Lazy Bee Scripts
Browse Music CDs and MP3s

The recordings presented here are optional extras to accompany some of the scripts on this site.   Each recording is designed for a specific script.
This is particularly pertinent to pantomimes, where we may have multiple versions of a particular title but each CD belongs to a particular version.

Recordings of Scripts 111 to 120 of 170
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One in the Eye by Bill Siviter with Lea Anderson
Rehearsal CDRehearsal CD with ptiano accompaniment and another instrument playing the vocal track for each of the six songs (plus reprise) from One in the Eye - Music by Lea Anderson (to accompany Bill Siviter's Words).
Track List

The Panto of the Opera by Stuart Ardern
Backing CDCD with orchestrated accompaniment for each of the 12 songs from The Panto of the Opera by Stuart Ardern, plus rehearsal tracks for the songs with vocal harmonies, and a set of instrumentals for dances and incidental music.
Track List

Pantostein by TLC Creative
Backing CDRecording by
Backing Tracks for the five songs from Pantostein by TLC Creative. (Some of the tracks are presented in two versions, with and without an instrument playing the vocal line - the 'with' version may be easier for rehearsal.)
Track List

The Parrots Of Penzance by Andrew Yates
Mixed MP3Zip file of MP3 tracks for two of the songs from The Parrots of Penzance by Andrew Yates. (The tracks are proferred in three versions - backing, backing with melody and vocal demo.)
Track List

Perseus - A Hero's Headhunt by Nicholas Richards
Mixed MP3Zip file containing a backing track, a backing track with an instrument playing the vocal line and a vocal demo for each of the two songs from Perseus - A Hero's Headhunt by Nicholas Richards.
Track List

Perseus and Medusa - It's All Greek to Me! by Jessica Puller and Tyler Beattie
Rehearsal CDRehearsal CD for Perseus and Medusa - It's All Greek to Me by Jessica Puller and Tyler Beattie. Simple piano accompaniment for the six songs, with another instrument playing the melody line.
Track List

Perseus and Medusa - The Musical by Gerald P. Murphy
Rehearsal CDCD with vocal line (played on an instrument) plus basic piano accompanyment for all the songs from 'Perseus and Medusa - the Musical' by Gerald P. Murphy.
Track List
Rehearsal MP3Zip file containing rehearsal tracks with vocal line (played on an instrument) plus basic piano accompanyment for all the songs from 'Perseus and Medusa - the Musical' by Gerald P. Murphy.
Track List

Phantomime by Jonathan Goodson
Mixed MP3Vocal Demo and rehearsal track (piano with vocal line played on another instrument) for 'Crystal Shallows', the original song from 'Phantomime' by Jonathan Goodson.
Track List

The Pied Piper and the Tail of the Rat King by Peter Nuttall
Unknown recording typeZip file containing two MP3 rehearsal tracks for 'The Pied Piper and the Tail of the Rat King' by Peter Nuttall. The tracks are backing tracks with piano playing the keyboard part and another instrument playing the vocal line.
Track List

The Pirate Queen by Tim O'Brien
Rehearsal CDRehearsal Tracks for the 6 songs (plus reprise) from 'The Pirate Queen' by Tim O'Brien. (The tracks are instrumentals, with additional instruments playing the vocal lines.) Bonus of two sound effects and one alternative rehearsal track.
Track List

Recordings of Scripts 111 to 120 of 170
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