambers) Spirits! (by Karin Diann Williams) Split Infinitives (by JJ Crossley) Sponge Cake And Leopard Skin (by Jane Hilliard) Spoofing For Gordon (by Duncan Battman) Spot of Murder, A (by Geoff Bamber) Spy On Ward Four, The (by Jonathan Goodson) Spy With A View, A (by Robert Scott) Square Peg in a Round Hole, A (by Cheryl Barrett) Squeezy and the Wicked Queen (by Richard Coleman) Squirrel Caper (by Jamie Hope) Squirrel Plays His Part (by Stuart Ardern) Sredni Vashtar (by Tony Best) St Georgia and the Dragon (by Andy Johnson) Staff Room, The (by Juliet Devon) Stairway to Heaven (by Johnny Grim) Stan and Tony (by Clive David Lloyd Williams) Stand and Deliver [Kids Play] (by Geoff Bamber) Stand and Deliver [Panto] (by Ian McCutcheon) Standards (by Bob Tucker) Standing Room Only (by James Harvey) Star, The (by Annette Cameron) Stardust (by 10 x 10 Writers) Star's Nativity, The (by Martin Kirkland) Starting All Over (by John Peel) Statement, The (by David Morris) Staying The Course (by Richard Stainer) Steadman - In The Mouth Of The Lion (by John Garforth) Step Sisters (by Cheryl Barrett) Sticky Snail and the Fire Dragons (by Richard Morris) Still Life (by Karen Ankers) Stinkerbell (by George Douglas Lee) Stitch In Time, A (by Mark Green) Stone Soup (by Gerald P. Murphy) Stonehenge (by Robert Black) Stonewinge (by Peter May) Stoneybroke Hall (by Georgina Cawood) Stop Shouting, George (by Cheryl Barrett) Stop the Clocks (by Keith Badham) Stoppit (by Marcus Grollman) Storm Clouds Gather and The Evacuees, The (by Roger Hurn) Storm in a Spell Book (by Gill Medway) Story of an Hour, The (by Gerald P. Murphy) Story Of Eklavya, The (by Bill Tordoff) Story Of Karna, The (by Bill Tordoff) Storyteller, The (by Tony Best) Straight Play, A (by Natalia Knowlton) Straight to the Top (by Martin Sims) Strange New Worlds (by Damian Trasler) Stranger's Guide to Panto, A (by Leo Finn) Strangers When We Meet (by Scott Carpenter) Street Talk (by Frank Gibbons) StreetBox (by Deanna Alisa Ableser) Strictly Fairytale Come Dancing (by Sarah Cowan) Strictly Talent Factory, The (by David Pemberton) Stromboli the Puppet Master (by Richard Coleman) Stubborn Little Girl and the Spider's Web, The (by Jon Boustead) Student Of The Year (by Frank Gibbons) Student Teacher's Day (by Garry R. Keane) Stuff And Nonsense (by Horry Parsons) Substance Abuse (by David Lovesy) Substitute, The (by Duncan Battman) Suffragette (by Stuart Ardern) Suite 145 (by Paul Bovino) Summer Break (by Caroline Spencer) Summer In The Park (by Louise Wade) Sunny Side Up (by Stephen Murphy) Sunshine on my Shoulder (by John Peel) Super Secret Surprise Casserole, The (by Christine Harvey & Jennifer Waugh) Superhero Holiday (by Damian Trasler) Surplus Women (by Stuart Smithers) Surprise Me Darling (by Bob Heather) Surprise! Surprise! (by Philippa Smith) Survive the Night (by Lucy Atkinson) Swan Princess, The (by Dave Jeanes) Swan Queen, The (by Frank Canino) Sweet and Spooky (by Olivia Arieti) Sweet Dreams (by Peter Appleton) Switched (by Frances A. Lewis) Switching Off (by Ashley Harris) Sword Game (by David Dean) Sword in the Stone, The (by Tina & Robert Burbidge) Symphony Dreadful (by Robert Scott) Tabbed (by Bob Tucker) Table For One (by Sydney Weiss) Tailor's Little Christmas, The (by Olivia Arieti) Tainted Love (by Johnny Grim) Take a Hike (by Cheryl Barrett) Take a Seat (by Gill Medway) Take Me To Your Leader (by Caroline Spencer) Take Three Girls (by Sue Gordon) Take-Away (by Pat Edwards) Taken! (by Jordon Hadfield) Taking An Interest (by Cheryl Barrett) Taking Minutes, Wasting Hours! (by Damian Trasler) Tale Of A Nail - A Musical Play, A (by Nicholas Richards) Tale of a Nail, A (by Nicholas Richards) Tales from the Seventh Galaxy (by Mike Plumbley) Talk in the Park (by Frank Gibbons) Talk Show (by Gary Diamond) Talking in the Library (by Jackie Carreira) Talky Bits, The (by TLC Creative) Taming of the Shrew [60-minute abridgement], The (by Shakespeare, abridged Jack Shaw) Tangled Web, A (by Donna Brightwell) Tantalising Christmas, A (by Andrew Weaver) Tap Tap (by Bill Tordoff) Tea With Mrs Pankhurst (by Ruth Urquhart & James Douglas) Teach (by David Dunn) Team Building (by Liz Dobson) Ted (by Steven Stack) Teenage Christmas Carol, A (by Richard James) Teething Troubles (by Phil Birkett) Telling It (by Annie Connell) Tell-Tale Heart, The (by Edgar Allan Poe adapted Gerald P. Murphy) Tempest [60-minute abridgement], The (by Shakespeare, abridged Jack Shaw) Tempest, The (by Geoff Bamber) Tempting Fête! (by Alan Robinson) Ten Minutes Left (by Bart Meehan) Ten Sixty Six... Ish (by David Dean) Terminal 1 (by Dave Payne) Territorial Actors (by tlc Creative) Terror of the Crown, The (by C.J. Jenkins) Terrorist, The (by Graham Jones) Tete-A-Tete (by Paul Bovino) Thanks Mum (and Thomas Hardy) (by Jonathan Edgington) Thar's Gold in Them Hills (by Gerald P. Murphy) That Goal (by Stan Duncan) That Sinking Feeling (by David Dean) That's Amore (by Arnold Kane) That's the Spirit (by Caroline Spencer) That's the Spirit (by Eileen Clark) Theatrical Dead, The (by Bart Meehan) Them (by Bob Tucker) Therapist Unleashed, A (by Barry Lambert and Amy Randall) Therapy (by George J. Bryjak) There's Always Time For Dancing (by Helen Boyce) There's More to Love than Dog Meets Bitch (by Rupert Haigh) There's No Place Like Home (by Peter Harrison) There's No Place Like Rome (by Mark Jack) There's One in Every Show (by George Douglas Lee) There's Something about Bernard (by Richard James) There's Something Under the Bed (by Andy Johnson) Thesaurians (by Graham Jones) These Are The Days (by Shari Gledhill) Theseus - The Journey To Athens (by Nicholas Richards) Theseus - The Maze and the Minotaur (by Nicholas Richards) Theseus and the Minotaur (by Tony North) Thesps (by Nigel Holloway) They Called Her Tante Anna (by Elisabeth Marrion) They Do And They Don't (by George Freek) Thick and Thin (by Johnny Grim) Thing She Left Behind, The (by Tracey Vanessa Brown) Things We Should Have Said Today (by Pete Barrett) Third Miracle, The (by Howard Lipson) Thirty Minute As You Like It, A (by Shakespeare, abridged Bill Tordoff) Thirty Minute Comedy of Errors, A (by Shakespeare, abridged Bill Tordoff) Thirty Minute Merchant, A (by Shakespeare, abridged Bill Tordoff) Thirty Minute Twelfth Night, A (by Shakespeare, abridged Bill Tordoff) Thirty-Minute Dream, A (by Shakespeare, abridged Bill Tordoff) Thirty-Minute Hamlet, A (by Shakespeare, abridged Bill Tordoff) Thirty-Minute Julius Caesar, A (by Shakespeare, abridged Bill Tordoff) Thirty-Minute Macbeth, A (by Shakespeare, abridged Bill Tordoff) Thirty-Minute Measure for Measure, A (by Shakespeare, abridged Bill Tordoff) Thirty-Minute Much Ado, A (by Shakespeare, abridged Bill Tordoff) Thirty-Minute Romeo and Juliet, A (by Shakespeare, abridged Bill Tordoff) Thirty-Minute Taming of the Shrew, A (by Shakespeare, abridged Bill Tordoff) Thirty-Minute Tempest, A (by Shakespeare, abridged Bill Tordoff) This Is A Lockdown (by Louise Wade) Thor And The Stone Of Destiny (by Owen Lightburn) Thorn (by Kent Mick) Thor's Hammer (by Roger Hurn) Thousand Words Speak A Picture, A (by Lynda Bray) Three Across (by Gill Medway) Three Bells Inn, The (by Richard Hills) Three Billy Goats Cyber (by Richard L. Sanders) Three Canterbury Tales (by Richard James) Three Characters in Search of a Verdict (by Sue Gordon) Three Goats Gruff, The (by Ann Taylor) Three Little Pigs, The (by Trevor Darwin) Three Little Pigs... I Mean The Three Little Hogs, The (by Larry Brumer) Three Little Words (by Jamesine Cundell Walker) Three Musketeers (by James Barry) Three Musketeers [Panto], The (by Hilary Mackelden) Three Musketeers [Play], The (by Karen Letts) Three Nil Down at Half Time (by Jonathan Edgington) Three O'Clock Bun (by Geoff Bamber) Three Sons (by Damian Trasler) Three Wise 'Men', The (by Croft & Barnett) Three Wishes, The (by Gerald P. Murphy) Three Women and Shakespeare's Will (by Joan Greening) Three's Company (by Lorraine Forrest-Turner) Throw of the Dice, A (by Ben Alexander) Thrusting Edifice (by Susie Casson) Thursday Night Ladies' Club, The (by John Ford) Tiddley Pum (by Frances Bartram) Tide is Coming In, The (by Michael C. Appleby) Tidy That Room (by Raymond Blakesley) Tiger, Tiger (by Geoff Bamber) Tilapia (by Rosemary Frisino Toohey) Time and Chance (by Audrey Lee) Time for Farewells, A (by Damian Trasler) Time Telescope (by Kitty Harper) Time To Go (by Charles Dennison) Time to Leave (by Jackie Fitton) Time To Move (by Iris Winston) Time Travel Agent (by Tony Domaille) Time Will Tell (by Jamie Hope) Tin Cup, The (by Geoff Bamber) Tinkling on the Piano (by Frank Gibbons) Tinmaster's Tale, The (by Mike Sparks) Tiny House (by John Passadino) Tissues and Wine (by Johnny Grim) Titanic, The (by Sue Russell) To Be Hamlet (by Olivia Arieti) To Hell With The Housework (by Cheryl Barrett) To Kill a Blackmailer (by Ian McCutcheon) To Know When My Time Will Come (by Tony Frier) To My Roommate (by Erica Glenn) To Shut The Mouth Of Lions (by Dave Clark) to Z The Universe In Me, A (by Michal Y Noah) Toad Society, The (by John Waterhouse) Toil and Trouble (by Karina Fernandez) Toll Of Bells, A (by Patricia Gay) Tom and Huck (by Steven Bergman) Tomboy (by Stuart Smithers) Tommy's Burglar (by Rob Burbidge) Tom-Tom (by John Peel) Tony and Bee-ing Cleopatra (by Fiona Scott Patrick) Too Hot to Handle (by Gill Medway) Too Many Crooks (by Mike Warrick) Too Many Fish (by Alison Smith) Too Mean To Be Green (by Lynda Bray) Too Naughty Cinderella, A (by Olivia Arieti) Tooling Around (by Gene Washington) Tooth Fairy, The (by Anthony Deacon) Tour In The Vaults, A (by Olivia Arieti) Tourney (by Paul Gisby) Towards the Light (by Judith Ezekiel) Towser's Table (by Pete Benson) Toxic (by Chris Hicks) Toys in Pieces - The T I P (by Philip Bird (music Isabelle Michalakis)) Traffic Stop (by Herb Hasler) Traffic Warden, The (by TLC Creative) Tragedie of Macbreth, The (by Robert Hunter Allan) Tragic Tale of Unintentional Deception, A (by Jessica Sandys-Clarke) Train Ride Away, A (by Frank Gibbons) Traitors, Cads & Cowards (by Martin McNamara) Tramp Business (by Olivia Arieti) Transfusion (by Daniel Taylor-Brown) Transplants (by Ray Lawrence) Trapped (by Ian Cowell) Trapped In The Web (by Cheryl Barrett) Trawling (by Tony Benge) Treasure Island - The Panto (by Phoenix Writers' Group) Treasure Island (by Tina & Robert Burbidge) Treasure Island [Version 2] (by Adrian Barradell & Gareth Preston) Treasure Island [Version 3] (by Bob Heather and Cheryl Barrett) Treasure Island [Version 4] (by David Griffin-Stephens) Treasure Island [Version 5] (by Lou Treleaven) Treasure Island Discs (by Hugh Smith) Treasure of Adrian Caesar, The (by Marcus Grollman) Tree Audition (by Hugh Smith) Tremayne's Folly (by John Garforth) Tresses (by Peter Harrison) Tribes United (by Richard Morris) Trick Or Treat [One-Act Play] (by Ron Asher) Trick Or Treat? [Sketch] (by Karen Fitzsimmons) Tricksilver (by Rob Burbidge) Trifle Unwell, A (by Jane Lockyer Willis) Trinity Road School Reunion (by Dawn Cairns) Trip to the Beach, A (by Sarah Cowan) Trip, The (by Jonathan Caldicot) Triple Negative (by Herb Hasler) Trophy, The (by Frank Gibbons) Trouble 07 - Licensed to Panto! (by Andrew Yates) Trouble at Inverbraw (by Alan J. Laing) Trouble in Pantoland (by Sharon Hulm) Trouble in Troy! (by Mark Ash) Trouble With Freddy (by Joseph A. Jones) Troublesome People (by Jill Haas) Troy Story (by Graham Milton) Truant (by Gill Medway) True Reflection (by Peter Stallard) True Story of Richard Whittington Esq., The (by Geoff Bamber) Trumpet Major, The (by Thomas Hardy (adapted Peter John Cooper)) Trumpeter, The (by Ray Lawrence) Trussed (by JPS Yates) Truth and Reconciliation (by Cassandra Newman) Truth Fairies, The (by Sally Kinnell) Truth Will Out (by Lin Robinson) Try To Get It On Like Once Before (by Kirsty Walker) Tsunami (by Peter Harrison) Tudor Times, The (by Richard Morris) Tudors Rich and Poor - Assembly (by Sue Russell) Tudors Rich and Poor - Mini-Plays (by Sue Russell) Tudors, The (by Andrew Yates) T'um Fu Society Demonstration (by Jack Burgess) Tumor (by Herb Hasler) Tumultus (by Nicholas Richards) Turing Test, The (by Stuart Ardern) Turning The Tables (by Bob Hartwell) TV With Just One Button, A (by Ray Lawrence) Twa Sisters, The (by Tom Guest) Twelfth Night [60-minute abridgement] (by Shakespeare, abridged Jack Shaw) Twelve Labours Exchange, The (by Tony Domaille) Twelve Months, The (by Tony Best, adapted from Antonia Barber) Twelve Odd Passengers (by Olivia Arieti) Twist (by Geoff Bamber) Twitch In Time, A (by Horry Parsons) Twixt Heaven and Hell (by Jack Burgess) Two (by Stephen O'Sullivan) Two Aside (by Paul Bovino) Two Authors (by Damian Trasler) Two Barmen (by Damian Trasler & David Lovesy) Two Big Nipple Tassels, 88 (by Charlotte Court) Two Cops (by tlc Creative) Two Farmers (by Damian Trasler & David Lovesy) Two For The Price Of One (by John Peel) Two Gentlemen of Verona (by Geoff Bamber) Two Grunts For Yes (by Jessica McHugh) Two Igors, The (by David Lovesy) Two Left Feet (by Gill Medway) Two Surgeons (by Damian Trasler & Steve Clark) Two Weddings and a Conference (by Karen Doling) Tyndale's Nativity (by Paul Cockcroft) UFO Hotline (by John Passadino) Ugly Duckling (by Ann Taylor) Ugly Duckling, The (by Peter Bond) Ulysses and the Dogman (by Gerald P. Murphy) Unbitten (by Caroline Spencer) Uncomfortable Announcer, The (by Damian Trasler) Under the Hood (by Damian Trasler) Undercover Boss (by Hugh Smith) Underground (by Jon Boustead) Underneath At Archie's (by Robert Black) Unearthed (by Alan Robinson) Uneven Surfaces (by Gill Medway) Unexpected Duty, An (by Robin Wilson) Universal Sorrow, A (by Graham J Evans) Unlikely Event, An (by James Harvey) Unrelated Women (by Daniel M. Wolpe) Until Death Do Us Part (by Catherine Hurd) up & down (by Rob Ricards) Up the Garden Path (by Barry Blaize) Up, Up and Away (by John Peel) Upgrades (by tlc Creative) Ups and Downs of Father Jack, The (by Frank Gibbons) Ups And Downs Of Rise And Shine, The (by Clive Carthew) Urban Hymns (by Keith Badham) Utopian Rhapsody (by Howard Lipson) V For Valentine (by Olivia Arieti) Vacuuming Sketch, The (by Damian Trasler) Vamping It Up (by Jonathan Edgington) Vampire Play, A (by Graham Jones) Van Rental (by Hilary Mackelden) Vanity of Dorian Gray, The (by Valerie Goodwin) Varadachary The Dadaist (by Vithal Rajan) Varadachary's Annotated Chess Masterpieces (by Vithal Rajan) Variations (by Peter Appleton) Vectors of Power (by Geoff Bamber) Ventriloquist's Tale, A (by Ray Lawrence) Very Busy Stable, The (by Juliet Devon) Very Modern Wedding, A (by John Peel) Very Roman Family - 235 AD, A (by Roger Hodge) Victorian Street Scene, A (by Roger Hurn) Victorians, The (by Andrew Yates) Victory of the Revolution, The (by Vithal Rajan) View from the Prom (by Neville Judson) Vikings - Class Play, The (by Sue Russell) Vikings, The (by Andrew Yates) Villains (by Shari Gledhill) Viral Tune Life Form (by Damian Trasler & David Lovesy) Vision Impaired (by Richard James) Visitor, The (by Dean Laccohee) Visitors (by Heather Bryant) Voice of a Flea (by Gill Medway) Voices (by Peter Harrison) Voices On And Off (by Pat Edwards) Volunteers (by Hilary Mackelden) W.I. Blues, The (by John Peel) W.I., The (by Liz Dobson) Wait... What? (by Ted Evans) Waiting For God... Only Knows What (by Anna Russon and Mike Collins) Waiting for Mr G (by Bob Hammond) Waiting for Pandora (by Geoff Bamber) Waiting for the Unicorns (by Gill Medway) Waiting for Twist Stiffly (by Damian Trasler) Waiting in Soho (by Christopher Morgan) Waiting Room, The (by John Waterhouse) Wake All Night, A (by Mike Warrick) Wakefields at War, The (by Tom Mather) Walk on the Wild Side, A (by Cheryl Barrett) War Prayer (by Mark Twain adapted by Gerald P. Murphy) War Time, The (by Seán Lang) Warm Crayons (by Ashley Harris) Warm, Hot, Getting Hotter (by Lou Treleaven) Was Blind But Now I See (by Howard Lipson) Watch This Space [Comedy Play] (by Karrena Dewhurst) Watch This Space [Pantomime] (by tlc Creative) Watch This Space Too (by Leo Finn) Watch Your Back (by Liz Dobson) Water Under The Bridge (by Trevor Suthers) Water's Edge, The (by Michael Lill) Waterspout Hero (by Raymond Blakesley) Watt's Cooking (by Raymond Blakesley) Way Off Course (by Barry Lambert) Way To A Man's Heart, The (by David Weir) We All Make Plans, Don't We? (by George Freek) We Are Not Amused (by Richard Morris) We Are The Cure (by Trevor Suthers) We Don’t Like To Be Beside The Seaside (by John Peel) We Have Character (by Sherrill S. Cannon & Kerry E. Gallagher) We Have To Talk (by Don Lowry) We Interrupt This Revolution (by Damian Trasler) We Love Barney (by Joseph A. Jones) Weakest Pupil, The (by Nicholas Richards) Wedding Day (by John F. Glen) Wedding Party (by Caroline Spencer) Weekend (by Jane Ayres) Weekend In The Country, A (by Peter Ayre) Weir of Hermiston (by David McVey from Robert Louis Stevenson) Welcome Home (by Roger Lee) Welcome to Paradise Road (by Brian Coyle) Well Organised Rehearsal, A (by TLC Creative) Well Well Well (by Bill Tordoff) Well-Read (by Keith Badham) We're All Dead (by Jonathan Edgington) Westerfield at War (by Marcus Grollman) What A Performance! (by Trevor Suthers) What a Tangled Web We Weave (by Cheryl Barrett) What A Way To Go! (by Robert Black) What Are The Odds? (by Gerald P. Murphy) What Becomes of the Broken Hearted? (by Cheryl Barrett) What Did You Do In The War? (by Richard Morris) What Goes Around... (by Vicki Lloyd) What If It's True? (by Peter Marshall and Mark Seaman) What Manner of Man (by Mike Smith) What The Dickens! (by Andrew Yates) Whatever Happened To Old Miss Weere (by Richard Hills) What's in a Name? (by Cheryl Barrett) What's The Time, Virginia Woolf? (by Doc Watson) What's Up, Icarus? (by Geoff Bamber) Whatta Nut! (by Ethan Bortman) Wheels (by Chloe C.D.) When All Around You (by Tony Domaille) When Darkness Falls (by Sam Simkin) When Fairy Tales Collide (by Charles Alverson) When Life Hands You Lemons (by Kate Phimy) When Rob Met Artie (by Richard Crawley) When the Cherry Blossoms Bloom (by Steven A. Shapiro) When The Hurly-Burly's Done (by Gill Medway) When We Were Young (by Allan Williams) When You Wish Upon a Star... Fish (by Sherrill S. Cannon & Kerry E. Gallagher) Where Babies Come From (by Tony Domaille) Where Have You Been? (by Steve Menary) Where Is The Moon (by Charles Eades) Where the Brass Bands Play (by Geoff Bamber) Where There's A Will... (by Alan Tibbles) Where There's Blame (by John Chambers) Where's George (by Gary Diamond & Ray Lawrence) Where's Nigel (by Jim Pinnock) Which Witch? (by Geoff Bamber) While You Were Gone (by Catherine Gourdie) White Knight (by P. B. Stenson) White Lies (by Richard James) White Rock (by Martin Ward) White Spirit (by Lucy Turmaine) Whittington and his Crazy Cat (by Richard Coleman) Whiz Kids (by Geoff Motley) Who Ate All the Pies? (by Geoff Parker) Who Did You Say You Were? (by Giles Scott) Who Framed the Easter Bunny? (by Warren McWilliams) Who Killed Cock Robin? (by Sue Gordon) Who Said It Was Easy? (by Robin Wilson) Who The Devil Did It? (by Carol Hill and Anna Heppner) Who wants to be a Millipede? (by Sue Gordon) Who Was That (by Charlie Cook) Whole New World, A (by Rebecca Grabill) Whore's Tale, The (by Archie Wilson) Who's Hamlet (by George Freek) Whose Baby? (by John Collings) Why Homo Erectus Died Out (by Tony Best) Wicked Witch & The Magic Shop, The (by William Arnold Ashbrook) Wicked Witches Of Oz, The (by Peter Nuttall) Widow's Tale - The Story of Ruth, A (by Tim Crooks) Wild at Art (by Cheryl Barrett) Wild Bill's Swan Song (by Craig Sandeman) Wild Goose (by Barry Lambert) Wild Ride (by Herb Hasler) Wild Wolves of Wyoming, The (by Gerald P. Murphy) Wilfred and Len (by Stephen Mercer) Will at the Tower (by Pete Hartley) Willow Tree, The (by Geoff Bamber) Will's Women (by Louise Wade) Willy Wonga (by Connie Scott) Wilma Tell - The Swiss Miss (by Geoff Bamber) Wind in the Willows - Or A Toad in a Hole (by Lee Baddock & Chris Kirby) Windfall, The (by Barry Lambert) Windmills and Millstones (by Louise Wade) Window Pain (by Patricia Gay) Windy Hollow (by Ian McCutcheon) Wine Tasting, The (by Ronnie Dykstra) Winter Tails (by Jackie Carreira) Winter's Tale [60-minute abridgement], The (by Shakespeare, abridged Jack Shaw) Wiser Miser, A (by Giles Scott) Wish You Were Here? (by John Garforth) Witch Hunt (by Stuart Ardern) Witch/Ghost (by Giles Black) Witchwood (by Mark Rudd) With Friends Like These... (by Pat Baker) With Garibaldi In Rome (by Peter Parkinson) Within Required Parameters (by Kelly Read) Without Trace (by Mark Seaman) Wizard of Oz [Version 2], The (by Adrian Barradell) Wizard of Oz [Version 3], The (by J. Thaddeus Chesher) Wizard of Oz, The (by James Barry) Wizard that Was, The (by Anne Bourke) Wolf 'n the Hood (by George Douglas Lee) Wolf Who Cried Boy, The (by George Douglas Lee) Wolfbane! (by George Douglas Lee) Wolfgang (by Vithal Rajan) Wonder Wall (by Cheryl Barrett) Wonderful World of the Weather, The (by Sherrill S. Cannon & Kerry E. Gallagher) Wonders Of Science, The (by David Lovesy) Wood (by Pete Benson) Woofer and The Flagger, The (by Ethan Bortman) Wooing Of Isabella, The (by Natasha Marie Eyre) Word Up (by Cheryl Barrett) Word with my Client, A (by Barry Lambert) Wordsworth's Harem (by Joan Greening) Work Experience (by Peter Harrison) Work in Progress (by Damian Trasler) Working for the Great Novelist (by Damian Trasler) Working It Out (by Cheryl Barrett) Working Man (by Peter Nuttall) World According to Oscar, The (by Bob Hammond) World Turned Upside Down, The (by Bill Tordoff) Worst Day of My Life, The (by Margaret Histed) Worth A Fortune (by Frances A. Lewis) Wound, The (by Graham Jones) Wow Factor, The (by Jonathan Edgington) Write About What You Know (by Paul Gisby) Writer, The (by Garry R. Keane) Writes And Wrongs (by Andy Taylor) Wrong Ladder, The (by Jim Pinnock) Wrong Pantomime, The (by Richard Coleman) Wrong Regulator, The (by Barry Lambert) Wuthering Heights (by Gerald P. Murphy) X-Traordinary Factor (by Gary Diamond) Yard Sale (by Michael Paul) Yards Apart (by Mary Stone) Yes Dear (by Jos Biggs) Yes, but how was the play, Mrs Lincoln? (by Damian Trasler) Yo Ho Ho! (A Pirate Christmas) (by Sue Gordon) You And Me Makes Three (by Mark Seaman) You Are What You Eat (by Hugh Smith) You Butterfly (by Steve Eddison) You Can't Be Serious! (by Nicholas Richards) You Can't Take It With You (by Cheryl Barrett) You Have Reached Your Destination (by Tony Best) You Just Never Know (by Liz Dobson) You See It All On The Radio! (by Jilly McNeil) You Should Have Told Me (by Iris Winston) You Will Go No More A-Haunting (by Ray Lawrence) You Won't Know I'm Here (by Dawn Cairns) You'll Suit Just Fine [One-Act Version] (by Cheryl Barrett) You'll Suit Just Fine [Short Version] (by Cheryl Barrett) Young Tommy Atkins (by Jon Tilley) Your Deal (by Henry P. Gravelle) Your Mother's an Alien (by David Dunn) Your Play or Mine? (by Barry Lambert) You're A Robot, Miss Jones? (by Jim Hollingsworth) You're Not Wearing That (by Steve Menary) Zechariah And Elizabeth (by Richard Cowling) Zing Zang (by Lynn Snyder) Zoo (by Terry Adlam) Zoocatraz (by David Lovesy) Zum Speisen mit der Langewörtergesellschaft (by Nicholas Richards)