The recordings presented here are optional extras to accompany some of the scripts on this site.
Each recording is designed for a specific script.
This is particularly pertinent to pantomimes, where we may have multiple versions of a particular title
but each CD belongs to a particular version.
Theseus - The Journey To Athens by Nicholas Richards |
Mixed MP3 | MP3 files for the Song for 'Theseus - the Journey to Athens' by Nicholas Richards. (Three versions of the song - with vocals, backing plus melody line and backing.) Track List |
Theseus - The Maze and the Minotaur by Nicholas Richards |
Mixed MP3 | MP3 files for the Dance of the Cranes and the closing song for Theseus - the Maze and the Minotaur by Nicholas Richards. (Three versions of the song - with vocals, backing plus melody line and backing.) Track List |
Thesps by Nigel Holloway |
Midi Files | A set of 13 Midi files to accompany 'Thesps' by Nigel Holloway. The plot of the show requires a set of midi files, some of which have been deliberately sabotaged. (So this set includes files which are deliberately bad!) Track List |
Three Musketeers by James Barry |
Backing MP3 | Backing Tracks by Stuart Ardern for the three songs (one of which is reprised) from Three Musketeers by James Barry. Track List |
Toys in Pieces - The T I P by Philip Bird (music Isabelle Michalakis) |
Rehearsal MP3 | Recording by Isabelle Michalakis ZIP file containing MP3 tracks for the three songs from 'Toys in Pieces'. (The files are piano backing tracks, without any vocals.) Track List |
The Tudors by Andrew Yates |
Unknown recording type | CD of the five songs from 'The Tudors' by Adrew Yates. Each song appears in two versions: a backing track and a backing track with a lead instrument playing the vocal line. Track List |
The Victorians by Andrew Yates |
Backing CD | Backing CD (accompaniment, no vocals!) for the seven songs from The Victorians by Andrew Yates. Track List |
The Vikings by Andrew Yates |
Backing CD | Backing tracks plus backing tracks with lead melody line for 5 of the 6 suggested songs from The Vikings by Andrew Yates. (The 6th song is a pop song for which a Karaoke track would suit better than Andrew's arrangements!) Track List |
Vocal MP3 | Vocal Demo tracks for the 5 songs from The Vikings by Andrew Yates Track List |
Vocal CD | Vocal Demo tracks for the 5 songs from The Vikings by Andrew Yates Track List |
Backing MP3 | Zip file of backing tracks plus backing tracks with lead melody line for 5 of the 6 suggested songs from The Vikings by Andrew Yates. (The 6th song is a pop song for which a Karaoke track would suit better than Andrew's arrangements!) Track List |
What If It's True? by Peter Marshall and Mark Seaman |
Vocal CD | Recording by Peter Marshall Recordings by Peter Marshall of the eleven songs from 'What If It's True' by Mark Seaman and Peter Marshall. Track List |
What The Dickens! by Andrew Yates |
Backing CD | Backing Tracks plus Backing Tracks with melody for the 9 songs from 'What The Dickens' by Andrew Yates Track List |