Lazy Bee Scripts
Browse Music CDs and MP3s

The recordings presented here are optional extras to accompany some of the scripts on this site.   Each recording is designed for a specific script.
This is particularly pertinent to pantomimes, where we may have multiple versions of a particular title but each CD belongs to a particular version.

Recordings of Scripts 161 to 167 of 167
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Who The Devil Did It? by Carol Hill and Anna Heppner
Rehearsal CDCD with vocal line (played on an instrument) plus basic piano accompanyment for the seven songs (plus 10 short incidental pieces) from 'Who The Devil Did It' by Carol Hill and Anna Heppner.
Track List

The Wicked Witch & The Magic Shop by William Arnold Ashbrook
Vocal CDCD with rough vocal demos for the 11 songs (omitting the reprises) from The Wicked Witch & The Magic Shop by William Arnold Ashbrook.
Track List

Will at the Tower by Pete Hartley
Rehearsal CDRehearsal tracks - with accompaniment plus melody lines played on separate instruments - for Rick Hartley's songs from 'Will at the Tower' by Peter Hartley. (There are five basic songs and multiple reprises in various forms!)
Track List

The Wolf Who Cried Boy by George Douglas Lee
Rehearsal CDRehearsal CD, with piano accompaniment and another instrument taking the vocal lines, for the 8 songs from The Wolf Who Cried Boy by George Douglas Lee.
Track List

Wolfbane! by George Douglas Lee
Mixed CDCD with overture and 9 vocal tracks plus the same tracks played on piano with another instrument playing the lead line(s) for the purposes of rehearsal.
Track List

Working Man by Peter Nuttall
Backing CDBacking tracks for the opening instrumental and six songs from Working Man by Peter Nuttall.
Track List
Vocal CDOpening instrumental and vocal demo tracks for the six songs from Working Man by Peter Nuttall.
Track List

The World Turned Upside Down by Bill Tordoff
Midi FilesRecording by Stuart Ardern
Zip file containing two midi files (vocal line plus treble and base piano parts) for 'The World Turned Upside Down' by Bill Tordoff. (The songs are 'La Marseillaise' and a version of 'It's the same the whole world over'.)
Track List

Yo Ho Ho! (A Pirate Christmas) by Sue Gordon
Backing CDRecording by Dave Watt
High quality backing tracks for the 5 songs for Yo Ho Ho (A Pirate Christmas). (Recording by Dave Watt of the Musical by Sue Gordon.)
Track List
Vocal CDRecording by Dave Watt
Vocal tracks for the 5 songs for Yo Ho Ho (A Pirate Christmas) by Sue Gordon. (Arrangements by Dave Watt, vocals by Jonny Ardern, Leanne Cooper and Stuart Ardern. Recordings by Dave Watt and Jonny Ardern.)
Track List
Backing MP3Recording by Dave Watt
High quality MP3 backing tracks for the 5 songs for Yo Ho Ho (A Pirate Christmas). (Recording by Dave Watt of the Musical by Sue Gordon.)
Track List
Vocal MP3Recording by Dave Watt
Vocal MP3 tracks for the 5 songs for Yo Ho Ho (A Pirate Christmas) by Sue Gordon. (Arrangements by Dave Watt, vocals by Jonny Ardern, Leanne Cooper and Stuart Ardern. Recordings by Dave Watt and Jonny Ardern.)
Track List

Zechariah And Elizabeth by Richard Cowling
Rehearsal CDCD of the 13 tracks from Zechariah and Elizabeth by Richard Cowling. Keyboard backing with the vocal lines played on other instruments.
Track List

Recordings of Scripts 161 to 167 of 167
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