The recordings presented here are optional extras to accompany some of the scripts on this site.
Each recording is designed for a specific script.
This is particularly pertinent to pantomimes, where we may have multiple versions of a particular title
but each CD belongs to a particular version.
The Billy Goats Gruff by Sharon Stace-Smith |
Rehearsal CD | Rehearsal tracks - simple accompaniment with an instrument playing the vocal line - for the overture and 14 songs from The Billy Goats Gruff by Sharon Stace-Smith Track List |
Blackmailing Butterflies by Nigel Holloway |
Rehearsal MP3 | Zip file containing simple melody and accompaniment MP3 files to two songs from 'Blackmailing Butterflies' by Nigel Holloway. (The other songs in the show are either reprises of these two or are sung unaccompanied.) Track List |
Blond by Rob Wellington |
Rehearsal CD | CD with piano accompaniment and different instruments playing the vocal lines for all the songs from Blond by Rob Wellington. Track List |
Bodyworks by Andrew Yates |
Vocal CD | Vocal recording of the five songs from 'Bodyworks' - an educational musical by Andrew Yates. Track List |
Backing CD | Backing tracks for the five songs from 'Bodyworks' - an educational musical by Andrew Yates. Track List |
Bottoms Up! by Rob Wellington |
Rehearsal CD | Rehearsal CD (with simple accompaniment and an instrument playing the vocal line) for the two instrumentals and thirteen songs from 'Bottoms Up!' by Rob Wellington Track List |
A Brief History Of The United States by Andrew Yates |
Mixed CD | Eight Backing tracks, and the corresponding Backing tracks with melody line and Vocal demo tracks for the songs from A Brief History of the United States by Andrew Yates Track List |
Bullies by Gerald P. Murphy |
Rehearsal CD | CD with vocal line (played on an instrument) plus basic piano accompanyment for all the songs from Bullies by Gerald P. Murphy. Track List |
The Bullies at Sam's Café by Stuart Ardern |
Rehearsal MP3 | ZIP file containing MP3 tracks for the two songs from 'The Bullies at Sam's Cafe'. (The files are backing tracks, without any vocals.) Track List |
Vocal MP3 | ZIP file containing vocal demo MP3 tracks for the two songs from 'The Bullies at Sam's Cafe' by Stuart Ardern. Track List |
Mixed CD | Rehearsal tracks - simple accompaniment with an instrument playing the vocal line - plus vocal demo tracks for the two songs from The Bullies at Sam's Café by Stuart Ardern. Track List |
Caesar and the Pirates [Full Version] by Nicholas Richards and Timothy Hallett |
Mixed CD | Vocal recording for five tracks and six rehearsal tracks (accompaniment with an instrument playing the vocal line) for the songs from Caesar and the Pirates [Full Version]. Track List |
Caesar and the Pirates [Short Version] by Nicholas Richards and Timothy Hallett |
Mixed CD | Vocal recording for five tracks and six rehearsal tracks (accompaniment with an instrument playing the vocal line) for the songs from Caesar and the Pirates [Short Version]. Track List |